56 research outputs found

    Tidal Flows in asynchronous binaries: The beta-factor

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    We discuss the potential role that tidal flows in asynchronous binary stars may play in transporting chemically enriched material from deep layers towards the surface and the corresponding observational consequences of these processes. We suggest that the time-dependent velocity field induced by asynchronous rotation may contribute significantly to the mixing, thus providing a channel for the formation of chemically enriched slowly rotating massive stars.Comment: in Setting New Standards in Binary Star Research, A. Tkachenko & K. Pavlovski (eds), EAS Publication Series, in Pres

    Long uninterrupted photometric observations of the Wolf-Rayet star EZ CMa by the Toronto {\em{BRITE}} satellite reveal a very fast apsidal motion

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    Context. The variability of the Wolf-Rayet star EZ CMa has been documented for close to half a century, and a clear periodicity of ∼\sim3.7 days is established. However, all attempts to prove that it is a binary have failed because the photometric, spectroscopic, and polarimetric variations are not coherent over more than a few orbital cycles. Aims. In this letter we show that the lack of coherence in the variability can be explained with a very rapid apsidal motion in a binary orbit.} Methods. We measured the times of minima in a recently published exceptionally long photometric light curve obtained by the Toronto {\emph{BRITE}} satellite. The apsidal motion and the system eccentricity are determined from the length of the time intervals between these minima, which alternate in their duration, following a pattern that is clearly associated with apsidal motion. These minima are superposed on brightness enhancements of the emission from a shock zone, which occur at about the times of periastron phases. Results. We determine the orbital periodicity, Pa=3.63 P_{a}=3.63\, d, and the period of the apsidal motion, U≃100 U\simeq 100\, d, which together yield an average sidereal period of Ps=3.77 P_{s}=3.77\,d. The eccentricity is found to be close to 0.1. The rate of periapsis retreat changes significantly over the period of observation and is determined to be −16∘ Pa−1-16^\circ\,\mathrm{P}^{-1}_a at the beginning of the observing period and −10∘ Pa−1-10^\circ\,\mathrm{P}^{-1}_a at the end. Conclusions. We demonstrate that by introducing a fast apsidal motion, the basic photometric variability is very well explained. The binary nature of EZ CMa is now established. This might imply that other apparently single Wolf-Rayet stars that emit hard X-rays, similar to EZ CMa, are also binaries.Comment: A&A Letter in press, 5 pages, 3 figure

    The nature of the companion in the Wolf-Rayet system EZ Canis Majoris

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    EZ Canis Majoris is a classical Wolf-Rayet star whose binary nature has been debated for decades. It was recently modeled as an eccentric binary with a periodic brightening at periastron of the emission originating in a shock heated zone near the companion. The focus of this paper is to further test the binary model and to constrain the nature of the unseen close companion by searching for emission arising in the shock-heated region. We analyze over 400 high resolution the International Ultraviolet Explorer spectra obtained between 1983 and 1995 and XMM-Newton observations obtained in 2010. The light curve and radial velocity (RV) variations were fit with the eccentric binary model and the orbital elements were constrained. We find RV variations in the primary emission lines with a semi-amplitude K1∼_1\sim30 km/s in 1992 and 1995, and a second set of emissions with an anti-phase RV curve with K2∼_2\sim150 km/s. The simultaneous model fit to the RVs and the light curve yields the orbital elements for each epoch. Adopting a Wolf-Rayet mass M1∼_1\sim20 M⊙_\odot leads to M2∼_2\sim3-5 M⊙_\odot, which implies that the companion could be a late B-type star. The eccentric (e=0.1) binary model also explains the hard X-ray light curve obtained by XMM-Newton and the fit to these data indicates that the duration of maximum is shorter than the typical exposure times. The anti-phase RV variations of two emission components and the simultaneous fit to the RVs and the light curve are concrete evidence in favor of the binary nature of EZ Canis Majoris. The assumption that the emission from the shock-heated region closely traces the orbit of the companion is less certain, although it is feasible because the companion is significantly heated by the WR radiation field and impacted by the WR wind.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figure

    Planet heating prevents inward migration of planetary cores

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    Planetary systems are born in the disks of gas, dust and rocky fragments that surround newly formed stars. Solid content assembles into ever-larger rocky fragments that eventually become planetary embryos. These then continue their growth by accreting leftover material in the disc. Concurrently, tidal effects in the disc cause a radial drift in the embryo orbits, a process known as migration. Fast inward migration is predicted by theory for embryos smaller than three to five Earth masses. With only inward migration, these embryos can only rarely become giant planets located at Earth's distance from the Sun and beyond, in contrast with observations. Here we report that asymmetries in the temperature rise associated with accreting infalling material produce a force (which gives rise to an effect that we call "heating torque") that counteracts inward migration. This provides a channel for the formation of giant planets and also explains the strong planet-metallicity correlation found between the incidence of giant planets and the heavy-element abundance of the host stars.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    FUSE observations of HD 5980: The wind structure of the eruptor

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    HD 5980 is a unique system containing one massive star (star A) that is apparently entering the luminous blue variable phase, and an eclipsing companion (star B) that may have already evolved beyond this phase to become a Wolf-Rayet star. In this paper we present the results from FUSE observations obtained in 1999, 2000, and 2002 and one far-UV observation obtained by ORFEUS/BEFS in 1993 shortly before the first eruption of HD 5980. The eight phase-resolved spectra obtained by FUSE in 2002 are analyzed in the context of a wind-eclipse model. This analysis shows that the wind of the eruptor obeyed a very fast velocity law in 2002, which is consistent with the line-driving mechanism. Large amplitude line-profile variations on the orbital period are shown to be due to the eclipse of star B by the wind of star A, although the eclipse due to gas flowing in the direction of star B is absent. This can only be explained if the wind of star A is not spherically symmetric, or if the eclipsed line radiation is "filled-in" by emission originating from somewhere else in the system, e.g., in the wind-wind collision region. Except for a slightly lower wind speed, the ORFEUS/BEFS spectrum is very similar to the spectrum obtained by FUSE at the same orbital phase: there is no indication of the impending eruption. However, the trend for decreasing wind velocity suggests the occurrence of the "bi-stability" mechanism, which in turn implies that the restructuring of the circumbinary environment caused by the transition from "fast, rarefied wind" to "slow, dense wind" was observed as the eruptive event. The underlying mechanism responsible for the long-term decrease in wind velocity that precipitated this change remains an open issue.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Tidal effects on the radial velocity curve of HD77581 (Vela X-1)

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    The mass of the neutron star in Vela X-1 has been found to be more massive than the canonical 1.5 Mo. This result relies on the assumption that the amplitude of the optical component's measured radial velocity curve is not seriously affected by the interactions in the system. In this paper we explore the effect on the radial velocity curve caused by surface motions excited by tidal interactions. We use a calculation from first principles that involves solving the equations of motion of a Lagrangian grid of surface elements. The velocities on the visible surface of the star are projected along the line-of-sight to the observer to obtain the absorption-line profile in the observer's reference frame. The centroid of the line-profiles for different orbital phases is then measured and a simulated RV curve constructed. Models are run for the "standard" (vsini=116 km/s) and "slow" (56 km/s) supergiant rotation velocities. We find that the surface velocity field is complex and includes fast, small-spatial scale structures. It leads to strong variability in the photospheric line profiles which, in turn, causes significant deviations from a Keplerian RV curve. The peak-to-peak amplitudes of model RV curves are in all cases larger than the amplitude of the orbital motion. Keplerian fits to RV curves obtained with the "standard" rotation velocity imply a neutron star >1.7 Mo. However, a similar analysis of the "slow" rotational velocity models allows for m_ns ~ 1.5 Mo. Thus, the stellar rotation plays an important role in determining the characteristics of the perturbed RV curve. Given the observational uncertainty in GP Vel's projected rotation velocity and the strong perturbations seen in the published and the model RV curves, we are unable to rule out a small (~1.5 Mo) mass for the neutron star companion.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures; A&A, accepte

    Internal circulation in tidally locked massive binary stars -- Consequences for double black hole formation

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    Steady-state circulation currents are predicted in tidally deformed binary stars, which are believed to be progenitors of double black-hole merger events. This work aims to quantitatively characterise the steady-state circulation currents in components of a tidally locked binary system and to explore the effects of such currents on numerical models. Previous results describing the circulation in a single rotating star and a binary star are used to deduce a new prescription for the internal circulation in tidally locked binaries. We explore the effect of this prescription numerically for binary systems with primary masses between 25 and 100 solar masses. When comparing circulation velocities in the radial direction for the single rotating star and binary star, it is found that the average circulation velocity in the binary star may be described as an enhancement to the circulation velocity in a single rotating star. This velocity enhancement is a simple function depending on the masses of the binary components and amounts to a factor of approximately two when the components have equal masses. It is found that the ehancement causes the formation of double helium stars through efficient mixing to occur for systems with higher initial orbital periods, lower primary masses and lower mass ratios, compared to the standard circulation scenario. Taking into account appropriate distributions for primary mass, initial period and mass ratio, models with enhanced mixing predict 2.4 times more double helium stars being produced in the parameter space than models without. We conclude that the effects of companion-induced circulation have strong implications for the formation of close binary black holes. Not only do the predicted detection rates increase but double black-hole systems with mass ratios as low as 0.8 may be formed when companion-induced circulation is taken into account.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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