69 research outputs found

    Blue Fluorescent cGMP Sensor for Multiparameter Fluorescence Imaging

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    Cyclic GMP (cGMP) regulates many physiological processes by cooperating with the other signaling molecules such as cyclic AMP (cAMP) and Ca2+. Genetically encoded sensors for cGMP have been developed based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorescent proteins. However, to analyze the dynamic relationship among these second messengers, combined use of existing sensors in a single cell is inadequate because of the significant spectral overlaps. A single wavelength indicator is an effective alternative to avoid this problem, but color variants of a single fluorescent protein-based biosensor are limited. In this study, to construct a new color fluorescent sensor, we converted the FRET-based sensor into a single wavelength indicator using a dark FRET acceptor. We developed a blue fluorescent cGMP biosensor, which is spectrally compatible with a FRET-based cAMP sensor using cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins (CFP/YFP). We cotransfected them and loaded a red fluorescent probe for Ca2+ into cells, and accomplished triple-parameter fluorescence imaging of these cyclic nucleotides and Ca2+, confirming the applicability of this combination to individually monitor their dynamics in a single cell. This blue fluorescent sensor and the approach using this FRET pair would be useful for multiparameter fluorescence imaging to understand complex signal transduction networks

    CIPRO 2.5: Ciona intestinalis protein database, a unique integrated repository of large-scale omics data, bioinformatic analyses and curated annotation, with user rating and reviewing functionality

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    The Ciona intestinalis protein database (CIPRO) is an integrated protein database for the tunicate species C. intestinalis. The database is unique in two respects: first, because of its phylogenetic position, Ciona is suitable model for understanding vertebrate evolution; and second, the database includes original large-scale transcriptomic and proteomic data. Ciona intestinalis has also been a favorite of developmental biologists. Therefore, large amounts of data exist on its development and morphology, along with a recent genome sequence and gene expression data. The CIPRO database is aimed at collecting those published data as well as providing unique information from unpublished experimental data, such as 3D expression profiling, 2D-PAGE and mass spectrometry-based large-scale analyses at various developmental stages, curated annotation data and various bioinformatic data, to facilitate research in diverse areas, including developmental, comparative and evolutionary biology. For medical and evolutionary research, homologs in humans and major model organisms are intentionally included. The current database is based on a recently developed KH model containing 36 034 unique sequences, but for higher usability it covers 89 683 all known and predicted proteins from all gene models for this species. Of these sequences, more than 10 000 proteins have been manually annotated. Furthermore, to establish a community-supported protein database, these annotations are open to evaluation by users through the CIPRO website. CIPRO 2.5 is freely accessible at http://cipro.ibio.jp/2.5

    CIPRO 2.5: Ciona intestinalis Protein integrated database with large-scale omics data, bioinformatic analyses and curated annotation, with ability for user rating and comments

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    CIPRO database is an integrated protein database for a tunicate species Ciona intestinalis that belongs to the Urochordata. Although the CIPRO database deals with proteomic and transcriptomic data of a single species, the animal is considered unique in the evolutionary tree, representing a possible origin of the vertebrates and is a good model for understanding chordate evolution, including that of humans. Furthermore, C. intestinalis has been one of the favorites of developmental biologists; there exists a huge amount of accumulated knowledge on its development and morphology, in addition to the recent genome sequence and gene expression data. The CIPRO database is aimed at not only collecting published data, but also presenting unique information, including the unpublished transcriptomic and proteomic data and human curated annotation, for the use by researchers in broad research fields of biology and bioinformatics

    Chromatophore Activity during Natural Pattern Expression by the Squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana: Contributions of Miniature Oscillation

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    Squid can rapidly change the chromatic patterns on their body. The patterns are created by the expansion and retraction of chromatophores. The chromatophore consists of a central pigment-containing cell surrounded by radial muscles that are controlled by motor neurons located in the central nervous system (CNS). In this study we used semi-intact squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) displaying centrally controlled natural patterns to analyze spatial and temporal activities of chromatophores located on the dorsal mantle skin. We found that chromatophores oscillated with miniature expansions/retractions at various frequencies, even when the chromatic patterns appear macroscopically stable. The frequencies of this miniature oscillation differed between “feature” and “background” areas of chromatic patterns. Higher frequencies occurred in feature areas, whereas lower frequencies were detected in background areas. We also observed synchronization of the oscillation during chromatic pattern expression. The expansion size of chromatophores oscillating at high frequency correlated with the number of synchronized chromatophores but not the oscillation frequency. Miniature oscillations were not observed in denervated chromatophores. These results suggest that miniature oscillations of chromatophores are driven by motor neuronal activities in the CNS and that frequency and synchrony of this oscillation determine the chromatic pattern and the expansion size, respectively

    Newly Developed Mg2+–Selective Fluorescent Probe Enables Visualization of Mg2+ Dynamics in Mitochondria

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    Mg2+ plays important roles in numerous cellular functions. Mitochondria take part in intracellular Mg2+ regulation and the Mg2+ concentration in mitochondria affects the synthesis of ATP. However, there are few methods to observe Mg2+ in mitochondria in intact cells. Here, we have developed a novel Mg2+–selective fluorescent probe, KMG-301, that is functional in mitochondria. This probe changes its fluorescence properties solely depending on the Mg2+ concentration in mitochondria under physiologically normal conditions. Simultaneous measurements using this probe together with a probe for cytosolic Mg2+, KMG-104, enabled us to compare the dynamics of Mg2+ in the cytosol and in mitochondria. With this method, carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP)–induced Mg2+ mobilization from mitochondria to the cytosol was visualized. Although a FCCP–induced decrease in the Mg2+ concentration in mitochondria and an increase in the cytosol were observed both in differentiated PC12 cells and in hippocampal neurons, the time-courses of concentration changes varied with cell type. Moreover, the relationship between mitochondrial Mg2+ and Parkinson's disease was analyzed in a cellular model of Parkinson's disease by using the 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+). A gradual decrease in the Mg2+ concentration in mitochondria was observed in response to MPP+ in differentiated PC12 cells. These results indicate that KMG-301 is useful for investigating Mg2+ dynamics in mitochondria. All animal procedures to obtain neurons from Wistar rats were approved by the ethical committee of Keio University (permit number is 09106-(1))

    The ontology of the anatomy and development of the solitary ascidian Ciona: the swimming larva and its metamorphosis

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    Ciona robusta (Ciona intestinalis type A), a model organism for biological studies, belongs to ascidians, the main class of tunicates, which are the closest relatives of vertebrates. In Ciona, a project on the ontology of both development and anatomy is ongoing for several years. Its goal is to standardize a resource relating each anatomical structure to developmental stages. Today, the ontology is codified until the hatching larva stage. Here, we present its extension throughout the swimming larva stages, the metamorphosis, until the juvenile stages. For standardizing the developmental ontology, we acquired different time-lapse movies, confocal microscope images and histological serial section images for each developmental event from the hatching larva stage (17.5h post fertilization) to the juvenile stage (7days post fertilization). Combining these data, we defined 12 new distinct developmental stages (from Stage 26 to Stage 37), in addition to the previously defined 26 stages, referred to embryonic development. The new stages were grouped into four Periods named: Adhesion, Tail Absorption, Body Axis Rotation, and Juvenile. To build the anatomical ontology, 203 anatomical entities were identified, defined according to the literature, and annotated, taking advantage from the high resolution and the complementary information obtained from confocal microscopy and histology. The ontology describes the anatomical entities in hierarchical levels, from the cell level (cell lineage) to the tissue/organ level. Comparing the number of entities during development, we found two rounds on entity increase: in addition to the one occurring after fertilization, there is a second one during the Body Axis Rotation Period, when juvenile structures appear. Vice versa, one-third of anatomical entities associated with the embryo/larval life were significantly reduced at the beginning of metamorphosis. Data was finally integrated within the web-based resource "TunicAnatO", which includes a number of anatomical images and a dictionary with synonyms. This ontology will allow the standardization of data underpinning an accurate annotation of gene expression and the comprehension of mechanisms of differentiation. It will help in understanding the emergence of elaborated structures during both embryogenesis and metamorphosis, shedding light on tissue degeneration and differentiation occurring at metamorphosis

    Simultaneous live cell imaging using dual FRET sensors with a single excitation light.

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    Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorescent proteins is a powerful tool for visualization of signal transduction in living cells, and recently, some strategies for imaging of dual FRET pairs in a single cell have been reported. However, these necessitate alteration of excitation light between two different wavelengths to avoid the spectral overlap, resulting in sequential detection with a lag time. Thus, to follow fast signal dynamics or signal changes in highly motile cells, a single-excitation dual-FRET method should be required. Here we reported this by using four-color imaging with a single excitation light and subsequent linear unmixing to distinguish fluorescent proteins. We constructed new FRET sensors with Sapphire/RFP to combine with CFP/YFP, and accomplished simultaneous imaging of cAMP and cGMP in single cells. We confirmed that signal amplitude of our dual FRET measurement is comparable to of conventional single FRET measurement. Finally, we demonstrated to monitor both intracellular Ca(2+) and cAMP in highly motile cardiac myocytes. To cancel out artifacts caused by the movement of the cell, this method expands the applicability of the combined use of dual FRET sensors for cell samples with high motility

    Multimodal factor evaluation system for organismal transparency by hyperspectral imaging.

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    Organismal transparency constitutes a significant concern in whole-body live imaging, yet its underlying structural, genetic, and physiological foundations remain inadequately comprehended. Diverse environmental and physiological factors (multimodal factors) are recognized for their influence on organismal transparency. However, a comprehensive and integrated quantitative evaluation system for biological transparency across a broad spectrum of wavelengths is presently lacking. In this study, we have devised an evaluation system to gauge alterations in organismal transparency induced by multimodal factors, encompassing a wide range of transmittance spanning from 380 to 1000 nm, utilizing hyperspectral microscopy. Through experimentation, we have scrutinized the impact of three environmental variables (temperature, salinity, and pH) and the effect of 11 drugs treatment containing inhibitors targeting physiological processes in the ascidian Ascidiella aspersa. This particular species, known for its exceptionally transparent eggs and embryos, serves as an ideal model. We calculated bio-transparency defined as the mean transmittance ratio of visible light within the range of 400-760 nm. Our findings reveal a positive correlation between bio-transparency and temperature, while an inverse relationship is observed with salinity levels. Notably, reduced pH levels and exposure to six drugs have led to significant decreasing in bio-transparency (ranging from 4.2% to 58.6%). Principal component analysis (PCA) on the measured transmittance data classified these factors into distinct groups. This suggest diverse pathways through which opacification occurs across different spectrum regions. The outcome of our quantitative analysis of bio-transparency holds potential applicability to diverse living organisms on multiple scales. This analytical framework also contributes to a holistic comprehension of the mechanisms underlying biological transparency, which is susceptible to many environmental and physiological modalities