822 research outputs found

    Impact of Early Retirement Incentives on Labour Market Participation: Evidence from a Parametric Change in the Czech Republic

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    We investigate the impact of a change in the Czech early retirement scheme on the labor force participation of older male workers. Using the difference-in-differences method we find that a reduction in early retirement benefits by 2–3% leads to approximately the same decrease in the probability of being inactive. Our finding implies high elasticity of older male workers’ participation rate. The public policy implication is that a reduction in early retirement benefits can serve as a very effective tool to increase the participation of older men in the Czech labor market.Czech Republic, early retirement, labor market participation.

    The Evaluation of Company Financial Situation and Proposals to Its Improvement

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na posouzení finanční situace firmy, za pomocí použití ukazatelů finanční analýzy. Tyto ukazatele, indexy a modely jsou poté použity na analýzu společnosti M.H.Mont s.r.o., k odhalení jejích možných finančních problému. Obsahuje také návrhy, které by mohly přispět k zlepšení její současné situace a budoucího vývoje.This bachelor thesis focuses on the financial condition of firms, by using financial analysis. These indicators, indices and models are then applied to the analysis of M.H.Mont s.r.o., to reveal potential financial problems. It also includes proposals that could contribute to improving the current situation and future development.

    Rekonstruction of North Station Head in Mariánské Lázně Railway Station

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je navrhnout rekonstrukci severního zhlaví železniční stanice Mariánské Lázně, tak aby došlo ke zlepšení a modernizaci jeho současného technického stavu.The subject of this thesis is to propose a reconstruction of the northern station head in Mariánské Lázně railway station, so in order to improve and modernize its current technical state.

    Sanctions and Remedies

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    Shopping Advisor

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou nalezení nejkratší cesty v obchodu pro zvolený nákup. Jsou zde popsány technologie pro tvorbu www stránek. Pro procházení stavového prostoru jsou uvedeny algoritmy k nalezení nejkratší cesty mezi dvěma body a k řešení problému obchodního cestujícího. Dále je uveden návrh a implementace aplikace se všemi použitými technologiemi (PHP, Nette, MySQL, JS, JQuery) za použití Dijkstrova algoritmu pro nalezení nejkratší cesty a genetického algoritmu pro řešení problému obchodního cestujícího.The attached bachelor thesis deals with nding the shortest ways in a shop for the selected purchase. The different technologies of creating web pages are described. As for the state space search algorithms are given for nding the shortest path between two points and for solving the travel salesmen problem. The thesis continues with the description of a design and implementation of application with all used technologies (PHP, Nette, MySQL, JS, JQuery) applying the Dijkstra's algorithm for nding the shortest path and genetic algorithm for solving the travel salesmen problem.

    Apartment Building with Café

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je bytový dům s kavárnou. Bytový dům má 9 bytových jednotek se vstupem v 1.NP. Kavárna je dvoupodlažní,s možností pořádání firemních večírků. Zastavěná plocha objektu je přibližně 420m2. Objekt má 4 nadzemní podlaží.The theme of MASTER'S THESIS is a Apartment Building with Café. Apartment building with 9 residential units and entering 1.NP. The café has two floors, with the possibility of organizing company meetings. Built-up area is approximately 420 square meters. The building has 4 floors.

    Unconsidered Element in the Probation of First Offenders

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    Rights in Rem

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    Plurality of Advantage and Disadvantage in Jural Relations

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    A recent writer has inveighed, not without some declamation, against the use of rhetoric in the field of law-making.1 But rhetoric finds a place, and often an unprofitable one, not only in legislation, but even in technical legal analysis. Metonymy (change of name) has often been pointed out. When we say that X is the owner of blackacre, what we mean is that X has certain legal advantages concerning blackacre; in other words, that X is the holder or dominus of claims (rights) and powers concerning certain land. Synecdoche (saying more or less than i\u27 meant) is very commonly found; and the illustrations are numerous in the interpretation of statutes. When full faith and credit are to be given to the judgments of another state certain exceptions are sometimes made, as, for example that the judgmerit must be responsive to the pleadings where the defendant has not appeared. Again, a right \u27against the whole world\u27 may mean something less extensive than the words imply. Personification is a useful and necessary rhetorical figure often employed by the law, not, of course, in mere words, but in deeds, as when, for example, a barrel of molasses which contains too much sulphur is cbndemned to destruction. Even the attribution of legal capacity to a human being amounts, in essence, to legal personification. Pleonasm (the use of redundant words) is a common vice often resorted to out of caution that nothing shall be omitted. It finds expression in such phrases as \u27rights, claims, and demands,\u27 and \u27transfer, set over, alien, and convey.\u27 Metaphor also abounds, as when we speak of an agent \u27representing\u27 his principal, of \u27transferring\u27 land, or of \u27assigning\u27 a contract.


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