74 research outputs found

    Eyespot resistance gene Pch-1 in H-93 wheat lines. Evidence of linkage to markers of chromosome group 7 and resolution from the endopeptídase locus Ep-Dlb

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    Gene Pch1, which confers resistance to eyespot disease (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides Fron), has been located on chromosome 7D in the H-93 wheat-Aegilops ventricosa transfer lines using isozyme markers and DNA probes corresponding to group 7 chromosomes. Previous experiments had failed to ascertain this location. The lack of segregation of the resistance trait in progeny from reciprocal crosses between lines H-93-70 and VPM1 indicates that their respective resistance factors are allelic. Line H-93-51 carries the endopeptidase allele Ep-D1b but is susceptible to eyespot, which indicates that resistance to eyespot is not a product of the Ep-D locus, as had been proposed in a previous hypohesi

    Resistance to the cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) transferred from the wild grass Aegilops ventricosa to hexaploid wheat by a "stepping-stone" procedure

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    Transfer of resistance toHeterodera avenae, the cereal cyst nematode (CCN), by a stepping-stoneprocedure from the wild grassAegilops ventricosa to hexaploid wheat has been demonstrated. The number of nematodes per plant was lower, and reached a plateau much earlier, in the resistant introgression line H93-8 (1–2 nematodes per plant) than in the recipient H10-15 wheat (14–16 nematodes per plant). Necrosis (hypersensitive reaction) near the nematode, little cell fusion, and few, often degraded syncytia were observed in infested H93-8 roots, while abundant, well-formed syncytia were present in the susceptible H10-15 wheat. Line H93-8 was highly resistant to the two Spanish populations tested, as well as the four French races (Fr1-Fr4), and the British pathotype Hall, but was susceptible to the Swedish pathotypes HgI and HgIII. Resistance was inherited as though determined by a single quasi-dominant factor in the F2 generations resulting from crosses of H93-8 with H10-15 and with Loros, a resistant wheat carrying the geneCre1 (syn.Ccn1). The resistance gene in H93-8 (Cre2 orCcn2) is not allelic with respect to that in Loros. RFLPs and other markers, together with the cytogenetical evidence, indicate that theCre2 gene has been integrated into a wheat chromosome without affecting its meiotic pairing ability. Introduction ofCre2 by backcrossing into a commercial wheat backgroud increases grain yield when under challenge by the nematode and is not detrimental in the absence of infestation

    AFLP and STS tagging of Lr19, a gene conferring resistance to leaf rust in wheat.

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