10,481 research outputs found

    Current Induced Excitations in Cu/Co/Cu Single Ferromagnetic Layer Nanopillars

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    Current-induced magnetic excitations in Cu/Co/Cu single layer nanopillars (~50 nm in diameter) have been studied experimentally as a function of Co layer thickness at low temperatures for large applied fields perpendicular to the layers. For asymmetric junctions current induced excitations are observed at high current densities for only one polarity of the current and are absent at the same current densities in symmetric junctions. These observations confirm recent predictions of spin-transfer torque induced spin wave excitations in single layer junctions with a strong asymmetry in the spin accumulation in the leads.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Current-Induced Effective Magnetic Fields in Co/Cu/Co Nanopillars

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    We present a method to measure the effective field contribution to spin-transfer-induced interactions between the magnetic layers in a trilayer nanostructure, which enables spin-current effects to be distinguished from the usual charge-current-induced magnetic fields. This technique is demonstrated on submicron Co/Cu/Co nanopillars. The hysteresis loop of one of the magnetic layers in the trilayer is measured as a function of current while the direction of magnetization of the other layer is kept fixed, first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. These measurements show a current-dependent shift of the hysteresis loop which, based on the symmetry of the magnetic response, we associate with spin-transfer. The observed loop-shift with applied current at room temperature is reduced in measurements at 4.2 K. We interprete these results both in terms of a spin-current dependent effective activation barrier for magnetization reversal and a spin-current dependent effective magnetic field. From data at 4.2 K we estimate the magnitude of the spin-transfer induced effective field to be 1.5×107\sim 1.5 \times 10^{-7} Oe cm2^2/A, about a factor of 5 less than the spin-transfer torque.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The age of the Milky Way inner stellar spheroid from RR Lyrae population synthesis

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    The central kiloparsecs of the Milky Way are known to host an old, spheroidal stellar population, whose spatial and kinematical properties set it apart from the boxy/peanut structure that constitutes most of the central stellar mass. The nature of this spheroidal population, whether a small classical bulge, the innermost stellar halo or a population of disk stars with large initial velocity dispersion, remains unclear. This structure is also a promising candidate to host some of the oldest stars in the Galaxy. Here we address the topic of the inner stellar spheroid age, using spectroscopic and photometric metallicities for a sample of 935 RR Lyrae stars that are constituents of this component. By means of stellar population synthesis, we derive an age-metallicity relation for RR Lyrae populations. We infer, for the RR Lyrae stars in the bulge spheroid, an extremely ancient age of 13.41±0.5413.41 \pm 0.54 Gyr and conclude they were among the first stars to form in what is now the Milky Way galaxy. Our age estimate for the central spheroid shows remarkable agreement with the age profile that has been inferred for the Milky Way stellar halo, suggesting a connection between the two structures. However, we find mild evidence for a transition in the halo properties at rGC5r_{\rm GC} \sim 5~kpc. We also investigate formation scenarios for metal-rich RR Lyrae stars, such as binarity and helium variations, and whether they can provide alternative explanations for the properties of our sample. We conclude that, within our framework, the only viable alternative is to have younger, slightly helium-rich, RR Lyrae stars, a hypothesis that would open intriguing questions for the formation of the inner stellar spheroid.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 17 pages, 15 figure

    Correlated quantum percolation in the lowest Landau level

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    Our understanding of localization in the integer quantum Hall effect is informed by a combination of semi-classical models and percolation theory. Motivated by the effect of correlations on classical percolation we study numerically electron localization in the lowest Landau level in the presence of a power-law correlated disorder potential. Careful comparisons between classical and quantum dynamics suggest that the extended Harris criterion is applicable in the quantum case. This leads to a prediction of new localization quantum critical points in integer quantum Hall systems with power-law correlated disorder potentials. We demonstrate the stability of these critical points to addition of competing short-range disorder potentials, and discuss possible experimental realizations.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Baryon Resonance Analysis from SAID

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    We discuss the analysis of data from piN elastic scattering and single pion photo- and electroproduction. The main focus is a study of low-lying non-strange baryon resonances. Here we concentrate on some difficulties associated with resonance identification, in particular the Roper and higher P11 states.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; Nstar2009 Conf Proceedings; small revisio

    Screened and Unscreened Phases in Sedimenting Suspensions

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    A coarse-grained stochastic hydrodynamical description of velocity and concentration fluctuations in steadily sedimenting suspensions is constructed, and analyzed using self-consistent and renormalization group methods. We find that there exists a dynamical, non-equilibrium phase transition from an "unscreened" phase in which we recover the Caflisch-Luke (R.E. Caflisch and J.H.C. Luke, Phys. Fluids 28, 759 (1985)) divergence of the velocity variance to a "screened" phase where the velocity fluctuations have a finite correlation length growing as ϕ1/3\phi^{-1/3} where ϕ\phi is the particle volume fraction, in agreement with Segr\`e et. al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2574 (1997)) and the velocity variance is independent of system size. Detailed predictions are made for the correlation function in both phases and at the transition.Comment: 4 pages, revtex 1 figur

    Current-Induced Magnetization Reversal in High Magnetic Fields in Co/Cu/Co Nanopillars

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    Current-induced magnetization dynamics in Co/Cu/Co trilayer nanopillars (~100nm in diameter) has been studied experimentally for large applied fields perpendicular to the layers. An abrupt and hysteretic increase in dynamic resistance is observed at high current densities for one polarity of the current, comparable to the giant magnetoresistance effect observed at low fields. A micromagnetic model, that includes a spin-transfer torque, suggests that the current induces a complete reversal of the thin Co layer to alignment antiparallel to the applied field-that is, to a state of maximum magnetic energy.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, (submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.), added missing figure caption of fig. 3, updated to published versio

    Configuration Mixing within the Energy Density Functional Formalism: Removing Spurious Contributions from Non-Diagonal Energy Kernels

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    Multi-reference calculations along the lines of the Generator Coordinate Method or the restoration of broken symmetries within the nuclear Energy Density Functional (EDF) framework are becoming a standard tool in nuclear structure physics. These calculations rely on the extension of a single-reference energy functional, of the Gogny or the Skyrme types, to non-diagonal energy kernels. There is no rigorous constructive framework for this extension so far. The commonly accepted way proceeds by formal analogy with the expressions obtained when applying the generalized Wick theorem to the non-diagonal matrix element of a Hamilton operator between two product states. It is pointed out that this procedure is ill-defined when extended to EDF calculations as the generalized Wick theorem is taken outside of its range of applicability. In particular, such a procedure is responsible for the appearance of spurious divergences and steps in multi-reference EDF energies, as was recently observed in calculations restoring particle number or angular momentum. In the present work, we give a formal analysis of the origin of this problem for calculations with and without pairing, i.e. constructing the density matrices from either Slater determinants or quasi-particle vacua. We propose a correction to energy kernels that removes the divergences and steps, and which is applicable to calculations based on any symmetry restoration or generator coordinate. The method is formally illustrated for particle number restoration and is specified to configuration mixing calculations based on Slater determinants.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in PR

    Thermodynamic and Tunneling Density of States of the Integer Quantum Hall Critical State

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    We examine the long wave length limit of the self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation irreducible static density-density response function by evaluating the charge induced by an external charge. Our results are consistent with the compressibility sum rule and inconsistent with earlier work that did not account for consistency between the exchange-local-field and the disorder potential. We conclude that the thermodynamic density of states is finite, in spite of the vanishing tunneling density of states at the critical energy of the integer quantum Hall transition.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor revisions, published versio