565 research outputs found

    Mood-enhancing Physical Activity in Individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Healthy Youths – Daily Life Investigations by Ambulatory Assessment

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    Körperliche AktivitĂ€t ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil zur PrĂ€vention von Erkrankungen bei gesunden Menschen, sowie auch zur Gesundheitsförderung bei physischen und psychischen Erkrankungen. Bei letzterem besteht dahingehend Evidenz, dass eine Milderung der Begleiterscheinungen einer psychischen Erkrankung mit einer Verbesserung des eigentlichen Krankheitsbildes, das heißt der Hauptsymptome, einhergehen könnte. Studien belegen beispielsweise einen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen negativem Affekt, als hĂ€ufig auftretende Begleiterscheinung bei psychischen Erkrankungen, und ImpulsivitĂ€t, als eines der Hauptsymptome der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/HyperaktivitĂ€tsstörung (ADHS). Somit wird vermutet, dass eine Verbesserung von negativem Affekt auch gleichzeitig ImpulsivitĂ€t positiv beeinflussen könnte. Diese genannten Symptome, GefĂŒhle, aber auch Verhaltensweisen, wie beispielsweise körperliche AktivitĂ€t, fluktuieren stark innerhalb von Personen ĂŒber die Zeit und weisen untereinander möglicherweise ZusammenhĂ€nge auf. Durch Ambulantes Assessment und wachsendem technischem Fortschritt werden zunehmend einfachere und weniger beschwerliche Möglichkeiten geboten diese dynamischen Prozesse im Alltag adĂ€quat abzubilden und zu untersuchen. Ambulantes Assessment beschreibt dabei das Untersuchen von Personen in ihrem Alltag in Echtzeit mit beispielsweise elektronischen TagebĂŒchern und Akzelerometern. Die Hauptziele dieser Arbeit fokussieren sich auf die ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen körperlicher AktivitĂ€t und Stimmung bei Jugendlichen und ADHS PatientInnen, sowie gesunden Kontrollen. Dabei wird untersucht, wie diese von Natur aus dynamischen Variablen ĂŒber die Zeit zusammenhĂ€ngen bzw. sich gegenseitig bedingen. ZusĂ€tzlich wird eine Übersichtsarbeit (Review) zum Thema „elektronische TagebĂŒcher in der ADHS-Forschung“ vorgestellt, die den Stand der Forschung, sowie Zukunftsperspektiven zur Verbesserung der ADHS-Forschung, durch stetig wachsenden technischen Fortschritt im Ambulanten Assessment, darlegt. Im ersten der vier Paper dieser Arbeit wurden Jugendliche, zwischen zwölf und siebzehn Jahren, einer willkĂŒrlich ausgewĂ€hlten gemeindenahen Stichprobe (N=113), in ihrem alltĂ€glichen Leben, hinsichtlich des Zusammenhangs zwischen Stimmung und nachfolgender spontaner körperlicher AktivitĂ€t, untersucht. Über einen Zeitraum von einer Woche wurden sie durch Ambulantes Assessment (d.h. mit elektronischen TagebĂŒchern und Akzelerometern) begleitet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen Effekt der Stimmungsparameter ‚gute Stimmung‘, ‚Wachheit‘ und ‚Ruhe‘ auf alltĂ€gliche spontane körperliche AktivitĂ€t (z.B. Treppensteigen) bei Jugendlichen. Im Detail ergab sich ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen den Stimmungsparametern ‚gute Stimmung‘ und ‚spontaner körperlicher AktivitĂ€t‘ sowie auch zwischen ‚Wachheit‘ und ‚spontaner körperlicher AktivitĂ€t‘. Zwischen den Variablen ‚Ruhe‘ und ,spontaner körperlicher AktivitĂ€t‘ zeigte sich hingegen ein negativer Zusammenhang. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Stimmung einen Effekt auf nachfolgende spontane körperliche AktivitĂ€t bei Jugendlichen aufweist. Im zweiten Paper wurde dieselbe Stichprobe analysiert (d.h. Jugendliche einer willkĂŒrlich ausgewĂ€hlten gemeindenahen Stichprobe; N=113). Hier wurde im Gegensatz zum ersten Paper der Fokus darauf gelegt, ob Stimmung auch eine Konsequenz aus körperlicher AktivitĂ€t sein könnte, d.h. ob Stimmung von vorausgehender körperlicher AktivitĂ€t beeinflusst werden könnte. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt befasste sich mit der Frage, ob die Art der körperlichen AktivitĂ€t (d.h. alltĂ€gliche spontane körperliche AktivitĂ€t, sportliche Freizeit-AktivitĂ€t, oder Wettkampfsport) differenzielle Effekte auf die Stimmungsparameter ‚gute Stimmung‘, ‚Wachheit‘ und ‚Ruhe‘ zeigen. Bei differenzierter Betrachtung der Art der körperlichen AktivitĂ€t und der drei Stimmungsparameter zeigte sich, dass sich die Jugendlichen besser gelaunt und energiegeladener nach alltĂ€glicher spontaner körperlicher AktivitĂ€t (z.B. mit dem Hund spazieren gehen), besser gelaunt aber unruhiger nach sportlicher Freizeit-AktivitĂ€t (z.B. Skaten) und weniger energiegeladen nach Wettkampfsportarten (z.B. Tennis) fĂŒhlten. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Stimmung nicht nur körperliche AktivitĂ€t bedingt, sondern umgekehrt auch körperliche AktivitĂ€t die Stimmung beeinflussen kann. Die dritte Publikation in dieser Arbeit ist eine Übersichtsarbeit (Review), die den Stand der Forschung zu elektronischen Tagebuchstudien in der ADHS-Forschung zusammenfasst. Zwanzig Studien mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, sowie dreizehn Studien mit Erwachsenen legen nahe, dass Ambulantes Assessment eine hilfreiche Methode ist, um dynamische Prozesse in ADHS abzubilden, die nicht in der Sprechstunde, im Labor, oder im klinischen Setting erhoben werden können. Ambulantes Assessment kann die psychiatrische Praxis durch die Untersuchung dieser dynamischen Prozesse, die im klinischen Kontext von Bedeutung sein könnten, unterstĂŒtzen, und somit möglicherweise auf digitalem Wege Diagnosen untermauern (durch die sogenannte „digitale PhĂ€notypisierung“). Im vierten Paper wurden ADHS PatientInnen (n=143) und gesunde Kontrollen (n=42) ĂŒber vier Tage mit elektronischen TagebĂŒchern und Akzelerometern untersucht, um herauszufinden, ob auch bei dieser klinischen Stichprobe Stimmung von vorausgehender körperlicher AktivitĂ€t beeinflusst wird. Die ADHS PatientInnen wurden dabei explorativ in zwei Gruppen unterteilt: 1. prĂ€dominant unaufmerksam (n=48) und 2. sowohl unaufmerksam als auch hyperaktiv (n=95). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass körperliche AktivitĂ€t mit nachfolgender Stimmung bei ADHS PatientInnen, abhĂ€ngig von ihren prĂ€dominanten Symptomen, zusammenhĂ€ngt. Im Detail konnte körperliche AktivitĂ€t positiven Affekt in allen Gruppen (1. ADHS prĂ€dominant unaufmerksam; 2. ADHS unaufmerksam und hyperaktiv; 3. gesunde Kontrollen) verbessern, wohingegen körperliche AktivitĂ€t negativen Affekt nur bei der Teil-Stichprobe, die hyperaktiver war (Gruppe 2), verbessern konnte. Demnach kann die Hypothese, dass körperliche AktivitĂ€t einen signifikanten Zusammenhang mit nachfolgender Stimmung in ADHS PatientInnen aufweist, bezogen auf positiven Affekt, bestĂ€tigt werden. FĂŒr negativen Affekt kann die Hypothese lediglich fĂŒr diejenigen ADHS PatientInnen bestĂ€tigt werden, die hyperaktiver sind. Abschließend werden im letzten Kapitel Erfahrungen und Limitationen der in dieser Arbeit aufgefĂŒhrten, sowie vorheriger Ambulanten Assessment Studien zusammengefasst und daraus Implikationen fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Studien abgeleitet. Vorherige Ambulante Assessment Studien im Bereich ‚körperliche AktivitĂ€t und Stimmung‘ zeigten generell Limitationen bezĂŒglich fehlender Kontrollgruppen, Selbstreports statt objektiven Messungen von körperlicher AktivitĂ€t und geringer statistischer Power. Des Weiteren gingen Studien hĂ€ufig nicht auf die Sportart, das IntensitĂ€tslevel, Erfolg und Misserfolg, d.h. ein Spiel zu gewinnen oder zu verlieren, oder die Spezifikation der Stimmungsparameter ein. Die allgemeine Diskussion gibt weiterhin einen Überblick ĂŒber mobile-(m)Health Komponenten, die in den verschiedenen klinischen Studien verwendet wurden und richtet den Fokus vor allem auf deren technischen und methodischen Innovationen. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Implikationen fĂŒr technische und methodische Anforderungen beschrieben, die in zukĂŒnftigen Ambulanten Assessment Studien berĂŒcksichtigt werden sollten. Noch dazu beschreibt dieses Kapitel welche Komponenten und Funktionen im Ambulanten Assessment bereits jetzt helfen könnten die klinische Praxis zu unterstĂŒtzen, indem sie durch die sogenannte ‚digitale PhĂ€notypisierung‘ Diagnosen untermauern. Hier sind beispielsweise kognitive Tasks am Smartphone zu nennen, die als objektives Maß ImpulsivitĂ€t (z.B. mit dem „stop-signal-task“) oder das ArbeitsgedĂ€chtnis (z.B. mit dem „spatial n-back or memory-updating task“) testen. Außerdem wird diskutiert, wie Bewegungsmuster in der Akzelerometrie als digitale Marker zur Erkennung von Symptomatik in psychischen Erkrankungen eingesetzt werden könnten. Hier wĂ€ren beispielsweise kurze Spektren in Bewegungsmustern zu nennen, die sich signifikant zwischen hyperaktiven ADHS PatientInnen und gesunden Kontrollen unterscheiden. WĂŒrde ein solcher digitaler Marker, beispielsweise fĂŒr HyperaktivitĂ€t, gefunden werden, könnte er die Diagnostik in psychischen Erkrankungen und somit die klinische Praxis zusĂ€tzlich unterstĂŒtzen

    Translation and emerging functions of non‐coding RNAs in inflammation and immunity

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    Regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) including small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) have gained considerable attention in the last few years. This is mainly due to their condition- and tissue-specific expression and their various modes of action, which suggests them as promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets. One important mechanism of ncRNAs to regulate gene expression is through translation of short open reading frames (sORFs). These sORFs can be located in lncRNAs, in non-translated regions of mRNAs where upstream ORFs (uORFs) represent the majority, or in circRNAs. Regulation of their translation can function as a quick way to adapt protein production to changing cellular or environmental cues, and can either depend solely on the initiation and elongation of translation, or on the roles of the produced functional peptides. Due to the experimental challenges to pinpoint translation events and to detect the produced peptides, translational regulation through regulatory RNAs is not well studied yet. In the case of circRNAs, they have only recently started to be recognized as regulatory molecules instead of mere artifacts of RNA biosynthesis. Of the many roles described for regulatory ncRNAs, we will focus here on their regulation during inflammation and in immunity

    Translation and emerging functions of non-coding RNAs in inflammation and immunity

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    Regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) including small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) have gained considerable attention in the last few years. This is mainly due to their condition- and tissue-specific expression and their various modes of action, which suggests them as promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets. One important mechanism of ncRNAs to regulate gene expression is through translation of short open reading frames (sORFs). These sORFs can be located in lncRNAs, in non-translated regions of mRNAs where upstream ORFs (uORFs) represent the majority, or in circRNAs. Regulation of their translation can function as a quick way to adapt protein production to changing cellular or environmental cues, and can either depend solely on the initiation and elongation of translation, or on the roles of the produced functional peptides. Due to the experimental challenges to pinpoint translation events and to detect the produced peptides, translational regulation through regulatory RNAs is not well studied yet. In the case of circRNAs, they have only recently started to be recognized as regulatory molecules instead of mere artifacts of RNA biosynthesis. Of the many roles described for regulatory ncRNAs, we will focus here on their regulation during inflammation and in immunity. Keywords: immunology; inflammation; non-coding RNA; regulation; translatio

    Spatiotemporal modeling of schistosomiasis in Ghana: linking remote sensing data to infectious disease

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    More than 90% of the worldwide schistosomiasis burden falls on sub-Saharan Africa. Control efforts are often based on infrequent, small-scale health surveys, which are expensive and logistically difficult to conduct. The use of satellite imagery to predictively model infectious disease transmission has great potential for public health applications. The transmission of schistosomiasis, a disease acquired from contact with contaminated surface water, requires specific environmental conditions to sustain freshwater snails. If a connection between schistosomiasis and remotely sensed environmental variables can be established, then cost effective and current disease risk predictions can be made available. Schistosomiasis transmission has unknown seasonality, and the disease is difficult to study due to a long lag between infection and clinical symptoms. To overcome these challenges, we employed a comprehensive 15-year time-series built from remote sensing feeds, which is the longest environmental dataset to be used in the application of remote sensing to schistosomiasis. The following environmental variables will be used in the model: accumulated precipitation, land surface temperature, vegetative growth indices, and climate zones created from a novel climate regionalization technique. This technique, improves upon the conventional Köppen-Geiger method, which has been the primary climate classification system in use the past 100 years. These predictor variables will be regressed against 8 years of national health data in Ghana, the largest health dataset of its kind to be used in this context, and acquired from freely available satellite imagery data. A benefit of remote sensing processing is that it only requires training and time in terms of resources. The results of a fixed effects model can be used to develop a decision support framework to design treatment schemes and direct scarce resources to areas with the highest risk of infection. This framework can be applied to diseases sensitive to climate or to locations where remote sensing would be better suited than health surveys.Published versio

    Secular trends in motor performance of children and adolescents between 2010 and 2020

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    Over the last few years, numerous studies have proclaimed a negative trend in the motor performance of children and adolescents. Drawing from the online Fitness Olympiad database, the data of 8239 children and adolescents from Germany were analyzed by age, sex, and motor performance measured using the Dordel–Koch–test (DKT). Results were compared from the 2010-2012 and 2018-2020 cohorts. The results of the 2010-2012 and 2018-2020 cohorts were then compared regarding the general and sex-specific changes in the development of motor performance. A negative trend was shown for three of five motor performance test items, with decreases of 0.9%-4.8% in abdominal and leg strength and coordination under time pressure, respectively, being found. In contrast, endurance improved by 0.4% and arm and trunk muscle strength by 3.1%. The negative development can be seen as a correlate of exercise deficit disorder (EDD) due to increasing sedentarism. Therefore, the correlation between motor performance and health indicates a clear motivation to appropriately promote the main forms of motor activity

    Electrochemical Disinfection of Root Canals Bears No Risk of Damaging Periapical Tissues in a Dog Model

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    Boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes have been advocated as a potential treatment alternative to the established methods for root canal disinfection. As healing of periapical tissue is important in this context, the associated risk of host tissue damage was to be evaluated. Following in vitro cell culture experiments (HeLa cells), root canal treatment was performed in an animal trial comparing BDD electrode application and the currently used rinsing media with respect to cell viability and host tissue damage. Statistical analyses comparing the size of radiolucency were based on Kruskal-Wallis and Nemenyi’s All Pairs tests (α = 0.05). The direct application of BDD electrodes had a time-dependent effect on cell viability comparable to H2O2 , NaOCl, and CHX application. In contrast to the chemical treatment, the effect of BDD electrodes was transient. Conventionally treated teeth and teeth additionally treated with BDD electrodes did not significantly differ from each other with respect to the size of the periapical radiolucency as observed radiographically (vertical p = 0.998 and horizontal p = 0.878) and histologically (vertical p = 0.940 and horizontal p = 0.862). While showing greater disinfection efficiency, the application of BDD electrodes for the electrochemical disinfection of root canals does not have a greater risk of host tissue damage compared to the conventional treatment

    The use of remotely sensed environmental parameters for spatial and temporal schistosomiasis prediction across climate zones in Ghana

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    Schistosomiasis control in sub-Saharan Africa is enacted primarily through preventive chemotherapy. Predictive models can play an important role in filling knowledge gaps in the distribution of the disease and help guide the allocation of limited resources. Previous modeling approaches have used localized cross-sectional survey data and environmental data typically collected at a discrete point in time. In this analysis, 8 years (2008-2015) of monthly schistosomiasis cases reported into Ghana's national surveillance system were used to assess temporal and spatial relationships between disease rates and three remotely sensed environmental variables: land surface temperature (LST), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and accumulated precipitation (AP). Furthermore, the analysis was stratified by three major and nine minor climate zones, defined using a new climate classification method. Results showed a downward trend in reported disease rates (~ 1% per month) for all climate zones. Seasonality was present in the north with two peaks (March and September), and in the middle of the country with a single peak (July). Lowest disease rates were observed in December/January across climate zones. Seasonal patterns in the environmental variables and their associations with reported schistosomiasis infection rates varied across climate zones. Precipitation consistently demonstrated a positive association with disease outcome, with a 1-cm increase in rainfall contributing a 0.3-1.6% increase in monthly reported schistosomiasis infection rates. Generally, surveillance of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in low-income countries continues to suffer from data quality issues. However, with systematic improvements, our approach demonstrates a way for health departments to use routine surveillance data in combination with publicly available remote sensing data to analyze disease patterns with wide geographic coverage and varying levels of spatial and temporal aggregation.Accepted manuscrip

    Studying microtemporal, within-person processes of diet, physical activity, and related factors using the appetite-mobile-app: Feasibility, usability, and validation study

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    Background: Diet and physical activity (PA) have a major impact on physical and mental health. However, there is a lack of effective strategies for sustaining these health-protective behaviors. A shift to a microtemporal, within-person approach is needed to capture dynamic processes underlying eating behavior and PA, as they change rapidly across minutes or hours and differ among individuals. However, a tool that captures these microtemporal, within-person processes in daily life is currently not present. Objective: The APPetite-mobile-app is developed for the ecological momentary assessment of microtemporal, within-person processes of complex dietary intake, objectively recorded PA, and related factors. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility and usability of the APPetite-mobile-app and the validity of the incorporated APPetite-food record. Methods: The APPetite-mobile-app captures dietary intake event-contingently through a food record, captures PA continuously through accelerometers, and captures related factors (eg, stress) signal-contingently through 8 prompts per day. Empirical data on feasibility (n=157), usability (n=84), and validity (n=44) were collected within the Eat2beNICE-APPetite-study. Feasibility and usability were examined in healthy participants and psychiatric patients. The relative validity of the APPetite-food record was assessed with a subgroup of healthy participants by using a counterbalanced crossover design. The reference method was a 24-hour recall. In addition, the energy intake was compared with the total energy expenditure estimated from accelerometry. Results: Good feasibility, with compliance rates above 80% for prompts and the accelerometer, as well as reasonable average response and recording durations (prompt: 2.04 min; food record per day: 17.66 min) and latencies (prompts: 3.16 min; food record: 58.35 min) were found. Usability was rated as moderate, with a score of 61.9 of 100 on the System Usability Scale. The evaluation of validity identified large differences in energy and macronutrient intake between the two methods at the group and individual levels. The APPetite-food record captured higher dietary intakes, indicating a lower level of underreporting, compared with the 24-hour recall. Energy intake was assessed fairly accurately by the APPetite-food record at the group level on 2 of 3 days when compared with total energy expenditure. The comparison with mean total energy expenditure (2417.8 kcal, SD 410) showed that the 24-hour recall (1909.2 kcal, SD 478.8) underestimated habitual energy intake to a larger degree than the APPetite-food record (2146.4 kcal, SD 574.5). Conclusions: The APPetite-mobile-app is a promising tool for capturing microtemporal, within-person processes of diet, PA, and related factors in real time or near real time and is, to the best of our knowledge, the first of its kind. First evidence supports the good feasibility and moderate usability of the APPetite-mobile-app and the validity of the APPetite-food record. Future findings in this context will build the foundation for the development of personalized lifestyle modification interventions, such as just-in-time adaptive interventions

    Effectiveness of Instructor-Led Discussion versus Simulation to Prepare Students for Fieldwork

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    Occupational therapy students do not always feel prepared to start fieldwork. The study purposes were to 1) measure the effectiveness of refresher sessions on students’ perceived self-efficacy, knowledge, and skills related to fieldwork preparedness and 2) determine whether using simulation with standardized patients (SPs) was more effective than a discussion-based format. The participants (N=34) were entry-level occupational therapy doctoral (OTD) students. Four students acted as a control group while the remaining 30 students were randomly assigned to experimental groups (discussion or simulation). Outcome measures included a readiness for fieldwork survey (quantitative self-reported ratings and qualitative questions), a knowledge-based exam, and a competency evaluation. The experimental groups’ total mean differences were greater than the control group, although these were not statistically significant (p = .551). However, there were statistically significant differences between the groups for two survey items (p = .010; p = .045). There were also statistically significant differences for within-group measures for each experimental group related to self-efficacy (simulation group, p = .006; discussion group, p = .001), but not for the control group. This suggests that both discussion and simulation were effective in increasing student fieldwork readiness. The qualitative data provided additional insight into student perceptions about fieldwork, patient interactions, and level of confidence. Study findings supported the implementation of refresher sessions and demonstrated that using either discussion or simulation were effective options. Further research examining specific strategies for both interventions and combining the two for optimal student preparation would be beneficial
