12,741 research outputs found

    Edge Electron Gas

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    The uniform electron gas, the traditional starting point for density-based many-body theories of inhomogeneous systems, is inappropriate near electronic edges. In its place we put forward the appropriate concept of the edge electron gas.Comment: 4 pages RevTex with 7 ps-figures included. Minor changes in title,text and figure

    Resistivity and optical conductivity of cuprates within the t-J model

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    The optical conductivity σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) and the d.c. resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T) within the extended t-J model on a square lattice, as relevant to high-TcT_c cuprates, are reinvestigated using the exact-diagonalization method for small systems, improved by performing a twisted boundary condition averaging. The influence of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping tt' is also considered. The behaviour of results at intermediate doping is consistent with a marginal-Fermi-liquid scenario and in the case of t=0t'=0 for ω>T\omega>T follows the power law σων\sigma \propto \omega^{-\nu} with ν0.65\nu \sim 0.65 consistent with experiments. At low doping ch<0.1c_h<0.1 for T<JT<J σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) develops a shoulder at ωω\omega\sim \omega^*, consistent with the observed mid-infrared peak in experiments, accompanied by a shallow dip for ω<ω\omega < \omega^*. This region is characterized by the resistivity saturation, whereas a more coherent transport appears at T<TT < T^* producing a more pronounced decrease in ρ(T)\rho(T). The behavior of the normalized resistivity chρ(T)c_h \rho(T) is within a factor of 2 quantitatively consistent with experiments in cuprates.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Theory of the Stark Effect for P donors in Si

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    We develop a multi-valley effective mass theory for substitutional donors in silicon in an inhomogeneous environment. Valley-orbit coupling is treated perturbatively. We apply the theory to the Stark effect in Si:P. The method becomes more accurate at high fields, and it is designed to give correct experimental binding energies at zero field. Unexpectedly, the ground state energy for the donor electron is found to increase with electric field as a consequence of spectrum narrowing of the 1s manifold. Our results are of particular importance for the Kane quantum computer.Comment: published versio

    A unified approach to nonlinearity, structural change and outliers

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    This paper demonstrates that the class of conditionally linear and Gaussianstate-space models offers a general and convenient framework for simultaneouslyhandling nonlinearity, structural change and outliers in time series. Manypopular nonlinear time series models, including threshold, smooth transitionand Markov-Switching models, can be written in state-space form. It is thenstraightforward to add components that capture parameter instability andintervention effects. We advocate a Bayesian approach to estimation andinference, using an efficient implementation of Markov Chain Monte Carlosampling schemes for such linear dynamic mixture models. The general modellingframework and the Bayesian methodology are illustrated by means of severalexamples. An application to quarterly industrial production growth rates forthe G7 countries demonstrates the empirical usefulness of the approach.Bayesian inference;threshold models;Markov-switching models;business cycle asymmetry;state-space models

    Lattice deformations at martensite-martensite interfaces in Ni-Al

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    The atomic configurations at macrotwin interfaces between microtwinned martensite plates in Ni65Al35Ni_{65}Al_{35} material are investigated using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The observed structures are interpreted in view of possible formation mechanisms of these interfaces. A distinction is made between cases in which the microtwins, originating from mutually perpendicular \{110\} austenite planes, enclose a final angle larger or smaller than 9090^{\circ}, measured over the boundary. Two different configurations, one with crossing microtwins and the other with ending microtwins producing a step configuration are described. The latter is related with the existence of microtwin sequences with changing variant widths. Although both features appear irrespective of the material’s preparation technique, rapid solidification seems to prefer the step configuration. Depending on the actual case, tapering, bending and tip splitting of the small microtwin variants is observed. Sever lattice deformations and reorientations occur in a region of 5 – 10 nm around the interface while sequences of single plane ledges gradually bending the microtwins are found up to 50 nm away form the interface. These structures and deformations are interpreted in view of the need to accommodate any remaining stresses

    Generalization of the density-matrix method to a non-orthogonal basis

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    We present a generalization of the Li, Nunes and Vanderbilt density-matrix method to the case of a non-orthogonal set of basis functions. A representation of the real-space density matrix is chosen in such a way that only the overlap matrix, and not its inverse, appears in the energy functional. The generalized energy functional is shown to be variational with respect to the elements of the density matrix, which typically remains well localized.Comment: 11 pages + 2 postcript figures at the end (search for -cut here

    The Decay Properties of the Finite Temperature Density Matrix in Metals

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    Using ordinary Fourier analysis, the asymptotic decay behavior of the density matrix F(r,r') is derived for the case of a metal at a finite electronic temperature. An oscillatory behavior which is damped exponentially with increasing distance between r and r' is found. The decay rate is not only determined by the electronic temperature, but also by the Fermi energy. The theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations

    Chat and instant messaging : the risks of secondary orality

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    The synchronous nature of chat and instant messaging (IM) make them unique among computer-enabled communications technologies in that their real-time exchange of data allows for rich media experiences, even though users can only use text symbols to trade messages. Chat and IM are also important in that they enable secondary orality, or the merger of the most beneficial aspects of orally-based cultures with the well-documented benefits of print and text. Where print in the modem day has fostered contemplative behavior and inward thought among human beings, chat and IM breathe vitality into print and, in a sense, allow print to be spoken. Chat and IM have provided well-documented benefits for business, academia and everyday human socialization. However, when the tools are used beyond these narrow contexts they not only lose their effectiveness; they also pose credible threats to society. Because chat and IM provide anonymity to their participants, the virtual communities they support are typically loosely governed, driven by stereotype, and replete with social deviance. Further, the more attractive online environments become, the less time and energy people will invest in the physical world, thereby threatening that the habitats of humans will ultimately wither and decay. Finally, as humans become less able to extricate themselves from their computer-enabled habitats, they will increasingly rely on the computer as a social prosthetic--if not evolve to the point where human beings and computers become indistinguishable