3 research outputs found

    Studying The Effect of Age and Gender on The Distribution of The two types keratocystic odontogenic tumour

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    Odontogenic tumors are lesions derived from the epithelial and/or mesenchymal elements of the tooth-forming apparatus and are therefore found within the jaw bone or soft tissue overlying teeth. These tooth development-associated tumors are generally benign, but several odontogenic tumors are capable of aggressive growth and locally invasive behavior with a high rate of recurrence. In this study we have studied the effect of patient age and gender on the distribution of keratocystic odontogenic tumour with its two types (prakeratinized and Orthokeratinized). we conclude that age and gender of patient can affect  type of tumour Where the incidence  of tumour was higher in males and was distributed between the third and fourth decades of life. دراسة تأثير العمر والجنس على توزع نمطي الورم الكيسي المتقرن سنيّ المنشأ الأورام سنيّة المنشأ هي آفات تنشأ من البشرة أو النسيج الضام المُشكلة للأسنان و لذلك توجد ضمن عظم الفك أو في النسج الرخوة المُغطية للأسنان. معظم هذه الأورام سليمة إلا أن عدد من هذه الأورام عندها قابلية للنمو العدواني و الغزو الموضعي مع معدل عالٍ للنكس. سندرس في هذا البحث أحد أنواع الأورام سنيّة المنشأ و هو الورم الكيسي السني المتقرن بشكليه نظير التقرن و عالي التقرن و علاقة جنس المريض و عمره بنمط هذا الورم. وتوصلنا إلى استنتاج وجود علاقة بين عمر و جنس المريض و نمط الورم حيث كانت الإصابة أعلى عند الذكور و توزعت بين العقدين الثالث و الرابع من العمر

    Development of Temperature Distribution and Light Propagation Model in Biological Tissue Irradiated by 980 nm Laser Diode and Using COMSOL Simulation

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    Introduction: The purpose of this project is to develop a mathematical model to investigate light distribution and study effective parameters such as laser power and irradiated time to get the optimal laser dosage to control hyperthermia. This study is expected to have a positive impact and a better simulation on laser treatment planning of biological tissues. Moreover, it may enable us to replace animal tests with the results of a COMSOL predictive model.Methods: We used in this work COMSOL5 model to simulate the light diffusion and bio-heat equation of the mouse tissue when irradiated by 980 nm laser diode and the effect of different parameters (laser power, and irradiated time) on the surrounding tissue of the tumor treatment in order to prevent damage from excess heatResults: The model was applied to study light propagation and several parameters (laser power, irradiated time) and their impact on light-heat distribution within the tumor in the mouse back tissueThe best result is at laser power 0.5 W and time irradiation 0.5 seconds in order to get the maximum temperature hyperthermia at 52°C.Conclusion: The goal of this study is to simulate a mouse model to control excess heating of tissue and reduce the number of animals in experimental research to get the best laser parameters that was safe for use in living animals and in human subjects