1,036 research outputs found

    Open access and promotion and tenure evaluation plans at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire

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    Department and program evaluation plans at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire were examined to see if these documents provide evidence that could be used to justify supporting the publication of peer-reviewed open access articles toward tenure and promotion. In an earlier study, the authors reveal that faculty members at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire are more unaware of open access publishing than their counterparts at larger universities. These findings dovetail with other studies that show that faculty members are reluctant to publish in open access journals because of concerns about the quality of those journals. The existing body of scholarship suggests that tenure-line faculty fear publishing in open access journals because it could adversely impact their chances of promotion and tenure. The authors of this current study sought to determine if department and program evaluation plans could influence negative perceptions faculty have of open access journals. The implications of this study for librarians, scholarly communication professionals, tenure-line faculty, departments, and programs are addressed

    Risk assessment of cervical disease by hrHPV testing an cytology

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    Broadening our thinking:DAWN OF THE COMPLEXITY PARADIGM

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    End-to-End Deep Transfer Learning for Calibration-free Motor Imagery Brain Computer Interfaces

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    A major issue in Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces (MI-BCIs) is their poor classification accuracy and the large amount of data that is required for subject-specific calibration. This makes BCIs less accessible to general users in out-of-the-lab applications. This study employed deep transfer learning for development of calibration-free subject-independent MI-BCI classifiers. Unlike earlier works that applied signal preprocessing and feature engineering steps in transfer learning, this study adopted an end-to-end deep learning approach on raw EEG signals. Three deep learning models (MIN2Net, EEGNet and DeepConvNet) were trained and compared using an openly available dataset. The dataset contained EEG signals from 55 subjects who conducted a left- vs. right-hand motor imagery task. To evaluate the performance of each model, a leave-one-subject-out cross validation was used. The results of the models differed significantly. MIN2Net was not able to differentiate right- vs. left-hand motor imagery of new users, with a median accuracy of 51.7%. The other two models performed better, with median accuracies of 62.5% for EEGNet and 59.2% for DeepConvNet. These accuracies do not reach the required threshold of 70% needed for significant control, however, they are similar to the accuracies of these models when tested on other datasets without transfer learning

    System Optimum Fuzzy Traffic Assignment Problem

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    This paper focuses on converting the system optimum traffic assignment problem (SO-TAP) to system optimum fuzzy traffic assignment problem (SO-FTAP). The SO-TAP aims to minimize the total system travel time on road network between the specified origin and destination points. Link travel time is taken as a linear function of fuzzy link flow; thus each link travel time is constructed as a triangular fuzzy number. The objective function is expressed in terms of link flows and link travel times in a non-linear form while satisfying the flow conservation constraints. The parameters of the problem are path lengths, number of lanes, average speed of a vehicle, vehicle length, clearance, spacing, link capacity and free flow travel time. Considering a road network, the path lengths and number of lanes are taken as crisp numbers. The average speed of a vehicle and vehicle length are imprecise in nature, so these are taken as triangular fuzzy numbers. Since the remaining parameters, that are clearance, spacing, link capacity and free flow travel time are determined by the average speed of a vehicle and vehicle length, they will be triangular fuzzy numbers. Finally, the original SO-TAP is converted to a fuzzy quadratic programming (FQP) problem, and it is solved using an existing approach from literature. A numerical experiment is illustrated.</p

    Ein Dichterbildnis des 2. Jhs. v. Chr.

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    Trots att flera forskningsrapporter har visat pĂ„ de ekonomiska vinsterna med jĂ€mstĂ€llda arbetsplatser Ă€r den kvinnliga underrepresentationen pĂ„ högre poster inom nĂ€ringslivet fortfarande pĂ„taglig. En av förklaringarna till denna ojĂ€mstĂ€lldhet har tillskrivits den manliga överordningen i samhĂ€llet som hindrar kvinnor frĂ„n att ta sig in i den absoluta maktsfĂ€ren. Flera jĂ€mstĂ€lldhetsstudier visar att kvinnor inte tillĂ„ts ingĂ„ i ”old-boy-network” och att manliga ideal prĂ€glar bilden av hur en bra chef ska vara och agera. Bristande tillgĂ„ng pĂ„ informella nĂ€tverk anses vara en av förklaringarna till att kvinnor har svĂ„rare att lyckas i karriĂ€ren. Könsordningen har ansetts vara den enskilt starkaste kraften som pĂ„verkar hur individer agerar och inordnar sig inom en organisation. Genom att studera tvĂ„ företag som anvĂ€nder sig av uttalat meritokratiska karriĂ€rmodeller vill vi undersöka hur könsordningen pĂ„verkar inom organisationerna. Resultatet av studien visar att tillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ informella nĂ€tverk Ă€r mindre i en svag könsordning dĂ€r prestation ligger till grund för befordran. I takt med att individen avancerar ökar betydelsen av informella nĂ€tverk och könsordningen stĂ€rks i takt med att individen nĂ€rmar sig toppen av hierarkin. Organisationer kan till viss del pĂ„verka vilken makt könsordningen tilldelas inom organisationen genom att aktivt arbeta för att formalisera informella aktiviteter.Recent studies have proven that a mixed working force produces better economic results for companies then does a single gendered working force. Even so, the majority of top-level positions in today’s business are held by men. Women are said to have great difficulties entering the “old-boy-networks” on the hierarchical top and leadership qualities are still strongly connected to manly attributes. Women’s inability to enter and build informal social network structures is mentioned as one of the biggest reasons when trying to explain the lack of women on top positions. The gender order in the organisations, which separates women from men, are said to be the single strongest force to influence the life of the organisation. This study focuses one how meritocratic career models influences the gender order within the organisation and if formalized career models minimize the importance informal networks. The result of the study shows that the need for informal networks in order to advance in the organisational hierarchy is of less importance in an organisation with a weak gender order were achievements and results are the only variables considered when aspiring for promotion. The importance of informal networks strengthens as the individual clime up the hierarchical career path and the study indicates that evaluation gets less formal closer to the top positions and that homosocial desire plays a significant role when aspiring for top positions
