26,509 research outputs found

    High heat flux actively cooled honeycomb sandwich structural panel for a hypersonic aircraft

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    The results of a program to design and fabricate an unshielded actively cooled structural panel for a hypersonic aircraft are presented. The design is an all-aluminum honeycomb sandwich with embedded cooling passages soldered to the inside of the outer moldline skin. The overall finding is that an actively cooled structure appears feasible for application on a hypersonic aircraft, but the fabrication process is complex and some material and manufacturing technology developments are required. Results from the program are summarized and supporting details are presented

    Evaluation of range and distortion tolerance for high Mach number transonic stages

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    Designing transonic compressors for investigating distortion tolerance of high tip speed fan stage

    Analysis And Performance Of A Picosecond Dye Laser Amplifier Chain

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    Design considerations are discussed for a simple, easy to use and relatively efficient high gain dye laser amplifier chain for CW mode-locked dye lasers. The amplifier boosts the output of a synchronously mode-locked dye laser to obtain ≈005 mj, ≤ 1 psec pulses over a ≈ 400 Å bandwidth. These pulses are suitable for efficient Raman Shifting, frequency mixing and continuum generation to vastly extend the spectral range of the system. Our amplifier is pumped by a frequency doubled Nd:YAG oscillator only, which longitudinally pumps three identical brewster cells with the same flowing dye solution in each. Contrary to popular belief, high small signal gains (≥ 105) are easily attained in a single stage with longitudinal pumping, with better beam homogeneity and easier alignment than transverse pumping. Gain saturation measurements are presented which agree well with calculations. Factors which relax the pump timing sensitivity are examined. The importance of gain saturation for both efficient amplification and for amplitude stability is also discussed. The need for isolated amplifier stages is stressed and optimal amplifier cell areas for a given stage are calculated

    Experimental evaluation of outer case blowing or bleeding of single stage axial flow compressor. Part 3 - Performance of blowing insert configuration no. 1

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    Experimental evaluation of outer case blowing or bleeding of single stage axial flow compressor, and performance tests using distorted or undistorted inlet flo

    Hypersonic airframe structures: Technology needs and flight test requirements

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    Hypersonic vehicles, that may be produced by the year 2000, were identified. Candidate thermal/structural concepts that merit consideration for these vehicles were described. The current status of analytical methods, materials, manufacturing techniques, and conceptual developments pertaining to these concepts were reviewed. Guidelines establishing meaningful technology goals were defined and twenty-eight specific technology needs were identified. The extent to which these technology needs can be satisfied, using existing capabilities and facilities without the benefit of a hypersonic research aircraft, was assessed. The role that a research aircraft can fill in advancing this technology was discussed and a flight test program was outlined. Research aircraft thermal/structural design philosophy was also discussed. Programs, integrating technology advancements with the projected vehicle needs, were presented. Program options were provided to reflect various scheduling and cost possibilities

    Preliminary design study of advanced multistage axial flow core compressors

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    A preliminary design study was conducted to identify an advanced core compressor for use in new high-bypass-ratio turbofan engines to be introduced into commercial service in the 1980's. An evaluation of anticipated compressor and related component 1985 state-of-the-art technology was conducted. A parametric screening study covering a large number of compressor designs was conducted to determine the influence of the major compressor design features on efficiency, weight, cost, blade life, aircraft direct operating cost, and fuel usage. The trends observed in the parametric screening study were used to develop three high-efficiency, high-economic-payoff compressor designs. These three compressors were studied in greater detail to better evaluate their aerodynamic and mechanical feasibility

    Fast and Simple Relational Processing of Uncertain Data

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    This paper introduces U-relations, a succinct and purely relational representation system for uncertain databases. U-relations support attribute-level uncertainty using vertical partitioning. If we consider positive relational algebra extended by an operation for computing possible answers, a query on the logical level can be translated into, and evaluated as, a single relational algebra query on the U-relation representation. The translation scheme essentially preserves the size of the query in terms of number of operations and, in particular, number of joins. Standard techniques employed in off-the-shelf relational database management systems are effective for optimizing and processing queries on U-relations. In our experiments we show that query evaluation on U-relations scales to large amounts of data with high degrees of uncertainty.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Advanced indium antimonide monolithic charge coupled infrared imaging arrays

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    The continued process development of SiO2 insulators for use in advanced InSb monolithic charge coupled infrared imaging arrays is described. Specific investigations into the use of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposited (PECVD) SiO2 as a gate insulator for InSb charge coupled devices is discussed, as are investigations of other chemical vapor deposited SiO2 materials

    Observations on the Overwintering Potential of the Striped Cucumber Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Southern Minnesota

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    The striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittatum (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is an important pest of cucurbit crops. However, the overwinter- ing capacity of this pest in temperate regions is poorly understood. In this study, the in-field survival of A. vittatum was examined during three consecutive winters. In addition, the supercooling points of A. vittatum were determined as an index of cold hardiness for adults. During each winter, the survival of adults decreased significantly through time, with no individuals surviving until spring. By comparing the supercooling points and in-field survival of adults to soil temperatures, it appears that winter temperatures in Minnesota are cold enough to induce freezing of the beetles. Moreover, a considerable amount of mortality occurred before minimum monthly soil temperatures dropped below the supercooling point of overwintering individuals, suggesting the occurrence of prefreeze mortality. An improved understanding of the response of A. vittatum to winter temperatures in temperate regions may aid in early season management of this pest

    Design and fabrication of a radiative actively cooled honeycomb sandwich panel

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    The mass of a radiative actively cooled panel was compared to the mass of a bare actively cooled panel designed to the same conditions and constraints. The approach was to design and optimize a 0.61 x 6.1 m full scale panel which combines radiative and active cooling to control structural temperatures to levels compatible with use of lightweight materials and to fabricate a 0.61 x 1.22 m panel for performance testing. Results of the design and optimization of the full scale radiative actively cooled structural panel, including radiative concept selection, final configuration details, test panel description, and conclusions are summarized
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