647 research outputs found

    The impact of repetitive unclamped inductive switching on the electrical parameters of low-voltage trench power nMOSFETs

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    The impact of hot-carrier injection (HCI) due to repetitive unclamped inductive switching (UIS) on the electrical performance of low-voltage trench power n-type MOSFETs (nMOSFETs) is assessed. Trench power nMOSFETs with 20- and 30-V breakdown voltage ratings in TO-220 packages have been fabricated and subjected to over 100 million cycles of repetitive UIS with different avalanche currents IAV at a mounting base temperature TMB of 150°C. Impact ionization during avalanche conduction in the channel causes hot-hole injection into the gate dielectric, which results in a reduction of the threshold voltage VGSTX, as the number of avalanche cycles N increases. The experimental data reveal a power-law relationship between the change in the threshold voltage ΔVGSTX and N. The results show that the power-law prefactor is directly proportional to the avalanche current. After 100 million cycles, it was observed in the 20-V rated MOSFETs that the power-law prefactor increased by 30% when IAV was increased from 160 to 225 A, thereby approximating a linear relationship. A stable subthreshold slope with avalanche cycling indicates that interface trap generation may not be an active degradation mechanism. The impact of the cell pitch on avalanche ruggedness is also investigated by testing 2.5- and 4- m cell-pitch 30-V rated MOSFETs. Measurements showed that the power-law prefactor reduced by 40% when the cell pitch was reduced by 37.5%. The improved VGSTX stability with the smaller cell-pitch MOSFETs is attributed to a lower avalanche current per unit cell resulting in less hot-hole injection and, hence, smaller VGSTX shift. The 2.5-m cell-pitch MOSFETs also show 25% improved on -state resistance RDSON, better RDSON stability, and 20% less subthreshold slope compared with the 4-m cell-pitch MOSFETs, although with 100% higher initial IDSS and less IDSS stability with avalanche cycling. These results are important for manufacturers of automotive MOSFETs where multiple avalanche occurrences over the lifetime of the MOSFET are expected

    Natronoflexus pectinivorans gen. nov. sp. nov., an obligately anaerobic and alkaliphilic fermentative member of Bacteroidetes from soda lakes

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    Anaerobic enrichment with pectin at pH 10 and moderate salinity inoculated with sediments from soda lakes of the Kulunda Steppe (Altai, Russia) resulted in the isolation of a novel member of the Bacteroidetes, strain AP1T. The cells are long, flexible, Gram-negative rods forming pink carotenoids. The isolate is an obligate anaerobe, fermenting various carbohydrates to acetate and succinate. It can hydrolyze and utilize pectin, xylan, starch, laminarin and pullulan as growth substrates. Growth is possible in a pH range from 8 to 10.5, with an optimum at pH 9.5, and at a salinity range from 0.1 to 2 M Na+. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA sequences placed the isolate into the phylum Bacteroidetes as a separate lineage within the family Marinilabilaceae. On the basis of distinct phenotype and phylogeny, the soda lake isolate AP1T is proposed to be assigned in a new genus and species Natronoflexus pectinivorans (=DSM24179T = UNIQEM U807T)

    miR-200a Prevents Renal Fibrogenesis Through Repression of TGF-β2 Expression

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    OBJECTIVE: Progressive fibrosis in the diabetic kidney is driven and sustained by a diverse range of profibrotic factors. This study examines the critical role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the regulation of the key fibrotic mediators, TGF-β1 and TGF-β2. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Rat proximal-tubular epithelial cells (NRK52E) were treated with TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 for 3 days, and expression of markers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and fibrogenesis were assessed by RT-PCR and Western blotting. The expression of miR-141 and miR-200a was also assessed, as was their role as translational repressors of TGF-β signaling. Finally, these pathways were explored in two different mouse models, representing early and advanced diabetic nephropathy. RESULTS: Both TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 induced EMT and fibrogenesis in NRK52E cells. TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 also downregulated expression of miR-200a. The importance of these changes was demonstrated by the finding that ectopic expression miR-200a downregulated smad-3 activity and the expression of matrix proteins and prevented TGF-β-dependent EMT. miR-200a also downregulated the expression of TGF-β2, via direct interaction with the 3' untranslated region of TGF-β2. The renal expression of miR-141 and miR-200a was also reduced in mouse models representing early and advanced kidney disease. CONCLUSIONS: miR-200a and miR-141 significantly impact on the development and progression of TGF-β-dependent EMT and fibrosis in vitro and in vivo. These miRNAs appear to be intricately involved in fibrogenesis, both as downstream mediators of TGF-β signaling and as components of feedback regulation, and as such represent important new targets for the prevention of progressive kidney disease in the context of diabetes

    Ronald V. Dellums v. George Bush (D.D.C. 1990): Memorandum Amicus Curiae of Law Professors

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    This joint memorandum is submitted to the court hearing Dellums v. Bush. This amicus brief advocates that the President may not order American armed forces to make war without consultation with and approval by Congress. The brief also argues that the case is justiciable

    \u3cem\u3eRonald V. Dellums v. George Bush\u3c/em\u3e (D.D.C. 1990): Memorandum \u3cem\u3eAmicus Curiae\u3c/em\u3e of Law Professors

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    This joint memorandum is submitted to the court hearing Dellums v. Bush. This amicus brief advocates that the President may not order American armed forces to make war without consultation with and approval by Congress. The brief also argues that the case is justiciable

    Characterization and individual-level prediction of cognitive state in the first year after \u27mild\u27 stroke

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    BACKGROUND: Mild stroke affects more than half the stroke population, yet there is limited evidence characterizing cognition over time in this population, especially with predictive approaches applicable at the individual-level. We aimed to identify patterns of recovery and the best combination of demographic, clinical, and lifestyle factors predicting individual-level cognitive state at 3- and 12-months after mild stroke. METHODS: In this prospective cohort study, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was administered at 3-7 days, 3- and 12-months post-stroke. Raw changes in MoCA and impairment rates (defined as MoCA\u3c24 points) were compared between assessment time-points. Trajectory clusters were identified using variations of ≥1 point in MoCA scores. To further compare clusters, additional assessments administered at 3- and 12-months were included. Gamma and Quantile mixed-effects regression were used to predict individual MoCA scores over time, using baseline clinical and demographic variables. Model predictions were fitted for each stroke survivor and evaluated using model cross-validation to identify the overall best predictors of cognitive recovery. RESULTS: Participants\u27 (n = 119) MoCA scores improved from baseline to 3-months (p\u3c0.001); and decreased from 3- to 12-months post-stroke (p = 0.010). Cognitive impairment rates decreased significantly from baseline to 3-months (p\u3c0.001), but not between 3- and 12-months (p = 0.168). Nine distinct trajectory clusters were identified. Clinical characteristics between clusters at each time-point varied in cognitive outcomes but not in clinical and/or activity participation outcomes. Cognitive performance at 3- and 12-months was best predicted by younger age, higher physical activity levels, and left-hemisphere lesion side. CONCLUSION: More than half of mild-stroke survivors are at risk of cognitive decline one year after stroke, even when preceded by a significantly improving pattern in the first 3-months of recovery. Physical activity was the only modifiable factor independently associated with cognitive recovery. Individual-level prediction methods may inform the timing and personalized application of future interventions to maximize cognitive recovery post-stroke

    [Disability] justice dictated by the surfeit of love:Simone Weil in Nigeria

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    How is Nigeria’s failure to fulfil its obligations as a signatory of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to be appreciated or even resolved? Answers to this are sought through a seminal criticism of human rights, namely, Simone Weil’s 1942 essay Human Personality. Weil questioned the ability of human rights concepts to cause the powerful to develop the emotional dispositions of empathy for those who suffer. Weil’s insights provide a convincing explanation that the indifference of Nigerian authorities towards the Convention may be accounted for by the weakness of human rights discourse to foster human capacity for empathy and care for those who suffer. Weil’s criticisms will serve as a point of departure for a particular way to circumvent this inadequacy of human rights discourse to achieve disability justice in Nigeria through other means. I argue that Weil, through her concept of attention, grappled with and offers a consciousness of suffering and vulnerability that is not only uncommon to existing juridical human rights approaches, but is achievable through the active participation in the very forms of suffering and vulnerability in which amelioration is sought. To provide empirical content to this argument, I turn to a short-lived initiative of the Nigerian disability movement, which if ethico-politically refined and widely applied, can supply an action-theoretical grounding for and be combined with Weil’s work to elevate agitations for disability justice above human rights to the realm of human obligations