2,879 research outputs found

    Equivalence of the Beta-function of the Variational Approach to that of QCD

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    The variational ansatz for the ground state wavefunctional of QCD is found to capture the anti-screening behaviour that contributes the dominant `-4' to the beta-function and leads to asymptotic freedom. By considering an SU(N) purely gauge theory in the Hamiltonian formalism and choosing the Coulomb gauge, the origins of all screening and anti-screening contributions in gluon processes are found in terms of the physical degrees of freedom. The overwhelming anti- screening contribution of `-4' is seen to originate in the renormalisation of a Coulomb interaction by a transverse gluon. The lesser screening contribution of `1/3' is seen to originate in processes involving transverse gluon interactions. It is thus apparent how the variational ansatz must be developed to capture the full running of the QCD coupling constant.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, LaTe

    Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect In The Origin Of Enhanced Flexoelectricity

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    The controversy between the theory and experiment in explaining the origin of enhanced flexoelectricity is removed by taking into account the pseudo Jahn-Teller effect (PJTE) which, under certain conditions, creates local dipolar distortions of dynamic nature, resonating between two or more equivalent orientations. The latter become nonequivalent under a strain gradient thus producing enhanced flexoelectricity: it is much easier to orient ready-made dipoles than to polarize an ionic solid. For BaTiO3, the obtained earlier numerical data for the adiabatic potential energy surface in the space of dipolar displacements in the Ti centers were used to estimate the flexoelectric coefficient integral in the paraelectric phase in a one-dimensional model with the strain gradient along the [111] direction: integral = -0.43 X 10(-6) Cm-1. This eliminates the huge contradiction between the experimental data of integral similar to mu Cm-1 for this case and the theoretical predictions (without the PJTE) of 3-4 orders-of-magnitude smaller values. Enhanced flexoelectricity is thus expected in solids with a sufficient density of centers that have PJTE induced dipolar instabilities. It explains also the origin of enhanced flexoelectricity observed in other solids, noticeable containing Nb perovskite centers which are known to have a PJTE instability, similar to that of Ti centers. The SrTiO3 crystal as a virtual ferroelectric in which the strain gradient eases the condition of PJTE polar instability is also discussed. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.Institute for Theoretical Chemistr

    Growth and formation of the foreleg skeleton inbred mice and rats under conditions of hypo-, normo- and hyperdynamia

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    Inbred 1 month old males of C57B 1/6, CBA, CC57Br/Mw interlinear hybrid mice of the first generation and rats of the August and Wistar lines were subjected to conditions of hypo-, normo- and hyperdynamia for 2 months. The statistically reliable dependence is shown between mechanical underloadings and overloadings and macro microscopic changes in the hind limb skeleton of animals. Genetic determination of growth and formation of the forelimb skeleton is established. Hereditary susceptibility and the phenomenon of heterosis are preserved under all motor conditions

    Statistics of fluctuations for two types of crossover: from ballistic to diffusive regime and from orthogonal to unitary ensemble

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    In our previous publication [Kogan et al, Phys. Rev. {\bf 48}, 9404 (1993)] we considered the issue of statistics of radiation diffusively propagating in a disordered medium. The consideration was in the framework of diagrammatic techniques and a new representation for the intensity distribution function in terms of connected diagrams only was proposed. Here we use similar approach to treat the issue of statistics in the regime of the crossover between ballistic and diffusive transport. We find that even small contribution from coherent component decreases by one half the intensity distribution function for small values of intensity and also produces oscillations of the distribution function. We also apply this method to study statistics of fluctuations of wave functions of chaotic electrons in a quantum dot in an arbitrary magnetic field, by calculating the single state local density in the regime of the crossover between the orthogonal and unitary ensemble.Comment: Revtex, 3 pages + 2 ps.figures in uuencoded file, a version which clarifies and unites the results of two previous submission

    Conductance noise in interacting Anderson insulators driven far from equilibrium

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    The combination of strong disorder and many-body interactions in Anderson insulators lead to a variety of intriguing non-equilibrium transport phenomena. These include slow relaxation and a variety of memory effects characteristic of glasses. Here we show that when such systems are driven with sufficiently high current, and in liquid helium bath, a peculiar type of conductance noise can be observed. This noise appears in the conductance versus time traces as downward-going spikes. The characteristic features of the spikes (such as typical width) and the threshold current at which they appear are controlled by the sample parameters. We show that this phenomenon is peculiar to hopping transport and does not exist in the diffusive regime. Observation of conductance spikes hinges also on the sample being in direct contact with the normal phase of liquid helium; when this is not the case, the noise exhibits the usual 1/f characteristics independent of the current drive. A model based on the percolative nature of hopping conductance explains why the onset of the effect is controlled by current density. It also predicts the dependence on disorder as confirmed by our experiments. To account for the role of the bath, the hopping transport model is augmented by a heuristic assumption involving nucleation of cavities in the liquid helium in which the sample is immersed. The suggested scenario is analogous to the way high-energy particles are detected in a Glaser's bubble chamber.Comment: 15 pages 22 figure

    Generalized parity transformations in the regularized Chern-Simons theory

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    We study renormalization effects in the Abelian Chern-Simons (CS) action. These effects can be non-trivial when the gauge field is coupled to dynamical matter, since the regularization of the UV divergences in the model forces the introduction of a parity even piece in the gauge field action. This changes the classical (odd) transformation properties of the pure CS action. This effect, already discussed for the case of a lattice regularization by F. Berruto, M.C. Diamantini and P. Sodano in hep-th/0004203, is also present when the theory is defined in the continuum and, indeed, it is a manifestation of a more general `anomalous' effect, since it happens for every regularization scheme. We explore the physical consequences of this anomaly. We also show that generalized, nonlocal parity transformations can be defined in such a way that the regularized theory is odd, and that those transformations tend to the usual ones when the cutoff is removed. These generalized transformations play a role that is tantamount to the deformed symmetry corresponding to Ginsparg-Wilson fermions [2] (in an even number of spacetime dimensions).Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, references added and typos correcte

    Effect of graded physical load on the state of the liver from morphometric data and biochemical blood indices of rats against a background of hypokinesia

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    Tests were conducted on 100 sexually immature inbred August and Wistar male rats in order to determine the effects hypokinesia, physical load and phenamine on the liver. Weight and linear dimension fell in hypokinesia; total serum protein lowered and aldolase and cholesterol and beta-lipoprotein levels rose. Blood sugar content rose and liver glycogen fell. Interlinear differences of these indices are found. Rehabilitated physical loading against hypokinesia background diminished and at times completely prevented its negative effect. Extent of correction depended on animal species. Evidence of genotypical conditionality of organism adaptation to physical load in hypokinesia was found

    Effective Lagrangian from Higher Curvature Terms: Absence of vDVZ Discontinuity in AdS Space

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    We argue that the van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity arising in the M20M^2 \to 0 limit of the massive graviton through an explicit Pauli-Fierz mass term could be absent in anti de Sitter space. This is possible if the graviton can acquire mass spontaneously from the higher curvature terms or/and the massless limit M20M^2\to 0 is attained faster than the cosmological constant Λ0\Lambda \to 0. We discuss the effects of higher-curvature couplings and of an explicit cosmological term (Λ\Lambda) on stability of such continuity and of massive excitations.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, the version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Spherically symmetric spacetimes in massive gravity

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    We explore spherically symmetric stationary solutions, generated by ``stars'' with regular interiors, in purely massive gravity. We reexamine the claim that the resummation of non-linear effects can cure, in a domain near the source, the discontinuity exhibited by the linearized theory as the mass m of the graviton tends to zero. First, we find analytical difficulties with this claim, which appears not to be robust under slight changes in the form of the mass term. Second, by numerically exploring the inward continuation of the class of asymptotically flat solutions, we find that, when m is ``small'', they all end up in a singularity at a finite radius, well outside the source, instead of joining some conjectured ``continuous'' solution near the source. We reopen, however, the possibility of reconciling massive gravity with phenomenology by exhibiting a special class of solutions, with ``spontaneous symmetry breaking'' features, which are close, near the source, to general relativistic solutions and asymptote, for large radii, a de Sitter solution of curvature ~m^2.Comment: 57 pages, references addde

    Difficulties in Inducing a Gauge Theory at Large N

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    It is argued that the recently proposed Kazakov-Migdal model of induced gauge theory, at large NN, involves only the zero area Wilson loops that are effectively trees in the gauge action induced by the scalars. This retains only a constant part of the gauge action excluding plaquettes or anything like them and the gauge variables drop out.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, AZPH-TH/93-01, COLO-HEP/30