8,046 research outputs found

    Time-Resolved Measurement of a Charge Qubit

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    We propose a scheme for monitoring coherent quantum dynamics with good time-resolution and low backaction, which relies on the response of the considered quantum system to high-frequency ac driving. An approximate analytical solution of the corresponding quantum master equation reveals that the phase of an outgoing signal, which can directly be measured in an experiment with lock-in technique, is proportional to the expectation value of a particular system observable. This result is corroborated by the numerical solution of the master equation for a charge qubit realized with a Cooper-pair box, where we focus on monitoring coherent oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Weyl formulas for annular ray-splitting billiards

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    We consider the distribution of eigenvalues for the wave equation in annular (electromagnetic or acoustic) ray-splitting billiards. These systems are interesting in that the derivation of the associated smoothed spectral counting function can be considered as a canonical problem. This is achieved by extending a formalism developed by Berry and Howls for ordinary (without ray-splitting) billiards. Our results are confirmed by numerical computations and permit us to infer a set of rules useful in order to obtain Weyl formulas for more general ray-splitting billiards

    Non-Hamiltonian dynamics in optical microcavities resulting from wave-inspired corrections to geometric optics

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    We introduce and investigate billiard systems with an adjusted ray dynamics that accounts for modifications of the conventional reflection of rays due to universal wave effects. We show that even small modifications of the specular reflection law have dramatic consequences on the phase space of classical billiards. These include the creation of regions of non-Hamiltonian dynamics, the breakdown of symmetries, and changes in the stability and morphology of periodic orbits. Focusing on optical microcavities, we show that our adjusted dynamics provides the missing ray counterpart to previously observed wave phenomena and we describe how to observe its signatures in experiments. Our findings also apply to acoustic and ultrasound waves and are important in all situations where wavelengths are comparable to system sizes, an increasingly likely situation considering the systematic reduction of the size of electronic and photonic devices.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, final published versio

    The k-Point Random Matrix Kernels Obtained from One-Point Supermatrix Models

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    The k-point correlation functions of the Gaussian Random Matrix Ensembles are certain determinants of functions which depend on only two arguments. They are referred to as kernels, since they are the building blocks of all correlations. We show that the kernels are obtained, for arbitrary level number, directly from supermatrix models for one-point functions. More precisely, the generating functions of the one-point functions are equivalent to the kernels. This is surprising, because it implies that already the one-point generating function holds essential information about the k-point correlations. This also establishes a link to the averaged ratios of spectral determinants, i.e. of characteristic polynomials

    Torsion Degrees of Freedom in the Regge Calculus as Dislocations on the Simplicial Lattice

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    Using the notion of a general conical defect, the Regge Calculus is generalized by allowing for dislocations on the simplicial lattice in addition to the usual disclinations. Since disclinations and dislocations correspond to curvature and torsion singularities, respectively, the method we propose provides a natural way of discretizing gravitational theories with torsion degrees of freedom like the Einstein-Cartan theory. A discrete version of the Einstein-Cartan action is given and field equations are derived, demanding stationarity of the action with respect to the discrete variables of the theory

    Quantum state preparation in circuit QED via Landau-Zener tunneling

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    We study a qubit undergoing Landau-Zener transitions enabled by the coupling to a circuit-QED mode. Summing an infinite-order perturbation series, we determine the exact nonadiabatic transition probability for the qubit, being independent of the frequency of the QED mode. Possible applications are single-photon generation and the controllable creation of qubit-oscillator entanglement.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Induced Technological Change: Exploring its Implications for the Economics of Atmospheric Stabilization: Synthesis Report from the Innovation Modeling Comparison Project

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    This paper summarizes results from ten global economy-energy-environment models implementing mechanisms of endogenous technological change (ETC). Climate policy goals represented as different CO2 stabilization levels are imposed, and the contribution of induced technological change (ITC) to meeting the goals is assessed. Findings indicate that climate policy induces additional technological change, in some models substantially. Its effect is a reduction of abatement costs in all participating models. The majority of models calculate abatement costs below 1 percent of present value aggregate gross world product for the period 2000-2100. The models predict different dynamics for rising carbon costs, with some showing a decline in carbon costs towards the end of the century. There are a number of reasons for differences in results between models; however four major drivers of differences are identified. First, the extent of the necessary CO2 reduction which depends mainly on predicted baseline emissions, determines how much a model is challenged to comply with climate policy. Second, when climate policy can offset market distortions, some models show that not costs but benefits accrue from climate policy. Third, assumptions about long-term investment behavior, e.g. foresight of actors and number of available investment options, exert a major influence. Finally, whether and how options for carbon-free energy are implemented (backstop and end-of-the-pipe technologies) strongly affects both the mitigation strategy and the abatement costs

    Forces Induced by Non-Equilibrium Fluctuations: The Soret-Casimir Effect

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    The notion of fluctuation-induced forces is generalized to the cases where the fluctuations have nonequilibrium origin. It is shown that a net force is exerted on a single flat plate that restricts scale-free fluctuations of a scalar field in a temperature gradient. This force tends to push the object to the colder regions, which is a manifestation of thermophoresis or the Soret effect. In the classic two-plate geometry, it is shown that the Casimir forces exerted on the two plates differ from each other, and thus the Newton's third law is violated.Comment: 8 pages, 5 postscript figures, uses (old) RevTe

    Scattering of rare-gas atoms at a metal surface: evidence of anticorrugation of the helium-atom potential-energy surface and the surface electron density

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    Recent measurements of the scattering of He and Ne atoms at Rh(110) suggest that these two rare-gas atoms measure a qualitatively different surface corrugation: While Ne atom scattering seemingly reflects the electron-density undulation of the substrate surface, the scattering potential of He atoms appears to be anticorrugated. An understanding of this perplexing result is lacking. In this paper we present density functional theory calculations of the interaction potentials of He and Ne with Rh(110). We find that, and explain why, the nature of the interaction of the two probe particles is qualitatively different, which implies that the topographies of their scattering potentials are indeed anticorrugated.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 10 figure

    Active Galactic Nuclei with Candidate Intermediate-Mass Black Holes

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    We present an initial sample of 19 intermediate-mass black hole candidates in active galactic nuclei culled from the First Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Using the linewidth-luminosity-mass scaling relation established for broad-line active nuclei, we estimate black hole masses in the range of 8 x 10^4 - 10^6 solar masses, a regime in which only two objects are currently known. The absolute magnitudes are faint for active galactic nuclei, ranging from M_g of -15 to -18 mag, while the bolometric luminosities are all close to the Eddington limit. The entire sample formally satisfies the linewidth criterion for so-called narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies; however, they display a wider range of FeII and [OIII] (5007) line strengths than is typically observed in this class of objects. Although the available imaging data are of insufficient quality to ascertain the detailed morphologies of the host galaxies, it is likely that the majority of the hosts are relatively late-type systems. The host galaxies have estimated g-band luminosities ~ 1 mag fainter than M* for the general galaxy population at z of 0.1. Beyond simply extending the known mass range of central black holes in galactic nuclei, these objects provide unique observational constraints on the progenitors of supermassive black holes. They are also expected to contribute significantly to the integrated signal for future gravitational wave experiments.Comment: ApJ Accepted, 13 pages, 9 figures, uses emulateapj.cl
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