1,383 research outputs found

    Intra- and interspecies transmission of H7N7 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus during the avian influenza epidemic in the Netherlands in 2003

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    The poultry epidemic of H7N7 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus in the Netherlands in 2003 was probably the result of the introduction of an H7N7 low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) virus (by interspecies transmission from wild birds) and the subsequent intraspecies transmission of this virus in poultry. The intraspecies transmission of the ensuing H7N7 HPAI virus was very successful both within and between flocks. Consequently, in the two poultry-dense areas that were affected, the epidemic could only be stopped by eliminating all poultry in the region. According to the spatial models these are the only areas where this was the case in the Netherlands. There was also interspecies transmission to mammals, i.e. to pigs and to humans. For pigs it was shown that possible subsequent intraspecies transmission was negligible (R0 <1). With hindsight the same was probably also true for human

    Field trial for assessment of avian influenza vaccination effectiveness in Indonesia

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    The aim of this field study was to determine the efficacy of vaccination against highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus strain H5N1 in Indonesia. A limited, prototype clinical trial was performed using a standardised treatment group, in which poultry flocks were vaccinated at least twice with a selected H5N1 vaccine, and a control group comprising flocks treated with nonstandardised procedures chosen by the farmer. Each group consisted of six flocks comprising either layers or native chickens. Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody levels were determined by regular serum sampling, and outbreak surveillance relied on non-Al-vaccinated sentinel birds. After three vaccinations high antibody titres were produced in the treatment group, and the percentage of layers with an HI titre > 40 was approximately 90%. Although no conclusions can be drawn regarding reduction of virus transmission, this study demonstrated that 11 farms remained free from Al during the observation period, and that a surveillance programme based on differentiating infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA) can be implemented

    Toward Open-Closed String Theoretical Description of Rolling Tachyon

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    We consider how the time-dependent decay process of an unstable D-brane should be described in the full (quantum) open-closed string theory. It is argued that the system, starting from the unstable D-brane configuration, will evolve in time into the time-independent open string tachyon vacuum configuration which we assume to be finite, with the total energy conserved. As a concrete realization of this idea, we construct a toy model describing the open and closed string tachyons which admits such a time-dependent solution. The structure of our model has some resemblance to that of open-closed string field theory.Comment: 1+10 pages, 6 figures. v2: a reference adde

    Giant Gravitons - with Strings Attached (III)

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    We develop techniques to compute the one-loop anomalous dimensions of operators in the N=4{\cal N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory that are dual to open strings ending on boundstates of sphere giant gravitons. Our results, which are applicable to excitations involving an arbitrary number of open strings, generalize the single string results of hep-th/0701067. The open strings we consider carry angular momentum on an S3^3 embedded in the S5^5 of the AdS5×_5\timesS5^5 background. The problem of computing the one loop anomalous dimensions is replaced with the problem of diagonalizing an interacting Cuntz oscillator Hamiltonian. Our Cuntz oscillator dynamics illustrates how the Chan-Paton factors for open strings propagating on multiple branes can arise dynamically.Comment: 66 pages; v2: improved presentatio

    Universal Scaling of Strong-Field Localization in an Integer Quantum Hall Liquid

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    We study the Landau level localization and scaling properties of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of a strong external magnetic field. The impurities are treated as random distributed scattering centers with parameterized potentials. Using a transfer matrix for a finite-width strip geometry, we calculate the localization length as a function of system size and electron energy. The finite-size localization length is determined by calculating the Lyapunov exponents of the transfer matrix. A detailed finite-size scaling analysis is used to study the critical behavior near the center of the Landau bands. The influence of varying the impurity concentration, the scattering potential range and its nature, and the Landau level index on the scaling behavior and on the critical exponent is systematically investigated. Particular emphasis is put on studying the effects of finite range of the disorder potential and Landau level coupling on the quantum localization behavior. Our numerical results, which are carried out on systems much larger than those studied before, indicate that pure δ\delta-function disorder in the absence of any Landau level coupling gives rise to non-universal localization properties with the critical exponents in the lowest two Landau levels being substantially different. Inclusion of a finite potential range and/or Landau level mixing may be essential in producing universality in the localization.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, 17 figures (available upon request), #phd0

    The electron-nucleon cross section in (e,e′p)(e,e'p) reactions

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    We examine commonly used approaches to deal with the scattering of electrons from a bound nucleon. Several prescriptions are shown to be related by gauge transformations. Nevertheless, due to current non-conservation, they yield different results. These differences reflect the size of the uncertainty that persists in the interpretation of (e,e′p)(e,e'p) experiments.Comment: 6 pp (10 in preprint form), ReVTeX, (+ 4 figures, uuencoded

    Non-critical, near extremal AdS_6 background as a holographic laboratory of four dimensional YM theory

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    We study certain properties of the low energy regime of a theory which resembles four dimensional YM theory in the framework of a non-critical holographic gravity dual. We use for the latter the near extremal AdS6AdS_6 non-critical SUGRA. We extract the glueball spectra that associates with the fluctuations of the dilaton, one form and the graviton and compare the results to those of the critical near extremal D4D4 model and lattice simulations. We show an area law behavior for the Wilson loop and screening for the 't Hooft loop. The Luscher term is found to be −3/24πL-{3/24}\frac {\pi}{L}. We derive the Regge trajectories of glueballs associated with the spinning folded string configurations.Comment: 25 pages, JHEP styl
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