765 research outputs found

    Charge-Transfer Forces in the Self-Assembly of Heteromolecular Reactive Solids:  Successful Design of Unique (Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal) Diels−Alder Cycloadditions

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    Electron donor/acceptor (EDA) interactions are found to be a versatile methodology for the engineering of reactive heteromolecular crystals. In this way, a series of the charge-transfer π-complexes between bis(alkylimino)-1,4-dithiin acceptors and anthracene donors are shown to form heteromolecular (1:1) crystalline solids that spontaneously undergo stereoselective [2 + 4] Diels−Alder cycloadditions. The flexible nature of the 1,4-dithiin moiety allows this homogeneous topochemical transformation to proceed with minimal distortion of the crystal lattice. As a result, a unique (single) crystal phase of the Diels−Alder adduct can be produced anti-thermodynamically with a molecular arrangement very different from that in solvent-grown crystals. Such a topochemical reaction between bis(methylimino)-1,4-dithiin and anthracene proceeds thermally and homogeneously up to very high conversions without disintegration of the single crystal. This ideal case of the mono-phase topochemical conversion can be continuously monitored structurally (X-ray crystallography) and kinetically (NMR spectroscopy) throughout the entire range of the crystalline transformation. The resultant “artificial” crystal of the Diels−Alder adduct is surprisingly stable despite its different symmetry and packing mode compared to the naturally grown (thermodynamic) crystal

    Diels−Alder Topochemistry via Charge-Transfer Crystals:  Novel (Thermal) Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformations

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    The solid-state [4+2] cycloaddition of anthracene to bis(N-ethylimino)-1,4-dithiin occurs via a unique single-phase topochemical reaction in the intermolecular (1:1) charge-transfer crystal. The thermal heteromolecular solid-state condensation involves the entire crystal, and this rare crystalline event follows topochemical control during the entire cycloaddition. As a result, a new crystalline modification of the Diels−Alder product is formed with a crystal-packing similar to that of the starting charge-transfer crystal but very different from that of the (thermodynamically favored) product modification obtained from solution-phase crystallization. Such a single-phase transformation is readily monitored by X-ray crystallography at various conversion stages, and the temporal changes in crystallographic parameters are correlated with temperature-dependent (solid-state) kinetic data that are obtained by 1H NMR spectroscopy at various reaction times. Thus, an acceleration of the solid-state reaction over time is found which results from a progressive lowering of the activation barrier for cycloaddition in a single crystal as it slowly and homogeneously converts from the reactant to the product lattice

    Steric Hindrance as a Mechanistic Probe for Olefin Reactivity:  Variability of the Hydrogenic Canopy over the Isomeric Adamantylideneadamantane/Sesquihomoadamantene Pair (A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study)

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    Access to each CC face of adamantylideneadamantane (AA) and sesquihomoadamantene (SA) is hindered by the hydrogenic canopy consisting of four β-hydrogens; otherwise, these olefins have quite normal environments. X-ray crystallography and density functional (DFT) calculations show a 0.5 Å larger annular opening in the protective cover of AA than that in SA. This contributes to the remarkable differences in reactivity toward various reagents, not only by limiting access to the olefin site in SA but also by inhibiting reactions which force these hydrogens closer together. Thus, AA is subject to typical olefin-addition reactions with bromine, sulfuryl chloride, m-chloroperbenzoic acid, dioxygen, and so forth, albeit sometimes at attenuated rates. On the other hand, SA is singularly unreactive under identical reaction conditions, except for the notable exceptions that include Brønsted (protonic) acids, a nitrosonium cation, and dichlorine. The exceptions are characterized as three sterically limited (electrophilic) reagents whose unique reactivity patterns are shown to be strongly influenced by steric access to the CC center. As such, the different degrees of steric encumbrance in the isomeric donors AA and SA shed considerable light on the diverse nature of olefinic reactions. In particular, they evoke mechanistic features in electrophilic addition versus electron transfer, which are otherwise not readily discernible with other less hindered olefinic donors. Transient structures of the olefinic-reaction intermediates such as the protonated carbocations AA−H+ and SA−H+ as well as the cation radicals AA•+ and SA•+ are probed by the combination of X-ray crystallographic analyses and density functional theoretical computations

    Isolated effective coherence (iCoh): causal information flow excluding indirect paths

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    A problem of great interest in real world systems, where multiple time series measurements are available, is the estimation of the intra-system causal relations. For instance, electric cortical signals are used for studying functional connectivity between brain areas, their directionality, the direct or indirect nature of the connections, and the spectral characteristics (e.g. which oscillations are preferentially transmitted). The earliest spectral measure of causality was Akaike's (1968) seminal work on the noise contribution ratio, reflecting direct and indirect connections. Later, a major breakthrough was the partial directed coherence of Baccala and Sameshima (2001) for direct connections. The simple aim of this study consists of two parts: (1) To expose a major problem with the partial directed coherence, where it is shown that it is affected by irrelevant connections to such an extent that it can misrepresent the frequency response, thus defeating the main purpose for which the measure was developed, and (2) To provide a solution to this problem, namely the "isolated effective coherence", which consists of estimating the partial coherence under a multivariate auto-regressive model, followed by setting all irrelevant associations to zero, other than the particular directional association of interest. Simple, realistic, toy examples illustrate the severity of the problem with the partial directed coherence, and the solution achieved by the isolated effective coherence. For the sake of reproducible research, the software code implementing the methods discussed here (using lazarus free-pascal "www.lazarus.freepascal.org"), including the test data as text files, are freely available at: https://sites.google.com/site/pascualmarqui/home/icoh-isolated-effective-coherenceComment: 2014-02-21 pre-print, technical report, KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research, University of Zurich, et a

    ICSNPathway: identify candidate causal SNPs and pathways from genome-wide association study by one analytical framework

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    Genome-wide association study (GWAS) is widely utilized to identify genes involved in human complex disease or some other trait. One key challenge for GWAS data interpretation is to identify causal SNPs and provide profound evidence on how they affect the trait. Currently, researches are focusing on identification of candidate causal variants from the most significant SNPs of GWAS, while there is lack of support on biological mechanisms as represented by pathways. Although pathway-based analysis (PBA) has been designed to identify disease-related pathways by analyzing the full list of SNPs from GWAS, it does not emphasize on interpreting causal SNPs. To our knowledge, so far there is no web server available to solve the challenge for GWAS data interpretation within one analytical framework. ICSNPathway is developed to identify candidate causal SNPs and their corresponding candidate causal pathways from GWAS by integrating linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis, functional SNP annotation and PBA. ICSNPathway provides a feasible solution to bridge the gap between GWAS and disease mechanism study by generating hypothesis of SNP → gene → pathway(s). The ICSNPathway server is freely available at http://icsnpathway.psych.ac.cn/

    Charge Delocalization in Self-Assembled Mixed-Valence Aromatic Cation Radicals

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    The spontaneous assembly of aromatic cation radicals (D+•) with their neutral counterpart (D) affords dimer cation radicals (D2+•). The intermolecular dimeric cation radicals are readily characterized by the appearance of an intervalence charge-resonance transition in the NIR region of their electronic spectra and by ESR spectroscopy. The X-ray crystal structure analysis and DFT calculations of a representative dimer cation radical (i.e., the octamethylbiphenylene dimer cation radical) have established that a hole (or single positive charge) is completely delocalized over both aromatic moieties. The energetics and the geometrical considerations for the formation of dimer cation radicals is deliberated with the aid of a series of cyclophane-like bichromophoric donors with drastically varied interplanar angles between the cofacially arranged aryl moieties. X-ray crystallography of a number of mixed-valence cation radicals derived from monochromophoric benzenoid donors established that they generally assemble in 1D stacks in the solid state. However, the use of polychromophoric intervalence cation radicals, where a single charge is effectively delocalized among all of the chromophores, can lead to higher-order assemblies with potential applications in long-range charge transport. As a proof of concept, we show that a single charge in the cation radical of a triptycene derivative is evenly distributed on all three benzenoid rings and this triptycene cation radical forms a 2D electronically coupled assembly, as established by X-ray crystallography

    Photochemistry Of Monochloro Complexes Of Copper(ii) In Methanol Probed By Ultrafast Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

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    Ultrafast transient absorption spectra in the deep to near UV range (212-384 nm) were measured for the [Cu-II(MeOH)(5)Cl](+) complexes in methanol following 255-nm excitation of the complex into the ligand-to-metal charge-transfer excited state. The electronically excited complex undergoes sub-200 fs radiationless decay, predominantly via back electron transfer, to the hot electronic ground state followed by fast vibrational relaxation on a 0.4-4 Ps time scale. A minor photochemical channel is Cu-Cl bond dissociation, leading to the reduction of copper(H) to copper(I) and the formation of MeOH center dot Cl charge-transfer complexes. The depletion of ground-state [Cu-II(MeOH)(5)Cl](+) perturbs the equilibrium between several forms of copper(II) complexes present in solution. Complete re-equilibration between [Cu-II(MeOH)(5)Cl](+) and [Cu-II(MeOH)(4)Cl-2] is established on a 10-500 ps time scale, slower than methanol diffusion, suggesting that the involved ligand exchange mechanism is dissociative

    Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Autoantibody Positivity in Type 1 Diabetes Cases

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    The genetic basis of autoantibody production is largely unknown outside of associations located in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region. The aim of this study is the discovery of new genetic associations with autoantibody positivity using genome-wide association scan single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data in type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients with autoantibody measurements. We measured two anti-islet autoantibodies, glutamate decarboxylase (GADA, n = 2,506), insulinoma-associated antigen 2 (IA-2A, n = 2,498), antibodies to the autoimmune thyroid (Graves') disease (AITD) autoantigen thyroid peroxidase (TPOA, n = 8,300), and antibodies against gastric parietal cells (PCA, n = 4,328) that are associated with autoimmune gastritis. Two loci passed a stringent genome-wide significance level (p<10(-10)): 1q23/FCRL3 with IA-2A and 9q34/ABO with PCA. Eleven of 52 non-MHC T1D loci showed evidence of association with at least one autoantibody at a false discovery rate of 16%: 16p11/IL27-IA-2A, 2q24/IFIH1-IA-2A and PCA, 2q32/STAT4-TPOA, 10p15/IL2RA-GADA, 6q15/BACH2-TPOA, 21q22/UBASH3A-TPOA, 1p13/PTPN22-TPOA, 2q33/CTLA4-TPOA, 4q27/IL2/TPOA, 15q14/RASGRP1/TPOA, and 12q24/SH2B3-GADA and TPOA. Analysis of the TPOA-associated loci in 2,477 cases with Graves' disease identified two new AITD loci (BACH2 and UBASH3A)

    Pitavastatin suppresses diethylnitrosamine-induced liver preneoplasms in male C57BL/KsJ-db/db obese mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obesity and related metabolic abnormalities, including inflammation and lipid accumulation in the liver, play a role in liver carcinogenesis. Adipocytokine imbalances, such as decreased serum adiponectin levels, are also involved in obesity-related liver tumorigenesis. In the present study, we examined the effects of pitavastatin - a drug used for the treatment of hyperlipidemia - on the development of diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced liver preneoplastic lesions in C57BL/KsJ-<it>db/db </it>(<it>db/db</it>) obese mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Male <it>db/db </it>mice were administered tap water containing 40 ppm DEN for 2 weeks and were subsequently fed a diet containing 1 ppm or 10 ppm pitavastatin for 14 weeks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At sacrifice, feeding with 10 ppm pitavastatin significantly inhibited the development of hepatic premalignant lesions, foci of cellular alteration, as compared to that in the untreated group by inducing apoptosis, but inhibiting cell proliferation. Pitavastatin improved liver steatosis and activated the AMPK-Îą protein in the liver. It also decreased free fatty acid and aminotransferases levels, while increasing adiponectin levels in the serum. The serum levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Îą and the expression of <it>TNF-Îą </it>and <it>interleukin-6 </it>mRNAs in the liver were decreased by pitavastatin treatment, suggesting attenuation of the chronic inflammation induced by excess fat deposition.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Pitavastatin is effective in inhibiting the early phase of obesity-related liver tumorigenesis and, therefore, may be useful in the chemoprevention of liver cancer in obese individuals.</p
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