346 research outputs found

    The geometry of efficient arithmetic on elliptic curves

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    The arithmetic of elliptic curves, namely polynomial addition and scalar multiplication, can be described in terms of global sections of line bundles on E×EE\times E and EE, respectively, with respect to a given projective embedding of EE in Pr\mathbb{P}^r. By means of a study of the finite dimensional vector spaces of global sections, we reduce the problem of constructing and finding efficiently computable polynomial maps defining the addition morphism or isogenies to linear algebra. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method by improving the best known complexity for doubling and tripling, by considering families of elliptic curves admiting a 22-torsion or 33-torsion point

    Addition law structure of elliptic curves

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    The study of alternative models for elliptic curves has found recent interest from cryptographic applications, once it was recognized that such models provide more efficiently computable algorithms for the group law than the standard Weierstrass model. Examples of such models arise via symmetries induced by a rational torsion structure. We analyze the module structure of the space of sections of the addition morphisms, determine explicit dimension formulas for the spaces of sections and their eigenspaces under the action of torsion groups, and apply this to specific models of elliptic curves with parametrized torsion subgroups

    Higher dimensional 3-adic CM construction

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    We find equations for the higher dimensional analogue of the modular curve X_0(3) using Mumford's algebraic formalism of algebraic theta functions. As a consequence, we derive a method for the construction of genus 2 hyperelliptic curves over small degree number fields whose Jacobian has complex multiplication and good ordinary reduction at the prime 3. We prove the existence of a quasi-quadratic time algorithm for computing a canonical lift in characteristic 3 based on these equations, with a detailed description of our method in genus 1 and 2.Comment: 23 pages; major revie

    The Weierstrass subgroup of a curve has maximal rank

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    We show that the Weierstrass points of the generic curve of genus gg over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 generate a group of maximal rank in the Jacobian

    Complete addition laws on abelian varieties

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    We prove that under any projective embedding of an abelian variety A of dimension g, a complete system of addition laws has cardinality at least g+1, generalizing of a result of Bosma and Lenstra for the Weierstrass model of an elliptic curve in P^2. In contrast with this geometric constraint, we moreover prove that if k is any field with infinite absolute Galois group, then there exists, for every abelian variety A/k, a projective embedding and an addition law defined for every pair of k-rational points. For an abelian variety of dimension 1 or 2, we show that this embedding can be the classical Weierstrass model or embedding in P^15, respectively, up to a finite number of counterexamples for |k| less or equal to 5.Comment: 9 pages. Finale version, accepted for publication in LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematic

    Arithmetic statistics of Galois groups

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    We develop a computational framework for the statistical characterization of Galois characters with finite image, with application to characterizing Galois groups and establishing equivalence of characters of finite images of Gal(Q‾/Q)\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})

    On the quaternion â„“\ell-isogeny path problem

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    Let \cO be a maximal order in a definite quaternion algebra over Q\mathbb{Q} of prime discriminant pp, and â„“\ell a small prime. We describe a probabilistic algorithm, which for a given left OO-ideal, computes a representative in its left ideal class of â„“\ell-power norm. In practice the algorithm is efficient, and subject to heuristics on expected distributions of primes, runs in expected polynomial time. This breaks the underlying problem for a quaternion analog of the Charles-Goren-Lauter hash function, and has security implications for the original CGL construction in terms of supersingular elliptic curves.Comment: To appear in the LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, as a special issue for ANTS (Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium) conferenc
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