97 research outputs found

    Kako čitamo tuđe umove: odnos teorije teorije i simulacijske teorije

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    Suvremeno istraživanje teorije uma obilježeno je dvama dominantnim pristupima. Teorija teorije (TT) tvrdi kako je čitanje tuđih umova proces zaključivanja s obzirom na prethodno formulirane generalizacije nalik znanstvenim hipotezama. S druge strane, zastupnici simulacijske teorije (ST) zastupaju mišljenje kako se teorija uma oslanja na svojevrsno zrcaljenje ili simuliranje tuđih mentalnih stanja. Simuliranjem mentalnih stanja drugih se postavljamo u njihovu poziciju, tj. u njihove „mentalne cipele“. Pretpostavka o međusobnoj isključivosti TT-a i ST-a je u velikoj mjeri usmjeravala empirijska istraživanja, no pokazala se neodrživom. Odbacivanjem pretpostavke o međusobnoj isključivosti TT-a i ST-a, pažnja je usmjerena na odnos teorijskih i simulacijskih procesa pri teoriji uma. Za vrstu procesa koji će se odvijati, od velike su važnosti kontekst ili situacija u kojoj se događa proces te vrsta pripisivanog stanja. Uvriježena je podjela TT-a i ST-a s obzirom na pripisivanje kognitivnih i afektivnih mentalnih stanja. Moguće je tvrditi kako je afektivno mentalno stanje subjekta teorije uma, koje zanemaruju i TT i ST, ključan faktor u određenju vrste procesa koji će se odvijati

    A fiatalok fogyasztási és életmódbeli szokásai a környezeti nevelés tükrében

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    A tanulmány egy olyan kutatás mélyebb elemzésének eredményeit mutatja be, amelynek során a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Környezetgazdaságtani és Technológiai Tanszékének munkatársai kérdőíves felmérést hajtottak végre a Norvég Alap támogatásával, a „Fenntartható fogyasztás, termelés és kommunikáció” c. projekt keretében. A válaszok alapján összehasonlíthatjuk a fiatalok egyes csoportjainak környezettudatosságát és a fogyasztáshoz való viszonyát, amelynek alapján meghatározhatjuk a környezeti nevelés legfontosabb fókuszait és eszközeit. Két iskolatípus (egyetemisták és középiskolások) tanulóinak adatai alapján többdimenziós skálázás segítségével vizsgáltuk azt, hogy a diákokat leíró jellemzők közül melyek mozognak együtt, és melyek előfordulása mutat ellentétes irányba. Klaszterelemzéssel azt is feltártuk, hogy a mintába került személyek milyen hasonlóságokat és eltéréseket mutatnak, milyen, többé-kevésbé homogén csoportok képezhetők belőlük. Az eredmények alapján szakmai javaslatokat fogalmazunk meg a környezeti nevelés területére. _______ This paper presents the in-depth analysis of results from a survey of students from secondary and tertiary education. The survey was conducted by researchers from the department of environmental economics and technology of the Corvinus University of Budapest in the framework of the project titeld „sustainable consumption, production and communication” supported by the Norwegian Fund. The environmental consciousness and consumer behaviour of different groups of young people are compared, allowing identification of the main focus points and tools of environmental education. Multidimensional scaling is used to examine which characteristics of the students are related and which point in opposite directions. Similarities and differences between respondents were mapped through cluster analysis and relatively homogeneous groups were indentified. The results are used to make suggestions for the development of environmental education

    Szabadgyök-kutatás módszerei, néhány fontosabb orvostörténeti vonatkozása = Methods of free radical research, and its primary impact in the history of medicine

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    A szabadgyök-kutatás évtizedei alatt jelentősen változott a kutatás módszertana, műszerigénye. Amíg kezdetben fizikusok foglalkoztak a szabad gyökök keletkezésével, a gyökképződés kinetikájával, a folyamatok mechanizmusának megismerésével, a szabadgyökös reakciók lecsengésének vizsgálatával, direkt módszerek voltak alkalmasak a változások tanulmányozására. A szabadgyök kutatásban Zavoisky az 1940-es évek elején végzett elektronspin-rezonancia (ESR) kutatásai meghatározó jelentőségűek voltak. Az ESR technikát ma már a kémia, fizika, biológia és az orvostudomány számos területén alkalmazzák

    A convenient cost-effective method for recyclization of the aqueous waste effluent of car-painting industry

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    Non-sedimentation nanoparticles containing alkaline wastewater as effluent from the cleaning process of car-painting lines can be purified by sedimentation after adding of mineral acids to adjust the pH below 5. Using 10 % aq. sulfuric acid to coagulate and filtrate the colloid particles, and adjusting the effluent pH with 10 wt. % aq. NaOH to the original value (~9), the wastewater can be recycled with ca. 0.3 % salt content into the cleaning process of the painting line (rinsing) technology

    In vitro binding and functional studies of Ac-RYYRIK-ol and its derivatives, novel partial agonists of the nociceptin/orphanin F/Q receptor.

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    Following the discovery of nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) peptide receptor (NOP) and its endogenous ligand, an extensive search has started to find selective agonists and antagonists targeting this novel receptor-ligand system due to their therapeutic potentials. By the help of the combinatorial chemistry a series of hexapeptides with a general formula of Ac-RYY-R/K-W/I-R/K-NH(2) having high NOP receptor affinity and selectivity were identified. On the basis of this information we developed a number of novel compounds. The detailed structure-activity studies on the partial agonist Ac-RYYRIK-NH(2) are reported in this communication. Besides the modifications on N- and C-terminal, Arg-Cit exchange was performed on the template structure. The novel hexapeptides were analyzed in radioligand binding, functional biochemical [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding assays by using membranes from rat brains and Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing human NOP receptor. The agonist/antagonist properties were also tested on in the mouse vas deferens bioassay. C-terminal modification yielded a high affinity, selective and potent NOP ligand (Ac-RYYRIK-ol) with a partial agonist property. Several analogs of this compound were synthesized. The presence of the positively charged arginine residue at the first position turned out to be crucial for the biological activity of the hexapeptide. The N-terminal modifications with various acyl groups (ClAc, pivaloyl, formyl, benzoyl, mesyl) decreased the affinity of the ligand towards the receptor and the intrinsic activity for stimulating the G-protein activation was also decreased. The structure-activity studies on the hexapeptide derivatives provided some basic information on the structural requirements for receptor binding and activation

    Strontium isotope stratigraphy of late Cenozoic fossiliferous marine deposits in North Borneo (Brunei, and Sarawak, Malaysia)

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    Neogene marine deposits of North Borneo are locally very rich in fossils that provide glimpses into the past biodiversity. However, dating these onshore sediments with biostratigraphy is often hampered by the lack and/or the poor preservation state of index fossils. Therefore, the fossiliferous sites were targeted with strontium isotope stratigraphy (SIS) to obtain higher precision relative dating. Well-preserved macrofossils were screened using a multidisciplinary approach, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the most pristine remains were used to date the embedding sediments. Most of the measured ages fall in the expected chronostratigraphic framework established by large scale studies for the region. The oldest, Burdigalian (early Miocene) ages were measured for the Sibuti Formation in Sarawak (17.71 \ub1 0.2My and 16.7 \ub1 0.2My) followed by a Serravallian (middle Miocene) age within the Belait Fm in Brunei (12.1 +1.4/-1.2My). Eight localities from the younger units, the Miri and Seria formations in Brunei, gave a range in age from 10.5 \ub1 1 to 7.0 +0.9/-0.5My (Tortonian-Messinian). Reworked fossil assemblages from Tutong beach were also investigated and the SIS ages of Late Miocene support an origin from the younger part of the Seria Fm. One locality, in Lumapas where limestone crops out in Brunei, gave an unexpected younger age (Tortonian, late Miocene, 10.6 \ub1 1My) compared to estimates projected for its assumed stratigraphic position in the lower Belait Formation (late Burdigalian). These challenging data require more research, yet if the young age is accepted, the stratigraphic situation of the limestone needs further revision

    FX Forward Market in Hungary: General Characteristics and Impact of the COVID Crisis

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    General Characteristics and Impact of the COVID Crisi

    Integrated optical biosensor for rapid detection of bacteria

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    In medical diagnostics, rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria from body fluids is one of the basic issues. Most state-of-the-art methods require optical labeling, increasing the complexity, duration and cost of the analysis. Therefore, there is a strong need for developing selective sensory devices based on label-free techniques, in order to increase the speed, and reduce the cost of detection. In a recent paper, we have shown that an integrated optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer, a highly sensitive all-optical device made of a cheap photopolymer, can be used as a powerful lab-on-a-chip tool for specific, labelfree detection of proteins. By proper modifications of this technique, our interferometric biosensor was combined with a microfluidic system allowing the rapid and specific detection of bacteria from solutions, having the surface of the sensor functionalized by bacterium-specific antibodies. The experiments proved that the biosensor was able to detect Escherichia coli bacteria at concentrations of 106 cfu/ml within a few minutes, that makes our device an appropriate tool for fast, label-free detection of bacteria from body fluids such as urine or sputum. On the other hand, possible applications of the device may not be restricted to medical microbiology, since bacterial identification is an important task in microbial forensics, criminal investigations, bio-terrorism threats and in environmental studies, as well