165 research outputs found

    Distributed Order Derivatives and Relaxation Patterns

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    We consider equations of the form (D(ρ)u)(t)=λu(t)(D_{(\rho)}u)(t)=-\lambda u(t), t>0t>0, where λ>0\lambda >0, D(ρ)D_{(\rho)} is a distributed order derivative, that is the Caputo-Dzhrbashyan fractional derivative of order α\alpha, integrated in α(0,1)\alpha\in (0,1) with respect to a positive measure ρ\rho. Such equations are used for modeling anomalous, non-exponential relaxation processes. In this work we study asymptotic behavior of solutions of the above equation, depending on properties of the measure ρ\rho

    Fractional Cauchy problems on bounded domains: survey of recent results

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    In a fractional Cauchy problem, the usual first order time derivative is replaced by a fractional derivative. This problem was first considered by \citet{nigmatullin}, and \citet{zaslavsky} in Rd\mathbb R^d for modeling some physical phenomena. The fractional derivative models time delays in a diffusion process. We will give a survey of the recent results on the fractional Cauchy problem and its generalizations on bounded domains D\subset \rd obtained in \citet{m-n-v-aop, mnv-2}. We also study the solutions of fractional Cauchy problem where the first time derivative is replaced with an infinite sum of fractional derivatives. We point out a connection to eigenvalue problems for the fractional time operators considered. The solutions to the eigenvalue problems are expressed by Mittag-Leffler functions and its generalized versions. The stochastic solution of the eigenvalue problems for the fractional derivatives are given by inverse subordinators

    p-Adic description of characteristic relaxation in complex systems

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    This work is a further development of an approach to the description of relaxation processes in complex systems on the basis of the p-adic analysis. We show that three types of relaxation fitted into the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts law, the power decay law, or the logarithmic decay law, are similar random processes. Inherently, these processes are ultrametric and are described by the p-adic master equation. The physical meaning of this equation is explained in terms of a random walk constrained by a hierarchical energy landscape. We also discuss relations between the relaxation kinetics and the energy landscapes.Comment: AMS-LaTeX (+iopart style), 9 pages, submitted to J.Phys.

    p-Adic Mathematical Physics

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    A brief review of some selected topics in p-adic mathematical physics is presented.Comment: 36 page

    Boundary Conditions for Singular Perturbations of Self-Adjoint Operators

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    Let A:D(A)\subseteq\H\to\H be an injective self-adjoint operator and let \tau:D(A)\to\X, X a Banach space, be a surjective linear map such that \|\tau\phi\|_\X\le c \|A\phi\|_\H. Supposing that \text{\rm Range} (\tau')\cap\H' =\{0\}, we define a family AΘτA^\tau_\Theta of self-adjoint operators which are extensions of the symmetric operator A{τ=0}.A_{|\{\tau=0\}.}. Any ϕ\phi in the operator domain D(AΘτ)D(A^\tau_\Theta) is characterized by a sort of boundary conditions on its univocally defined regular component \phireg, which belongs to the completion of D(A) w.r.t. the norm \|A\phi\|_\H. These boundary conditions are written in terms of the map τ\tau, playing the role of a trace (restriction) operator, as \tau\phireg=\Theta Q_\phi, the extension parameter Θ\Theta being a self-adjoint operator from X' to X. The self-adjoint extension is then simply defined by A^\tau_\Theta\phi:=A \phireg. The case in which Aϕ=TϕA\phi=T*\phi is a convolution operator on LD, T a distribution with compact support, is studied in detail.Comment: Revised version. To appear in Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol. 13

    Connection Conditions and the Spectral Family under Singular Potentials

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    To describe a quantum system whose potential is divergent at one point, one must provide proper connection conditions for the wave functions at the singularity. Generalizing the scheme used for point interactions in one dimension, we present a set of connection conditions which are well-defined even if the wave functions and/or their derivatives are divergent at the singularity. Our generalized scheme covers the entire U(2) family of quantizations (self-adjoint Hamiltonians) admitted for the singular system. We use this scheme to examine the spectra of the Coulomb potential V(x)=e2/xV(x) = - e^2 / | x | and the harmonic oscillator with square inverse potential V(x)=(mω2/2)x2+g/x2V(x) = (m \omega^2 / 2) x^2 + g/x^2, and thereby provide a general perspective for these models which have previously been treated with restrictive connection conditions resulting in conflicting spectra. We further show that, for any parity invariant singular potentials V(x)=V(x)V(-x) = V(x), the spectrum is determined solely by the eigenvalues of the characteristic matrix UU(2)U \in U(2).Comment: TeX, 18 page

    Kirchhoff's Rule for Quantum Wires

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    In this article we formulate and discuss one particle quantum scattering theory on an arbitrary finite graph with nn open ends and where we define the Hamiltonian to be (minus) the Laplace operator with general boundary conditions at the vertices. This results in a scattering theory with nn channels. The corresponding on-shell S-matrix formed by the reflection and transmission amplitudes for incoming plane waves of energy E>0E>0 is explicitly given in terms of the boundary conditions and the lengths of the internal lines. It is shown to be unitary, which may be viewed as the quantum version of Kirchhoff's law. We exhibit covariance and symmetry properties. It is symmetric if the boundary conditions are real. Also there is a duality transformation on the set of boundary conditions and the lengths of the internal lines such that the low energy behaviour of one theory gives the high energy behaviour of the transformed theory. Finally we provide a composition rule by which the on-shell S-matrix of a graph is factorizable in terms of the S-matrices of its subgraphs. All proofs only use known facts from the theory of self-adjoint extensions, standard linear algebra, complex function theory and elementary arguments from the theory of Hermitean symplectic forms.Comment: 40 page

    Towards ultrametric theory of turbulence

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    Relation of ultrametric analysis, wavelet theory and cascade models of turbulence is discussed. We construct the explicit solutions for the nonlinear ultrametric integral equation with quadratic nonlinearity. These solutions are built by means of the recurrent hierarchical procedure which is analogous to the procedure used for the cascade models of turbulence.Comment: 11 page

    First Passage Time Distribution and Number of Returns for Ultrametric Random Walk

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    In this paper, we consider a homogeneous Markov process \xi(t;\omega) on an ultrametric space Q_p, with distribution density f(x,t), x in Q_p, t in R_+, satisfying the ultrametric diffusion equation df(x,t)/dt =-Df(x,t). We construct and examine a random variable \tau (\omega) that has the meaning the first passage times. Also, we obtain a formula for the mean number of returns on the interval (0,t] and give its asymptotic estimates for large t.Comment: 20 page

    Some aspects of the mm-adic analysis and its applications to mm-adic stochastic processes

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    In this paper we consider a generalization of analysis on pp-adic numbers field to the mm case of mm-adic numbers ring. The basic statements, theorems and formulas of pp-adic analysis can be used for the case of mm-adic analysis without changing. We discuss basic properties of mm-adic numbers and consider some properties of mm-adic integration and mm-adic Fourier analysis. The class of infinitely divisible mm-adic distributions and the class of mm-adic stochastic Levi processes were introduced. The special class of mm-adic CTRW process and fractional-time mm-adic random walk as the diffusive limit of it is considered. We found the asymptotic behavior of the probability measure of initial distribution support for fractional-time mm-adic random walk.Comment: 18 page