261 research outputs found

    A Topos Foundation for Theories of Physics: II. Daseinisation and the Liberation of Quantum Theory

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    This paper is the second in a series whose goal is to develop a fundamentally new way of constructing theories of physics. The motivation comes from a desire to address certain deep issues that arise when contemplating quantum theories of space and time. Our basic contention is that constructing a theory of physics is equivalent to finding a representation in a topos of a certain formal language that is attached to the system. Classical physics arises when the topos is the category of sets. Other types of theory employ a different topos. In this paper, we study in depth the topos representation of the propositional language, PL(S), for the case of quantum theory. In doing so, we make a direct link with, and clarify, the earlier work on applying topos theory to quantum physics. The key step is a process we term `daseinisation' by which a projection operator is mapped to a sub-object of the spectral presheaf--the topos quantum analogue of a classical state space. In the second part of the paper we change gear with the introduction of the more sophisticated local language L(S). From this point forward, throughout the rest of the series of papers, our attention will be devoted almost entirely to this language. In the present paper, we use L(S) to study `truth objects' in the topos. These are objects in the topos that play the role of states: a necessary development as the spectral presheaf has no global elements, and hence there are no microstates in the sense of classical physics. Truth objects therefore play a crucial role in our formalism.Comment: 34 pages, no figure

    Physical Logic

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    In R.D. Sorkin's framework for logic in physics a clear separation is made between the collection of unasserted propositions about the physical world and the affirmation or denial of these propositions by the physical world. The unasserted propositions form a Boolean algebra because they correspond to subsets of an underlying set of spacetime histories. Physical rules of inference, apply not to the propositions in themselves but to the affirmation and denial of these propositions by the actual world. This physical logic may or may not respect the propositions' underlying Boolean structure. We prove that this logic is Boolean if and only if the following three axioms hold: (i) The world is affirmed, (ii) Modus Ponens and (iii) If a proposition is denied then its negation, or complement, is affirmed. When a physical system is governed by a dynamical law in the form of a quantum measure with the rule that events of zero measure are denied, the axioms (i) - (iii) prove to be too rigid and need to be modified. One promising scheme for quantum mechanics as quantum measure theory corresponds to replacing axiom (iii) with axiom (iv) Nature is as fine grained as the dynamics allows.Comment: 14 pages, v2 published version with a change in the title and other minor change

    Collapse models with non-white noises II: particle-density coupled noises

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    We continue the analysis of models of spontaneous wave function collapse with stochastic dynamics driven by non-white Gaussian noise. We specialize to a model in which a classical "noise" field, with specified autocorrelator, is coupled to a local nonrelativistic particle density. We derive general results in this model for the rates of density matrix diagonalization and of state vector reduction, and show that (in the absence of decoherence) both processes are governed by essentially the same rate parameters. As an alternative route to our reduction results, we also derive the Fokker-Planck equations that correspond to the initial stochastic Schr\"odinger equation. For specific models of the noise autocorrelator, including ones motivated by the structure of thermal Green's functions, we discuss the qualitative and qantitative dependence on model parameters, with particular emphasis on possible cosmological sources of the noise field.Comment: Latex, 43 pages; versions 2&3 have minor editorial revision

    Contextual logic for quantum systems

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    In this work we build a quantum logic that allows us to refer to physical magnitudes pertaining to different contexts from a fixed one without the contradictions with quantum mechanics expressed in no-go theorems. This logic arises from considering a sheaf over a topological space associated to the Boolean sublattices of the ortholattice of closed subspaces of the Hilbert space of the physical system. Differently to standard quantum logics, the contextual logic maintains a distributive lattice structure and a good definition of implication as a residue of the conjunction.Comment: 16 pages, no figure


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    The Equivalence Postulate of Quantum Mechanics

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    The Equivalence Principle (EP), stating that all physical systems are connected by a coordinate transformation to the free one with vanishing energy, univocally leads to the Quantum Stationary HJ Equation (QSHJE). Trajectories depend on the Planck length through hidden variables which arise as initial conditions. The formulation has manifest p-q duality, a consequence of the involutive nature of the Legendre transform and of its recently observed relation with second-order linear differential equations. This reflects in an intrinsic psi^D-psi duality between linearly independent solutions of the Schroedinger equation. Unlike Bohm's theory, there is a non-trivial action even for bound states. No use of any axiomatic interpretation of the wave-function is made. Tunnelling is a direct consequence of the quantum potential which differs from the usual one and plays the role of particle's self-energy. The QSHJE is defined only if the ratio psi^D/psi is a local self-homeomorphism of the extended real line. This is an important feature as the L^2 condition, which in the usual formulation is a consequence of the axiomatic interpretation of the wave-function, directly follows as a basic theorem which only uses the geometrical gluing conditions of psi^D/psi at q=\pm\infty as implied by the EP. As a result, the EP itself implies a dynamical equation that does not require any further assumption and reproduces both tunnelling and energy quantization. Several features of the formulation show how the Copenhagen interpretation hides the underlying nature of QM. Finally, the non-stationary higher dimensional quantum HJ equation and the relativistic extension are derived.Comment: 1+3+140 pages, LaTeX. Invariance of the wave-function under the action of SL(2,R) subgroups acting on the reduced action explicitly reveals that the wave-function describes only equivalence classes of Planck length deterministic physics. New derivation of the Schwarzian derivative from the cocycle condition. "Legendre brackets" introduced to further make "Legendre duality" manifest. Introduction now contains examples and provides a short pedagogical review. Clarifications, conclusions, ackn. and references adde

    A Topos Foundation for Theories of Physics: I. Formal Languages for Physics

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    This paper is the first in a series whose goal is to develop a fundamentally new way of constructing theories of physics. The motivation comes from a desire to address certain deep issues that arise when contemplating quantum theories of space and time. Our basic contention is that constructing a theory of physics is equivalent to finding a representation in a topos of a certain formal language that is attached to the system. Classical physics arises when the topos is the category of sets. Other types of theory employ a different topos. In this paper we discuss two different types of language that can be attached to a system, S. The first is a propositional language, PL(S); the second is a higher-order, typed language L(S). Both languages provide deductive systems with an intuitionistic logic. The reason for introducing PL(S) is that, as shown in paper II of the series, it is the easiest way of understanding, and expanding on, the earlier work on topos theory and quantum physics. However, the main thrust of our programme utilises the more powerful language L(S) and its representation in an appropriate topos.Comment: 36 pages, no figure

    Extended Representations of Observables and States for a Noncontextual Reinterpretation of QM

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    A crucial and problematical feature of quantum mechanics (QM) is nonobjectivity of properties. The ESR model restores objectivity reinterpreting quantum probabilities as conditional on detection and embodying the mathematical formalism of QM into a broader noncontextual (hence local) framework. We propose here an improved presentation of the ESR model containing a more complete mathematical representation of the basic entities of the model. We also extend the model to mixtures showing that the mathematical representations of proper mixtures does not coincide with the mathematical representation of mixtures provided by QM, while the representation of improper mixtures does. This feature of the ESR model entails that some interpretative problems raising in QM when dealing with mixtures are avoided. From an empirical point of view the predictions of the ESR model depend on some parameters which may be such that they are very close to the predictions of QM in most cases. But the nonstandard representation of proper mixtures allows us to propose the scheme of an experiment that could check whether the predictions of QM or the predictions of the ESR model are correct.Comment: 17 pages, standard latex. Extensively revised versio

    No extension of quantum theory can have improved predictive power

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    According to quantum theory, measurements generate random outcomes, in stark contrast with classical mechanics. This raises the question of whether there could exist an extension of the theory which removes this indeterminism, as suspected by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR). Although this has been shown to be impossible, existing results do not imply that the current theory is maximally informative. Here we ask the more general question of whether any improved predictions can be achieved by any extension of quantum theory. Under the assumption that measurements can be chosen freely, we answer this question in the negative: no extension of quantum theory can give more information about the outcomes of future measurements than quantum theory itself. Our result has significance for the foundations of quantum mechanics, as well as applications to tasks that exploit the inherent randomness in quantum theory, such as quantum cryptography.Comment: 6 pages plus 7 of supplementary material, 3 figures. Title changed. Added discussion on Bell's notion of locality. FAQ answered at http://perimeterinstitute.ca/personal/rcolbeck/FAQ.htm

    Quantifying the connectivity of a network: The network correlation function method

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    Networks are useful for describing systems of interacting objects, where the nodes represent the objects and the edges represent the interactions between them. The applications include chemical and metabolic systems, food webs as well as social networks. Lately, it was found that many of these networks display some common topological features, such as high clustering, small average path length (small world networks) and a power-law degree distribution (scale free networks). The topological features of a network are commonly related to the network's functionality. However, the topology alone does not account for the nature of the interactions in the network and their strength. Here we introduce a method for evaluating the correlations between pairs of nodes in the network. These correlations depend both on the topology and on the functionality of the network. A network with high connectivity displays strong correlations between its interacting nodes and thus features small-world functionality. We quantify the correlations between all pairs of nodes in the network, and express them as matrix elements in the correlation matrix. From this information one can plot the correlation function for the network and to extract the correlation length. The connectivity of a network is then defined as the ratio between this correlation length and the average path length of the network. Using this method we distinguish between a topological small world and a functional small world, where the latter is characterized by long range correlations and high connectivity. Clearly, networks which share the same topology, may have different connectivities, based on the nature and strength of their interactions. The method is demonstrated on metabolic networks, but can be readily generalized to other types of networks.Comment: 10 figure
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