8 research outputs found

    Subjective views on the network of early prevention by free-lance midwives in Saxony-Anhalt

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    Background: "Early Prevention" means the support of families with, or expecting, an infant whose living situation is overstraining their capacity to cope. In 2009, the legislative assembly of Saxony-Anhalt passed a law which calls for the constitution of "local networks for child protection" in each of its cities and counties. There is some evidence, however, that intersectoral cooperation between professionals of the health care system and the social services is a rather big challenge. Aim: The survey was intended to collect data on the knowledge and attitudes of free-lance midwives in Saxony-Anhalt regarding early prevention and child protection as well as their active participation in multi-professional and intersectoral networks of early prevention. This study is part of a larger one, which also included other professionals of the health care system.Methods: By means of an online survey, free-lance midwives were asked to respond to 12 sections of items referring to early prevention and child protection, mostly offering a four-point Likert-scale.Results: The subjective views of 42 midwives are presented. They were familiar with the concept of "early prevention", but indicated a lack of knowledge pertaining to laws, data protection, regional support measures by institutions and professionals as well as local coordinators. They affirmed various measures to facilitate their active participation in the networks. Conclusion: Recommendations regarding regular provision of information, ongoing education, quality assurance, and future research are derived from the data.Hintergrund: FrĂŒhe Hilfen unterstĂŒtzen (werdende) MĂŒtter und VĂ€ter, die in sehr belastenden Situationen leben. Im Jahr 2009 wurde in Sachsen-Anhalt ein Kinderschutzgesetz verabschiedet, das den Aufbau von "Lokalen Netzwerken Kinderschutz" in Landkreisen und kreisfreien StĂ€dten fordert. In der Literatur finden sich jedoch Hinweise, dass die intersektorale Zusammenarbeit zwischen Gesundheitsberufen und FachkrĂ€ften des Sozialwesens eine Herausforderung darstellt.Ziel: Die Befragung sollte sowohl Kenntnisse und Einstellungen der in Sachsen-Anhalt freiberuflich tĂ€tigen Hebammen zu FrĂŒhen Hilfen und Kinderschutz sowie ihre aktive Mitarbeit in den interdisziplinĂ€ren Netzwerken erfassen. Sie ist Teil einer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Studie, die darĂŒber hinaus weitere Akteure aus dem Gesundheitswesen befragte.Methodik: Mit einem Online-Fragebogen, welcher 12 Abschnitte mit Items zu FrĂŒhen Hilfen und zum Kinderschutz beinhaltete, wurden freiberuflich tĂ€tige Hebammen aus Sachsen-Anhalt befragt.Ergebnisse: Die Sichtweisen von 42 Hebammen werden dargestellt. Sie waren mit dem Konzept der FrĂŒhen Hilfen vertraut, brachten aber einen Wissensmangel hinsichtlich der rechtlichen Grundlagen, Datenschutz, regionalen UnterstĂŒtzungsangeboten von Akteuren der FrĂŒhen Hilfen und lokalen Koordinatoren zum Ausdruck. Sie bekrĂ€ftigten diverse Maßnahmen zur Förderung ihrer Partizipation in den Netzwerken FrĂŒher Hilfen.Schlussfolgerung: Empfehlungen richten sich auf die Bereitstellung von aktuellen Informationen sowie die Aus- und Fortbildung, QualitĂ€tssicherung und zukĂŒnftige Forschung

    Time-Resolved Decarboxylative Alkyl Coupling Promoted by NADH and Blue Light

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    Flexible, small and strong alkyl ligations created upon external light stimuli can open new avenues for medicinal and biological research. Herein, we have found that NADH and analogues can drive photo-couplings without auxiliary photocatalysts. The time- resolved alkyl photo-ligation between redox-active carboxylate derivatives and electron-poor olefins displays a surprising moisture and air-tolerance, and unusually high coupling rates in dilute conditions. This work sets the conceptual basis for further biocompatible C-C coupling reactions promoted by visible-light in combination with NADH, the ubiquitous reductant of biological systems.</div

    Transition-Metal-Free Synthesis of Benzimidazoles Mediated by KOH/DMSO

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    Benzimidazoles are prepared by intramolecular N-arylations of amidines mediated by potassium hydroxide in DMSO at 120 °C. In this manner, diversely substituted products have been obtained in moderate to very good yields

    Structure of a Putative Fluorinated Natural Product from <i>Streptomyces</i> sp. TC1

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    Fluorine-containing natural products are extremely rare. The recent report on the isolation and biological activity of the bacterial secondary metabolite 3-(3,5-di-<i>tert</i>-butyl-4-fluorophenyl)­propionic acid was thus highly remarkable. The compound contained the first aromatic fluorine substituent known to date in any natural product. The promise to discover an enzyme capable of aromatic fluorination in the producing strain <i>Streptomyces</i> sp. TC1 prompted our immediate interest. A close inspection of the originally reported analytical data of the fluoro metabolite revealed inconsistencies that triggered us to validate the reported structure. The results of these efforts are presented in this communication