29 research outputs found

    Acorn flour – naturally gluten free

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    Gluten intake causes gastrointestinal disorders in celiac and intolerant patients. The current trend of consuming gluten free products has added to the demand for these industry products. Digestive health reasons, weight management, and nutritive value of these foods are some of the reasons that have been driving the gluten-free products market. Manufacture of gluten-free products requires the use of preselected raw materials. The number of such ingredients is limited; therefore, the acorns could become one major food source and an attractive novel ingredient for the future. The objective of this paper was to perform and document a complete production cycle of acorn flour starting from the foraged tree nuts, collected in October in Slavonia (east Croatia). The results of physical and chemical investigations of differently treated samples of oak acorn are also presented in this paper. Oak acorn, Quercus robur L., (belonging to Fagaceae family) was investigated in native and thermally treated forms. The acorns were allowed to dry naturally and then shelled. The meal was coarsely ground and dried at 40 °C for 24 h and milled. Produced acorn flour contains 4.56 % fat, 6.48 %, protein, 36.86 % hemicellulose, 14 % cellulose and 1.96 % minerals

    Prevencija urogenitalnih infekcija oralnim unosom probiotičkih laktobacila

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    In general, lactobacilli are nonpathogenic part of the normal urogenital microflora and have been recognized as a barrier against colonization of unwanted (pathogen) microflora. The results of many in vitro studies suggest following mechanisms of probiotic lactobacilli action in urogenital tract: adhesion to urogenital cells, competition with pathogens for adhesive sites, production of biosurfactants, co-aggregation with pathogens, production of antimicrobial substances (organic acids, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins) and stimulation of immune system. From 80 different lactobacilli species isolated from human or animal intestinal and urogenital tract, only few lactobacilli strains possess optimal properties to be effective as probiotic therapeutics against infections in the urogenital tract. Combination of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14 was proposed as the best one for epithelial vaginal cells colonization and inhibition of uropathogens adhesion. The results of a number of clinical studies confirmed beneficial role of oral lactobacilli. However, the most of commercially available Lactobacillus strains, which are ordinary used in fermented dairy products, are seriously limited in protection of urogenital tract when they are ingested orally.Laktobacili su dio standardne nepatogene normalne urogenitalne mikroflore, koji djeluju kao barijera protiv kolonizacije nepoželjne (patogene) mikroflore. Prema rezultatima mnogih in vitro studija probiotički laktobacili u urogenitalnom traktu mogu djelovati putem sljedećih mehanizama: adhezija na stanice urogenitalnog trakta, natjecanje s patogenima za adhezivna mjesta, produkcija biosurfaktanata, koagregacija s patogenima, produkcija antimikrobnih supstancija (organske kiseline, vodikov peroksid i bakteriocini) i stimulacija imunološkog sustava. U urogenitalnom traktu samo nekoliko sojeva laktobacila, od 80 sojeva laktobacila koji su izolirani iz probavnog i urogenitalnog trakta, ima terapijska svojstva. U kolonizaciji epitelnih stanica vagine i sprječavanja adhezije patogena najuspješnijom se pokazala kombinacija bakterija Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 i Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14. Rezultati niza kliničkih studija potvrdili su blagotvorni učinak oralnog unosa probiotičkih laktobacila. Međutim, najveći broj komercijalno dostupnih Lactobacillus sojeva, koji se uobičajeno koriste za fermentacije u mljekarskoj industriji, ukoliko se unesu oralno imaju limitirano zaštitno djelovanje u urogenitalnom traktu

    Quality Parameter Changes in Wheat Varieties During Storage at Four Different Storage Conditions

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    Changes in seed quality parameter of three wheat varieties during one year storage at four different storage conditions, were studied. Applied storage conditions adversely affected quality changes in wheat seeds during one year storage. The most pronounced changes were observed for seeds kept at 40°C, RH = 45%, followed by seeds stored at 25°C, RH = 45%, while seeds kept at 4°C, RH = 45% or at warehouse conditions mostly showed minimal or statistically insignificant changes. Elevated temperature of seed storage caused a significant decrease of starch content, hectoliter weight, and wet gluten content, accompanied with increase in fl our acidity, and fluctuating in Zeleny sedimentation value. The intensities of observed changes showed strong dependence on wheat variety

    The effect of climate change on cereal grain quality

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    One of the toughest tasks of the 21st century is to solve the difficulties caused by global climate change. Alternating dry and rainy years, long periods with extremely high temperatures, and increased mean temperatures worldwide have substantial negative effects on agricultural production. The most important cereal food in the world is cereal grain. The functional cereal grain quality defines their purpose in the food industry for particular end-use products. Aside from genetic heritage and post-harvest storing, cereal grain quality also depends on the environment conditions. Wheat, along with corn and rice, is the world's most widely used cereal. Therefore, this lecture presents research results from several different surveys about the influence of climatic changes on the wheat quality

    Concentration of nutritional important minerals in Croatian goat and cow milk and some dairy products made of these

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    The concentration of the minerals (Ca, Mg and P) and trace elements (Zn, Fe) were determined in goat and cow’s dairy products. The aim of this work was to determine the concentrations of mentioned minerals and trace elements in fermented dairy products made of goat milk, as well as in East Croatia traditional White Slice goat cheese. Obtained results show that goat milk and dairy products from goat milk had higher concentration of Mg and Fe than these of cow milk. Goat milk and dairy products from goat milk also had higher concentration of P, whereas the concentration of Ca was equally in goat and cow milk. However, significantly lower concentrations of Zn in goat milk and goat milk products were determined. Levels of analyzed major and trace minerals were higher in fermented dairy products and cheeses than in liquid milk. The levels of major and trace minerals in White Slice cheese were greater than those in fermented milk products. High content of phosphorus in White Slice goat cheese than in White Slice cow cheese was determined

    Concentration of nutritional important minerals in Croatian goat and cow milk and some dairy products made of these

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    The concentration of the minerals (Ca, Mg and P) and trace elements (Zn, Fe) were determined in goat and cow’s dairy products. The aim of this work was to determine the concentrations of mentioned minerals and trace elements in fermented dairy products made of goat milk, as well as in East Croatia traditional White Slice goat cheese. Obtained results show that goat milk and dairy products from goat milk had higher concentration of Mg and Fe than these of cow milk. Goat milk and dairy products from goat milk also had higher concentration of P, whereas the concentration of Ca was equally in goat and cow milk. However, significantly lower concentrations of Zn in goat milk and goat milk products were determined. Levels of analyzed major and trace minerals were higher in fermented dairy products and cheeses than in liquid milk. The levels of major and trace minerals in White Slice cheese were greater than those in fermented milk products. High content of phosphorus in White Slice goat cheese than in White Slice cow cheese was determined

    Influence of cookies composition on temperature profiles and qualitative parameters during baking

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    During baking of bakery products temperature of baking, temperature profiles, moisture content, volume and colour changes are strongly coupled. The objective of this paper was to study the influence of the cookies composition on temperature profiles and quality parameters (width and thickness, colour formation and textural properties: hardness, fracturability and work of breaking force) during baking process. Composition of cookies differs due to flour type and initial moisture content. Cookies were baked at 205 °C and temperature was measured in the centre of samples which were 7 mm thick with a 60 mm diameter. The results of temperature profiles of the cookies during baking have shown the same trend for all of the 18 samples. Samples with the higher initial water content have lower values of total colour difference and also significantly affect textural properties