106 research outputs found

    Radiocarbon content in the annual tree rings during last 150 years and time variation of cosmic rays

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    The results of the high accuracy measurements of radiocarbon abundance in precisely dated tree rings in the interval 1800 to 1950 yrs are discussed. Radiocarbon content caused by solar activity is established. The temporal dependence of cosmic rays is constructed, by use of radio abundance data

    Solar interacting protons versus interplanetary protons in the core plus halo model of diffusive shock acceleration and stochastic re-acceleration

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    With the first observations of solar γ-rays from the decay of pions, the relationship of protons producing ground level enhancements (GLEs) on the Earth to those of similar energies producing the γ-rays on the Sun has been debated. These two populations may be either independent and simply coincident in large flares, or they may be, in fact, the same population stemming from a single accelerating agent and jointly distributed at the Sun and also in space. Assuming the latter, we model a scenario in which particles are accelerated near the Sun in a shock wave with a fraction transported back to the solar surface to radiate, while the remainder is detected at Earth in the form of a GLE. Interplanetary ions versus ions interacting at the Sun are studied for a spherical shock wave propagating in a radial magnetic field through a highly turbulent radial ray (the acceleration core) and surrounding weakly turbulent sector in which the accelerated particles can propagate toward or away from the Sun. The model presented here accounts for both the first-order Fermi acceleration at the shock front and the second-order, stochastic re-acceleration by the turbulence enhanced behind the shock. We find that the re-acceleration is important in generating the γ-radiation and we also find that up to 10% of the particle population can find its way to the Sun as compared to particles escaping to the interplanetary space

    Electromagnetic and corpuscular emission from the solar flare of 1991 June 15: Continuous acceleraton of relativistic particles

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    Data on X-,γ-ray, optical and radio emission from the 1991 June 15 solar flare are considered. We have calculated the spectrum of protons that producesγ-rays during the gradual phase of the flare. The primary proton spectrum can be described as a Bessel-function-type up to 0.8 GeV and a power law with the spectral index ≈3 from 0.8 up to 10 GeV or above. We have also analyzed data on energetic particles near the Earth. Their spectrum differed from that of primary protons producingγ-ray line emission. In the gradual phase of the flare additional pulses of energy release occurred and the time profiles of cm-radio emission andγ-rays in the 0.8–10 MeV energy band and above 50 MeV coincided. A continuous and simultaneous stochastic acceleration of the protons and relativistic electrons at the gradual phase of the flare is considered as a natural explanation of the data

    High precise measurements of cosmogenic radiocarbon abundance by complex of scintillation equipments

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    The main characteristics of scintillation equipments which enable the measurements of radiocarbon content with high accuracy of 0.2 to 0.3% were considered. The complex of scintillation devices operated very well for the last 15 years and allowed the investigation of the temporal variation of solar activity and intensity of cosmic rays for the last 300 years

    Зеленая химия: применение возобновляемых ресурсов в химических процессах (проектный подход)

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    One of the green chemistry directions - the use of renewable plant-based resources - is considered with processing of flax fibres as an example. The prospects of flax cellulose as an alternative to cotton are analyzed. A brief feasibility study of the project "Flax cellulose" aimed at improving industrial technology of flax cellulose and related products of integrated feedstock processing is presented. The compliance of the technology suggested for simulation and commercialization with the basic principles of green chemistry is analyzed. Implementation of the proposed project with the participation of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies is regarded as a long-term objective of environmental-economic aspect.Рассматривается одно из направлений зеленой химии: применение возобновляемых ресурсов растительного происхождения (на примере переработки льняного волокна). Анализируются перспективы использования льняной целлюлозы как альтернативы хлопковой. Представлено краткое ТЭО реализации проекта «Льняная целлюлоза», нацеленного на отработку промышленной технологии получения льняной целлюлозы и сопутствующих продуктов комплексной переработки исходного сырья. Анализируется соответствие предлагаемой к отработке и промышленному внед-рению технологии основным принципам зеленой химии. Реализация предлагаемого проекта с участием МИТХТ рассматривается как постановочная перспективная задача с эколого-экономическим аспектом

    Sources of SEP Acceleration during a Flare-CME Event

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    A high-speed halo-type coronal mass ejection (CME), associated with a GOES M4.6 soft X-ray flare in NOAA AR 0180 at S12W29 and an EIT wave and dimming, occurred on 9 November 2002. A complex radio event was observed during the same period. It included narrow-band fluctuations and frequency-drifting features in the metric wavelength range, type III burst groups at metric--hectometric wavelengths, and an interplanetary type II radio burst, which was visible in the dynamic radio spectrum below 14 MHz. To study the association of the recorded solar energetic particle (SEP) populations with the propagating CME and flaring, we perform a multi-wavelength analysis using radio spectral and imaging observations combined with white-light, EUV, hard X-ray, and magnetogram data. Velocity dispersion analysis of the particle distributions (SOHO and Wind in situ observations) provides estimates for the release times of electrons and protons. Our analysis indicates that proton acceleration was delayed compared to the electrons. The dynamics of the interplanetary type II burst identify the burst source as a bow shock created by the fast CME. The type III burst groups, with start times close to the estimated electron release times, trace electron beams travelling along open field lines into the interplanetary space. The type III bursts seem to encounter a steep density gradient as they overtake the type II shock front, resulting in an abrupt change in the frequency drift rate of the type III burst emission. Our study presents evidence in support of a scenario in which electrons are accelerated low in the corona behind the CME shock front, while protons are accelerated later, possibly at the CME bow shock high in the corona.Comment: Solar Physics, November 2007, in pres