3 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution of vegetation species on the earth hummocks on Mt. Keprník and Mt. Praděd in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts.

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    Předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá rozložením vegetace na půdních kopečcích na Keprníku a Pradědu v Hrubém Jeseníku, a jejím vztahem k efektu návětří a závětří a morfologickým charakteristikám půdních kopečků. Efekt návětří a závětří byl zkoumán jak v rámci celé lokality, tak i na samotných půdních kopečcích. Dalším úkolem diplomové práce bylo určení sukcesních stádií vegetace, která odráží vývojová stádia a stupně aktivity půdních kopečků. Půdní kopečky jsou netříděné tvary strukturních půd. Vegetace na půdních kopečcích se zásadním způsobem podílí nejen na jejich vzniku, ale ovlivňuje také jejich tvar a vnitřní charakteristiky. Vegetace zároveň odráží jak vlastnosti půdních kopečků (tj. dostupná vlhkost, vlastnosti půdy apod.), tak ekologické podmínky, které na ně působí (tj. účinky větru, rozložení sněhové pokrývky apod.). U každého zkoumaného půdního kopečku byly změřeny jeho morfometrické charakteristiky (délka, šířka, výška) a poté byl rozdělen na kvadranty dle vlivu větru (návětrný kvadrant orientovaný JZ, závětrný kvadrant orientovaný SV a 2 boční kvadranty orientované JV a SZ), v nichž probíhala fytocenologická snímkování. Z výsledků vyplývá, že půdní kopečky značně ovlivňují životní podmínky vegetace. Na Keprníku se zvětšujícím se objemem půdního kopečku roste počet druhů rostlin a...This thesis focuses on spatial distribution of vegetation species on the earth hummocks on Mt. Keprník and Mt. Praděd in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts., the relationship of the spatial distribution of vegetation to windward and leeward effect, and also on the morphological characteristics of earth hummocks. The windward and leeward effect was studied not only on the earth hummocks themselves, but also in the whole study area. The succession of vegetation, which reflects an activity of earth hummock and a level of their development, was also concerned. Earth hummocks are nonsorted patterned ground types. Vegetation on earth hummocks affects not only their formation, but also their shape and internal characteristics. Further,vegetation reflects certain properties of earth hummocks (moisture, soil characteristics etc.), and also ecological conditions which affect earth hummocks (wind impact, distribution of snow cover etc). Each studied earth hummock was first measured (length, width and height) in the field and then was divided into quadrants according to the efect of wind (windward quadrant oriented SW, windward quadrant oriented NE, and two remaining quadrants oriented NE, NW) in which phytocenological surveys were carried out. The results show that the vegetation on earth hummocks is strongly efected by...Department of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Freeze-thaw processes, temperature and moisture trends in earth hummocks

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    Earth hummocks are nonsorted patterned ground types. This thesis is primary focused on the study of temperature regime particularly during freeze-thaw process and also on factors that affect its non-uniformity. Secondary, it refers to the relation between temperature and moisture regime, morphometric characteristics of earth hummocks and their geographical expansion in the world. The information from the literature search is applied to the results from temperature and moisture measurements of the earth hummocks in depths 5 - 40 cm in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains - Keprník peak in 2005 - 2010. The results show that many factors affect the non-uniformity of temperature regime in different parts of earth hummocks. The most important of them are: the shape of the earth hummock, the aspect orientation, the distribution and the height of snow cover, the wind exposure and the presence of vegetation. There is an interaction between the soil moisture content and the temperature regime, and they are mutually affected. The obtained results from the Keprník study area are compared with the literature data about the earth hummocks in the world. Key words: patterned ground, earth hummock, temperature regime, moisture, regelation, Keprník peak, Hrubý Jeseník Mountain

    <i>N</i>-Glycoprofiling of SLC35A2-CDG: Patient with a Novel Hemizygous Variant

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    Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a group of rare inherited metabolic disorders caused by a defect in the process of protein glycosylation. In this work, we present a comprehensive glycoprofile analysis of a male patient with a novel missense variant in the SLC35A2 gene, coding a galactose transporter that translocates UDP-galactose from the cytosol to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Isoelectric focusing of serum transferrin, which resulted in a CDG type II pattern, was followed by structural analysis of transferrin and serum N-glycans, as well as the analysis of apolipoprotein CIII O-glycans by mass spectrometry. An abnormal serum N-glycoprofile with significantly increased levels of agalactosylated (Hex3HexNAc4-5 and Hex3HexNAc5Fuc1) and monogalactosylated (Hex4HexNAc4 ± NeuAc1) N-glycans was observed. Additionally, whole exome sequencing and Sanger sequencing revealed de novo hemizygous c.461T > C (p.Leu154Pro) mutation in the SLC35A2 gene. Based on the combination of biochemical, analytical, and genomic approaches, the set of distinctive N-glycan biomarkers was characterized. Potentially, the set of identified aberrant N-glycans can be specific for other variants causing SLC35A2-CDG and can distinguish this disorder from the other CDGs or other defects in the galactose metabolism