458 research outputs found

    Isolation of novel Arabidopsis mutant plants altered in their pathogen defense response [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableFaculty Mentor: Dr. Walter Gassmann, BiologyPlant pathogens cause disease in many plants, which results in significant yield loss in crop plants world-wide. To defend against the invading pathogens, plants contain a specific pathogen defense system called gene-for-gene resistance. This system recognizes the presence of avirulence genes in pathogens. To understand how this process works, a genetic approach is being used with the model plant Arabidopsis. A variety of disease susceptible Arabidopsis, called RLD, were mutagenized and then screened by the researcher for mutants resistant to bacteria expressing the avirulence gene avrRPS4. These mutants were chosen for their phenotypic characteristics, and then screened for RLD background. The resulting mutants are called suppressors of RPS4-RLD, or srfr. Two independent srfr mutants (srfr1 and srfr3) specifically resistant to pathogens that express avrRPS4 have been identified from over two thousand specimens by the researcher. These suppressor mutants are the first to reverse disease susceptibility in an avirulence gene-specific manner, and provide a unique tool to identify additional important genes in the Arabidopsis disease resistance signaling pathway. Through genetic mapping of the srfr1 and srfr3 plants the researcher has determined that the primitive location for the mutation is on the bottom half of chromosome four. This was done by using known molecular markers and by examining recombination frequencies. With more refined mapping markers the exact location of the mutation will be identified. The knowledge gained from this project will ultimately be used to improve pathogen resistance in crop plants, thus increasing the yield of corn, soybeans and whea

    A survey of a selection of methods for determination of Koebe sets

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    In this article we take over methods for determination of Koebe set based on extremal sets for a given class of functions

    Subclasses of typically real functions determined by some modular inequalities

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    Let T\mathrm{T} be the family of all typically real functions, i.e. functions that are analytic in the unit disk \Delta := \{ z \in \mathbb{C} : |z|<1 \}, normalized by f(0)=f(0)1=0f(0)=f'(0)-1=0 and such that Im zz Im f(z)f(z) 0\geq 0 for zΔz \in \Delta. Moreover, let us denote: T(2):= {fT:f(z)=f(z) for zΔ}\mathrm{T}^{(2)}:=  \{f \in \mathrm{T}: f(z)=-f(-z) \text{ for } z \in \Delta \} and TM,g:= {fT:fMg in Δ}\mathrm{T}^{M,g} :=  \{ f \in \mathrm{T}: f \prec Mg \text{ in } \Delta \}, where M>1, gTSg \in \mathrm{T} \cap \mathrm{S} and S\mathrm{S} consists of all analytic functions, normalized and univalent in Δ\Delta.We investigate  classes in which the subordination is replaced with the majorization and the function gg is typically real but does not necessarily univalent, i.e. classes {fT:fMg in Δ}\{ f \in \mathrm{T}: f \ll Mg \text{ in } \Delta \}, where M>1, gTg \in \mathrm{T}, which we denote by TM,g\mathrm{T}_{M,g}. Furthermore, we broaden the class TM,g\mathrm{T}_{M,g} for the case M(0,1)M \in (0,1) in the following  way:TM,g={fT:f(z)Mg(z) for zΔ}\mathrm{T}_{M,g} = \left\{ f \in \mathrm{T} : |f(z)| \geq M |g(z)| \text{ for } z \in \Delta \right\}, gTg \in \mathrm{T}

    Українське термінознавство кінця XX – перших десятиріч XXI століття

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    The article examines the main stages of the development of Ukrainian terminology during the period of Ukrainian independence. There were three chronological stages. The first one was between 1991–2000, the time of the collapse of the USSR, economic crisis, mass migration, deterioration of the life and livelihood of the populace. The second stage was from 2001 to 2014. It is associated with efforts to overcome the economic crisis and to establish national values. The third is from 2015 to the present. It also has its own specifics. Here we are speaking about the Russian Federation’s military invasion of the territory of Ukraine, the Covid pandemic, the change in the rhythm of people’s lives, remote learning and communication. And finally, the hot phase of the Russian Federation’s war on Ukraine in 2022–2023. However, scientific life does not stop, although the nation’s intelligence often migrates. In each of the stages mentioned, research on certain terminological systems is described in theses, monographs, the publication of textbooks and manuals, regional, Ukrainian, and international terminological conferences, and the elements of international cooperation are shown.W artykule zaprezentowano trzy główne etapy rozwoju terminoznawstwa ukraińskiego okresu niepodległości Ukrainy. Pierwszy etap, w latach 1991–2000, to czas rozpadu ZSRR, kryzysu gospodarczego, masowej migracji, pogorszenia warunków życia i bytu ludności przy jednoczesnym wzroście ducha narodowego, świadomości, próby rewizji zrusyfikowanego systemu terminologicznego. Drugi etap, od 2001 do 2014 roku, związany jest z wysiłkami na rzecz przezwyciężenia kryzysu gospodarczego i ustanowienia wartości narodowych. Trzeci etap, od 2015 roku do dziś, również ma swoją specyfikę: cechują go inwazja Federacji Rosyjskiej na terytorium Ukrainy, pandemia covid, zmiana rytmu życia ludzi, zdalna nauka i komunikacja. I wreszcie dochodzi do gorącej fazy wojny Federacji Rosyjskiej w Ukrainie w latach 2022–2023. Jednak życie naukowe nie zamiera, choć intelektualiści emigrują. Na każdym z tych etapów scharakteryzowano badanie określonych systemów terminologicznych w rozprawach, monografiach, publikacjach podręczników i skryptów, organizację regionalnych, ogólnoukraińskich i międzynarodowych konferencji terminoznawczych, ukazano elementy współpracy międzynarodowej.The article examines the main stages of the development of Ukrainian terminology during the period of Ukrainian independence. There were three chronological stages. The first one was between 1991–2000, the time of the collapse of the USSR, economic crisis, mass migration, deterioration of the life and livelihood of the populace. The second stage was from 2001 to 2014. It is associated with efforts to overcome the economic crisis and to establish national values. The third is from 2015 to the present. It also has its own specifics. Here we are speaking about the Russian Federation’s military invasion of the territory of Ukraine, the Covid pandemic, the change in the rhythm of people’s lives, remote learning and communication. And finally, the hot phase of the Russian Federation’s war on Ukraine in 2022–2023. However, scientific life does not stop, although the nation’s intelligence often migrates. In each of the stages mentioned, research on certain terminological systems is described in theses, monographs, the publication of textbooks and manuals, regional, Ukrainian, and international terminological conferences, and the elements of international cooperation are shown