2,164 research outputs found

    The White Dwarf Population in NGC 1039 (M34) and the White Dwarf Initial-Final Mass Relation

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    We present the first detailed photometric and spectroscopic study of the white dwarfs (WDs) in the field of the ~225 Myr old (log tau_cl = 8.35) open cluster NGC 1039 (M34) as part of the ongoing Lick-Arizona White Dwarf Survey. Using wide-field UBV imaging, we photometrically select 44 WD candidates in this field. We spectroscopically identify 19 of these objects as WDs; 17 are hydrogen-atmosphere DA WDs, one is a helium-atmosphere DB WD, and one is a cool DC WD that exhibits no detectable absorption lines. We find an effective temperature (T_eff) and surface gravity (log g) for each DA WD by fitting Balmer-line profiles from model atmospheres to the observed spectra. WD evolutionary models are then invoked to derive masses and cooling times for each DA WD. Of the 17 DAs, five are at the approximate distance modulus of the cluster. Another WD with a distance modulus 0.45 mag brighter than that of the cluster could be a double-degenerate binary cluster member, but is more likely to be a field WD. We place the five single cluster member WDs in the empirical initial-final mass relation and find that three of them lie very close to the previously derived linear relation; two have WD masses significantly below the relation. These outliers may have experienced some sort of enhanced mass loss or binary evolution; however, it is quite possible that these WDs are simply interlopers from the field WD population. Eight of the 17 DA WDs show significant CaII K absorption; comparison of the absorption strength with the WD distances suggests that the absorption is interstellar, though this cannot be confirmed with the current data.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Figures 1, 2 and 3 reduced in resolutio

    The Fourth Gospel in a Three-Year Lectionary

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    The Gospel of John does not march in step with the other gospels. Perhaps this is why the framers of the three-year lectionary now used by many Christian churches found it so difficult to domesticate John. The readings from Matthew, Mark, and Luke proceed in measured pace, one gospel per year, while the Fourth Gospel appears sporadically throughout the lectionary, claiming a premier role on festival days, dominating the Easter season, and making occasional guest appearances. Yet since there is no “Year of John,” those who preach from the lectionary face the formidable task of capturing this “maverick” gospel without the opportunity for an extended pursuit over a twelve-month period. This interpretive challenge is the focus of our work here

    The Interplay of Word and World: Biblical and Experiential Reflections

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    From his vantage as a New Testament scholar and seminary leader, Craig Koester reflects on the interchange between Word and World through the lens of biblical studies, especially through several examples. Koester is Vice President of Academic Affairs, Professor and Asher O. and Carrie Nasby Chair of New Testament at Luther Seminary

    Jesus the Rabbi and Teacher in John\u27s Gospel: The Gift of Divine Instruction

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    Rethinking the ethics of John: a review article

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    Roman slave trade and the critique of Babylon in Revelation 18

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    Promise and Warning: The Lord\u27s Supper in 1 Corinthians

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    There is a yes and a no in Paul\u27s understanding of the Lord\u27s supper—a yes to life and promise and Christ, a no to sin and death and other religious claims. A biblically based participation in communion will hear both with equal clarity

    Were You There? (John 18-19): Telling the Story of Jesus\u27 Trial--And Ours

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    The scenes leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion are an essential and yet troubling part of the Christian story. Focusing on the major characters provides a way to tell the story in ways that engage modern listeners and allow the gospel to be heard. In the end, it is God’s story of self-giving love that brings redemption out of tragedy

    The Message to Laodicea and the Problem of Its Local Context.

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    Topography and Theology in the Gospel of John

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