5 research outputs found

    Jan Rybowicz’s erotic poetry against the legend of his biography

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    W niniejszej pracy magisterskiej przedstawiona została legenda biograficzna jednegoz polskich pisarzy wyklętych – Jana Rybowicza. Skupiłam się głównie na informacjach dotyczących życia osobistego oraz relacji z płcią przeciwną. Następnie ową legendę połączyłam z twórczością poetycką autora. Zajęłam się wyłącznie poezją o tematyce erotycznej oraz wizerunkiem kobiety w niej przedstawionym. Wydzieliłam i zanalizowałam trzy typy postaci kobiecych: towarzyszkę życia, kochankę oraz tajemniczą nieznajomą. Sylwetka Rybowicza wpisana została w kontekst biograficzno-literacki trzech, bodaj najbardziej znanych, polskich poetów wyklętych – Andrzeja Bursy, Rafała Wojaczka oraz Edwarda Stachury. Porównałam także poetykę wymienionych pisarzy oraz sposób, w jaki ukazywali kobietę w swojej poezji.In my master thesis I depicted biografical legend of one of the polish accoursed poets – Jan Rybowicz, focused mainly at information which affects his personal life and relations with women. Then I interconnect that legend with poetic creativity of the writer. I was concerned only with erotical subjects of his poetry and women image concluded in it. I assigned and analized three types of female characters: compeer of life, lover and mysterious stranger. I input Rybowicz’s creativity into biographical and literary context of three, most popular, polish accoursed poets – Andrzej Bursa, Rafał Wojaczek and Edward Stachura. I also compare these writer’s poetics and the way they show women in their poetry

    Vitamin D and Indices of Bone and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Postmenopausal Women Subjected to a 12-Week Aerobic Training Program—The Pilot Study

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of Nordic walking training on the indices of bone and carbohydrate metabolism in relation to 25(OH)D levels in postmenopausal women that were subjected to the outdoor systematic physical activity. The study was performed in 10 postmenopausal women, who participated in a 12-week Nordic walking exercise program, taking place during spring months (March to June). Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured before and after the training program. Serum concentrations of 25-hydroksycholekalciferol (25(OH)D), parathyroid hormone (PTH), insulin, glucose, osteocalcin (OC), C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX), and calcium were determined. After the Nordic walking exercise program, a significant increase in the serum levels of 25(OH)D and CTX and a decrease in body mass, body mass index (BMI), fat mass, and PTH concentrations were observed. The findings of the present study suggest that 25(OH)D, as important metabolic regulator, plays a role in the modification of bone markers’ responses after the outdoor training program, independent of the physical activity effects

    Stimuli-Responsive Star Polymer as an Admixture for Crystallization of Hollow Crystals

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    Polymers are becoming a very popular tool in the crystallization of different compounds. In this work, a new method of crystallization is proposed using stimuli-responsive star polymer in order to obtain hollow structure crystals. In these experiments, amphiphilic copolymer of acrylic acid (AA) and methyl acrylate (MA) were used for isohydric crystallization via they cooling of KCl in deionized water solution. The experiments were realized in quartz cuvette with a magnetic stirrer using a specialized spectrometer with precise temperature control. The crystallization course was monitored by the absorbance readings and analysis of the nucleation energetic effect. It was proved that the moment of the polymer’s phase transition occurrence had an important role in the crystal growth process. On the other hand, the occurrence of phase transition did not trigger the nucleation. The supercoolings achieved in the presence of the polymer were significantly higher compared to pure salt crystallization. On the basis of analysis of Particle Size Distribution (PSD) and Critical Aggregation Concentration (CAC) of the polymer, it was proposed that the hydrophobic particles of macromolecules created from polymeric aggregates served as templates for the formation of hollow crystals. Their purity was verified using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), 1H NMR, and XRD. Only trace amounts of polymer were found in the crystalline product

    Vocabulary and folk culture of the Wiśniowa commune

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    Książka zawiera: słownik (s. 27-224), opisy wybranych zwyczajów i obrzędów ludowych (hasła tematyczne)(s. 225-260), a także transkrypcje tekstów gwarowych (s. 261-277).The book contains a dictionary and the descriptions of the folk culture of the Wiśniowa commune in Małopolska