111 research outputs found

    On the strong coupling scale in Higgs G-inflation

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    Higgs G-inflation is an inflation model that takes advantage of a Galileon-like derivative coupling. It is a non-renormalizable operator and is strongly coupled at high energy scales. Perturbative analysis does not have a predictive power any longer there. In general, when the Lagrangian is expanded around the vacuum, the strong coupling scale is identified as the mass scale that appears in non-renormalizable operators. In inflationary models, however, the identification of the strong coupling scale is subtle, since the structures of the kinetic term as well as the interaction itself can be modified by the background inflationary dynamics. Therefore, the strong coupling scale depends on the background. In this letter, we evaluate the strong coupling scale of the fluctuations around the background in the Higgs G-inflation including the Nambu-Goldstone modes associated with the symmetry breaking. We find that the system is sufficiently weakly coupled when the scales which we now observe exit the horizon during inflation and the observational predictions with the semiclassical treatment are valid. However, we also find that the inflaton field value at which the strong coupling scale and the Hubble scale meet is less than the Planck scale. Therefore, we cannot describe the model from the Planck scale, or the chaotic initial condition.Comment: 8 pages; v2: typos corrected, references added, matches version published in PL

    Return of the grand unified theory baryogenesis: Source of helical hypermagnetic fields for the baryon asymmetry of the universe

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    It has been considered that baryogenesis models without a generation of BB-LL asymmetry such as the GUT baryogenesis do not work since the asymmetry is washed out by the electroweak sphalerons. Here, we point out that helical hypermagnetic fields can be generated through the chiral magnetic effect with a chiral asymmetry generated in such baryogenesis models. The helical hypermagnetic fields then produce baryon asymmetry mainly at the electroweak symmetry breaking, which remains until today. Therefore, the baryogenesis models without BB-LL asymmetry can still be the origin of the present baryon asymmetry. In particular, if it can produce chiral asymmetry mainly carried by right-handed electrons of order of 10−310^{-3} in terms of the chemical potential to temperature ratio, the resultant present-day baryon asymmetry can be consistent with our Universe, although simple realizations of the GUT baryogenesis are hard to satisfy the condition. We also argue the way to overcome the difficulty in the GUT baryogenesis. The intergalactic magnetic fields with B0∼10−16∼17B_0\sim 10^{-16 \sim 17} G and λ0∼10−2∼3\lambda_0 \sim 10^{-2\sim3} pc are the smoking gun of the baryogenesis scenario as discussed before.Comment: 10 pages; v2: comments and references added, matches version published in PR

    Inflationary cosmology and the standard model Higgs with a small Hubble induced mass

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    We study the dynamics of the standard model Higgs field in the inflationary cosmology. Since metastability of our vacuum is indicated by the current experimental data of the Higgs boson and top quark, inflation models with a large Hubble parameter may have a problem: In such models, the Higgs field rolls down towards the unwanted true vacuum due to the large fluctuation in the inflationary background. However, this problem can be relaxed by supposing an additional mass term for the Higgs field generated during and after inflation. We point out that it does not have to be larger than the Hubble parameter if the number of ee-folds during inflation is not too large. We demonstrate that a high reheating temperature is favored in such a relatively small mass case and it can be checked by future gravitational wave observations. Such an induced mass can be generated by, {\it e.g.,} a direct coupling to the inflaton field or nonminimal coupling to gravity.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures; v2: typos corrected, references, figures, and extended discussions added, matches version published in PL

    Topological inflation from the Starobinsky model in supergravity

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    We consider the ghost-free higher order corrections to the Starobinsky model in the old minimal supergravity. In general, higher order corrections cannot be forbidden by symmetries, which likely violate the flatness of the scalaron potential and makes inflation difficult to explain the present Universe. We find a severe constraint on the dimensionless coupling of the R4R^4 correction as −5.5×10−8<s<9.1×10−8-5.5 \times 10^{-8}<s<9.1 \times 10^{-8} from the recent results of the Planck observation. If we start from the chaotic initial condition, the constraint becomes much severer. However, in the case where the coupling of the R4R^4 correction is positive, the scalaron potential has a local maximum with two local minimum at the origin and infinity, which admits topological inflation. In this case, inflation can take place naturally if the coupling satisfies the observational constraints.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; v2: comments added, matches version published in PR

    Phase Transitions in Twin Higgs Models

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    We study twin Higgs models at non-zero temperature and discuss cosmological phase transitions as well as their implications on electroweak baryogenesis and gravitational waves. It is shown that the expectation value of the Higgs field at the critical temperature of the electroweak phase transition is much smaller than the critical temperature, which indicates two important facts: (i) the electroweak phase transition cannot be analyzed perturbatively (ii) the electroweak baryogenesis is hardly realized in the typical realizations of twin Higgs models. We also analyze the phase transition associated with the global symmetry breaking, through which the Standard Model Higgs is identified with one of the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons in terms of its linear realization, with and without supersymmetry. For this phase transition, we show that, only in the supersymmetric case, there are still some parameter spaces, in which the perturbative approach is validated and the phase transition is the first order. We find that the stochastic gravitational wave background is generated through this first order phase transition, but it is impossible to be detected by DECIGO or BBO in the linear realization and the decoupling limit. The detection of stochastic gravitational wave background with the feature of first order phase transition, therefore, will give strong constraints on twin Higgs models.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures; v2: journal versio

    Magnetogenesis from a rotating scalar: \`a la scalar chiral magnetic effect

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    The chiral magnetic effect (CME) is a phenomenon in which an electric current is induced parallel to an external magnetic field in the presence of chiral asymmetry in a fermionic system. In this paper, we show that the electric current induced by the dynamics of a pseudo-scalar field which anomalously couples to electromagnetic fields can be interpreted as closely analogous to the CME. In particular, the velocity of the pseudo-scalar field, which is the phase of a complex scalar, indicates that the system carries a global U(1) number asymmetry as the source of the induced current. We demonstrate that an initial kick to the phase-field velocity and an anomalous coupling between the phase-field and gauge fields are naturally provided, in a set-up such as the Affleck-Dine mechanism. The resulting asymmetry carried by the Affleck-Dine field can give rise to instability in the (electro)magnetic field. Cosmological consequences of this mechanism are also investigated.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure; v2: extended discussions, comments and references added, matches version accepted for publication in JHE

    Magnetic Field Transfer From A Hidden Sector

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    Primordial magnetic fields in the dark sector can be transferred to magnetic fields in the visible sector due to a gauge kinetic mixing term. We show that the transfer occurs when the evolution of magnetic fields is dominated by dissipation due to finite electric conductivity, and does not occur at later times if the magnetic fields evolve according to magnetohydrodynamics scaling laws. The efficiency of the transfer is suppressed by not only the gauge kinetic mixing coupling but also the ratio between the large electric conductivity and the typical momentum of the magnetic fields. We find that the transfer gives nonzero visible magnetic fields today. However, without possible dynamo amplifications, the field transfer is not efficient enough to obtain the intergalactic magnetic fields suggested by the gamma-ray observations, although there are plenty of possibilities for efficient dark magnetogenesis, which are experimentally unconstrained.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure
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