23 research outputs found

    Evaluating the yaws diagnostic gap: A survey to determine the capacity of and barriers to improving diagnostics in all yaws-endemic countries

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    BACKGROUND: Yaws, caused by Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue, is a skin neglected tropical disease. It is targeted for eradication by 2030, primarily using mass drug administration (MDA) with azithromycin. Traditionally, diagnosis of yaws has relied on clinical examination and serological testing. However, these approaches have poor diagnostic performance. To achieve eradication, more accurate diagnostics are required to determine whether MDA should be initiated or continued as well as for post-elimination surveillance. Molecular tools will be crucial for detecting antimicrobial resistant cases, which have the potential to derail eradication efforts. In order to determine the feasibility of introducing novel, more accurate, diagnostics for yaws surveillance purposes, it is necessary to understand current in-country diagnostic capacity. This study therefore aimed to understand the current capacity of, and challenges to, improving diagnostics for yaws in all yaws-endemic countries worldwide. METHODOLOGY/ PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: An online survey was sent to all 15 yaws-endemic countries in July 2021. The survey asked about past prevalence estimates, the availability of different diagnostic tools, and perceived barriers to enhancing capacity. Fourteen countries responded to the survey, four of which did not have a current National Policy for yaws eradication in place. Over 95% of reported that yaws cases from the past five years had not been confirmed with serological or molecular tools, largely due to the limited supply of rapid serological tests. Only four countries reported having operational laboratories for molecular yaws diagnosis, with only one of these having a validated assay to detect azithromycin resistance. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: This study highlights the diagnostic capacity constraints across all respondent countries. Countries are in need of access to a sustainable supply of serological tests, and development of molecular testing facilities. Sufficient sustainable funding should be made available to ensure that appropriate diagnostic tools are available and utilised

    Les congrégations religieuses catholiques féminines dans la lutte contre l'ulcère de Buruli en Côte d'Ivoire : identification, niveau d'intervention et logiques de construction des centres de soins.

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    <p>Cet article s'est inspirĂ© des observations faites dans le cadre du projet : « Identification de mĂ©tabolites spĂ©cifiques issus de la mycolactone produite par des mycobactĂ©ries et l'infection Ă  mycobacterium ulcerans : Diagnostic de biomarqueurs issus du mĂ©tabolisme au Ghana et en CĂ´te d'Ivoire » en 2018. Sur huit centres de prise en charge concernĂ©s par le projet en CĂ´te d'Ivoire, cinq sont dirigĂ©s par des religieuses catholiques. Ce pertinent constat sociologique justifie l'intĂ©rĂŞt de cette recherche. Ainsi, l 'Ă©tude se propose-t-elle de connaĂ®tre les congrĂ©gations religieuses impliquĂ©es, leur contribution et les logiques sociales de constructions des centres de soins confessionnels de l'UB. Elle s'est dĂ©roulĂ©e dans quatre districts sanitaires. Cinq (5) centres de prise en charge confessionnels ont Ă©tĂ© concernĂ©s. Un Ă©chantillon qualitatif composĂ© de responsables des centres de prise en charge, de programme de lutte contre l'UB, de mĂ©decins, infirmiers, aides – soignants et autres acteurs impliquĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  des interviews individuels et de groupe par la technique de choix raisonnĂ©. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  partir de recherche documentaire, d'observation directe, de guides d'entretien. Cinq congrĂ©gations religieuses catholiques interviennent dans la lutte contre l'UB dans les centres visitĂ©s.  Mille sept cent soixante-deux (1762) cas ont Ă©tĂ© pris en charge dans les centres disposant de lits d'hospitalisation. Parmi ceux – ci, 1355 cas ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'un traitement chirurgical de 2010 Ă  2021. Autour de l'UB, gravite un dĂ©sir de revalorisation de la dignitĂ© humaine par les congrĂ©gations religieuses rencontrĂ©es.</p&gt

    Screening and follow up of patients Cote Ivoire.

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    Appropriate treatment of chronic wounds is priority in the management of Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs) and non-communicable diseases. We describe an integrated, community-based wound care pilot project carried out in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire that entailed both outreach education and evidence based wound care training for nurses staffing rural clinics. This research was carried out by a transdisciplinary research. Following the collection of baseline data on wound care at home and in clinics, an innovative pilot project was developed based on a critical assessment of baseline data in three parts: a pragmatic nurse training program; mass community cultural sensitive outreach programs and a mobile consultation. It came out from our investigation that several dangerous homecare and inappropriate wound treatment practices in clinics, gaps in knowledge about Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs), and little health staff communication with patients about appropriate wound care. Nurse training covered 11 modules including general principles of wound management and advice specific to endemic NTSDs. Nurse pre-post training knowledge scores increased substantially. Eight mass community outreach programs were conducted, followed by mobile clinics at which 850 people with skin conditions were screened. Three hundred and three (35.65%) of these people presented with wounds of which 64% were simple, 20% moderate, and 16% severe cases. Patients were followed for ten weeks to assess adherence with wound hygiene messages presented in outreach programs and repeated by nurses during screening. Over 90% of simple and moderate cases were managed appropriately at home and 98% of wounds were healed. Of the 47 cases referred to the health center, 87% came for and adhered to wound care advice. In 90% of cases, wounds healed. This pilot study provides a model for introducing integrated community based wound care in Africa.</div

    Criteria for wound classification.

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    Appropriate treatment of chronic wounds is priority in the management of Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs) and non-communicable diseases. We describe an integrated, community-based wound care pilot project carried out in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire that entailed both outreach education and evidence based wound care training for nurses staffing rural clinics. This research was carried out by a transdisciplinary research. Following the collection of baseline data on wound care at home and in clinics, an innovative pilot project was developed based on a critical assessment of baseline data in three parts: a pragmatic nurse training program; mass community cultural sensitive outreach programs and a mobile consultation. It came out from our investigation that several dangerous homecare and inappropriate wound treatment practices in clinics, gaps in knowledge about Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs), and little health staff communication with patients about appropriate wound care. Nurse training covered 11 modules including general principles of wound management and advice specific to endemic NTSDs. Nurse pre-post training knowledge scores increased substantially. Eight mass community outreach programs were conducted, followed by mobile clinics at which 850 people with skin conditions were screened. Three hundred and three (35.65%) of these people presented with wounds of which 64% were simple, 20% moderate, and 16% severe cases. Patients were followed for ten weeks to assess adherence with wound hygiene messages presented in outreach programs and repeated by nurses during screening. Over 90% of simple and moderate cases were managed appropriately at home and 98% of wounds were healed. Of the 47 cases referred to the health center, 87% came for and adhered to wound care advice. In 90% of cases, wounds healed. This pilot study provides a model for introducing integrated community based wound care in Africa.</div

    Examples of teaching analogies.

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    Appropriate treatment of chronic wounds is priority in the management of Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs) and non-communicable diseases. We describe an integrated, community-based wound care pilot project carried out in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire that entailed both outreach education and evidence based wound care training for nurses staffing rural clinics. This research was carried out by a transdisciplinary research. Following the collection of baseline data on wound care at home and in clinics, an innovative pilot project was developed based on a critical assessment of baseline data in three parts: a pragmatic nurse training program; mass community cultural sensitive outreach programs and a mobile consultation. It came out from our investigation that several dangerous homecare and inappropriate wound treatment practices in clinics, gaps in knowledge about Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs), and little health staff communication with patients about appropriate wound care. Nurse training covered 11 modules including general principles of wound management and advice specific to endemic NTSDs. Nurse pre-post training knowledge scores increased substantially. Eight mass community outreach programs were conducted, followed by mobile clinics at which 850 people with skin conditions were screened. Three hundred and three (35.65%) of these people presented with wounds of which 64% were simple, 20% moderate, and 16% severe cases. Patients were followed for ten weeks to assess adherence with wound hygiene messages presented in outreach programs and repeated by nurses during screening. Over 90% of simple and moderate cases were managed appropriately at home and 98% of wounds were healed. Of the 47 cases referred to the health center, 87% came for and adhered to wound care advice. In 90% of cases, wounds healed. This pilot study provides a model for introducing integrated community based wound care in Africa.</div

    Home care monitoring.

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    Appropriate treatment of chronic wounds is priority in the management of Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs) and non-communicable diseases. We describe an integrated, community-based wound care pilot project carried out in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire that entailed both outreach education and evidence based wound care training for nurses staffing rural clinics. This research was carried out by a transdisciplinary research. Following the collection of baseline data on wound care at home and in clinics, an innovative pilot project was developed based on a critical assessment of baseline data in three parts: a pragmatic nurse training program; mass community cultural sensitive outreach programs and a mobile consultation. It came out from our investigation that several dangerous homecare and inappropriate wound treatment practices in clinics, gaps in knowledge about Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs), and little health staff communication with patients about appropriate wound care. Nurse training covered 11 modules including general principles of wound management and advice specific to endemic NTSDs. Nurse pre-post training knowledge scores increased substantially. Eight mass community outreach programs were conducted, followed by mobile clinics at which 850 people with skin conditions were screened. Three hundred and three (35.65%) of these people presented with wounds of which 64% were simple, 20% moderate, and 16% severe cases. Patients were followed for ten weeks to assess adherence with wound hygiene messages presented in outreach programs and repeated by nurses during screening. Over 90% of simple and moderate cases were managed appropriately at home and 98% of wounds were healed. Of the 47 cases referred to the health center, 87% came for and adhered to wound care advice. In 90% of cases, wounds healed. This pilot study provides a model for introducing integrated community based wound care in Africa.</div

    Benin and Cote Ivoire health agent.

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    Appropriate treatment of chronic wounds is priority in the management of Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs) and non-communicable diseases. We describe an integrated, community-based wound care pilot project carried out in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire that entailed both outreach education and evidence based wound care training for nurses staffing rural clinics. This research was carried out by a transdisciplinary research. Following the collection of baseline data on wound care at home and in clinics, an innovative pilot project was developed based on a critical assessment of baseline data in three parts: a pragmatic nurse training program; mass community cultural sensitive outreach programs and a mobile consultation. It came out from our investigation that several dangerous homecare and inappropriate wound treatment practices in clinics, gaps in knowledge about Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs), and little health staff communication with patients about appropriate wound care. Nurse training covered 11 modules including general principles of wound management and advice specific to endemic NTSDs. Nurse pre-post training knowledge scores increased substantially. Eight mass community outreach programs were conducted, followed by mobile clinics at which 850 people with skin conditions were screened. Three hundred and three (35.65%) of these people presented with wounds of which 64% were simple, 20% moderate, and 16% severe cases. Patients were followed for ten weeks to assess adherence with wound hygiene messages presented in outreach programs and repeated by nurses during screening. Over 90% of simple and moderate cases were managed appropriately at home and 98% of wounds were healed. Of the 47 cases referred to the health center, 87% came for and adhered to wound care advice. In 90% of cases, wounds healed. This pilot study provides a model for introducing integrated community based wound care in Africa.</div

    Screening and follow up of patients Benin.

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    Appropriate treatment of chronic wounds is priority in the management of Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs) and non-communicable diseases. We describe an integrated, community-based wound care pilot project carried out in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire that entailed both outreach education and evidence based wound care training for nurses staffing rural clinics. This research was carried out by a transdisciplinary research. Following the collection of baseline data on wound care at home and in clinics, an innovative pilot project was developed based on a critical assessment of baseline data in three parts: a pragmatic nurse training program; mass community cultural sensitive outreach programs and a mobile consultation. It came out from our investigation that several dangerous homecare and inappropriate wound treatment practices in clinics, gaps in knowledge about Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs), and little health staff communication with patients about appropriate wound care. Nurse training covered 11 modules including general principles of wound management and advice specific to endemic NTSDs. Nurse pre-post training knowledge scores increased substantially. Eight mass community outreach programs were conducted, followed by mobile clinics at which 850 people with skin conditions were screened. Three hundred and three (35.65%) of these people presented with wounds of which 64% were simple, 20% moderate, and 16% severe cases. Patients were followed for ten weeks to assess adherence with wound hygiene messages presented in outreach programs and repeated by nurses during screening. Over 90% of simple and moderate cases were managed appropriately at home and 98% of wounds were healed. Of the 47 cases referred to the health center, 87% came for and adhered to wound care advice. In 90% of cases, wounds healed. This pilot study provides a model for introducing integrated community based wound care in Africa.</div

    Literature review for training materials.

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    Appropriate treatment of chronic wounds is priority in the management of Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs) and non-communicable diseases. We describe an integrated, community-based wound care pilot project carried out in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire that entailed both outreach education and evidence based wound care training for nurses staffing rural clinics. This research was carried out by a transdisciplinary research. Following the collection of baseline data on wound care at home and in clinics, an innovative pilot project was developed based on a critical assessment of baseline data in three parts: a pragmatic nurse training program; mass community cultural sensitive outreach programs and a mobile consultation. It came out from our investigation that several dangerous homecare and inappropriate wound treatment practices in clinics, gaps in knowledge about Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases (NTSDs), and little health staff communication with patients about appropriate wound care. Nurse training covered 11 modules including general principles of wound management and advice specific to endemic NTSDs. Nurse pre-post training knowledge scores increased substantially. Eight mass community outreach programs were conducted, followed by mobile clinics at which 850 people with skin conditions were screened. Three hundred and three (35.65%) of these people presented with wounds of which 64% were simple, 20% moderate, and 16% severe cases. Patients were followed for ten weeks to assess adherence with wound hygiene messages presented in outreach programs and repeated by nurses during screening. Over 90% of simple and moderate cases were managed appropriately at home and 98% of wounds were healed. Of the 47 cases referred to the health center, 87% came for and adhered to wound care advice. In 90% of cases, wounds healed. This pilot study provides a model for introducing integrated community based wound care in Africa.</div