29 research outputs found

    Generacija Z i korištenje: Kako komunikacijsko okruženje oblikuje odabire mladih

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    Using smart applications, members of Generation Z communicate in their networks on a wide‏ range of issues, which forms their social sensitivity and makes impact on their consumption. The article‏ focuses on Generation Z in Central and East Europe (CEE) where youth as a share of the total population is‏ the smallest in the world. This study investigates Generation Z in Lithuania, one of the CEE countries, and‏ presents the results of a large-scale survey of youth which analyses the expression of consumption and‏ its interconnection with characteristics formed by social media. There are three main characteristics that‏ explain consumption by Generation Z: cultural tolerance, social tolerance and tolerance to otherness on‏ the network. This threefold theoretical model was proved using the Structural Equation Model (SQM). On‏ the basis of this test we found out that social mindset is the strongest mediator between communication‏ environment and consumption by Generation Z. At the same time, communication environment‏ motivates for self-reward and hedonic consumption which does not compete and goes along with the‏ social mindset. We conclude that Gen Z is a new group in consumer society that is distinctive by its unique‏ characteristics.‏Koristeći pametne aplikacija, pripadnici generacije Z komuniciraju putem svojih mreža o‏ širokom spektru tema, što oblikuje njihovu društvenu osjetljivost i utječe na njihovo korištenje medija.‏ Članak se fokusira na generaciju Z u Srednjoj i Istočnoj Europi gdje je udio mladih u ukupnom stanovništvu‏ najmanji na svijetu. Ova studija istražuje generaciju Z u Litvi, jednoj od zemalja Srednje i Istočne Europe‏ te predstavlja rezultate opsežne ankete provedene među mladima koja analizira korištenje i povezanost‏ s obilježjima koja oblikuju društveni mediji. Tri su glavna obilježja koje objašnjavaju korištenje‏ generacije Z: kulturna tolerancija, socijalna tolerancija i tolerancija prema drugačijima na mreži. Ovaj‏ trostruki teorijski model dokazan je uporabom strukturalnog modeliranja (Structural Equation Model‏ - SQM). Na temelju ovog testa otkriveno je da je društveni način razmišljanja najjači posrednik između‏ komunikacijskog okruženja i korištenja kod generacije Z. Istodobno, komunikacijsko okruženje motivira‏ na samonagrađivanje i hedonističku potrošnju, što je u skladu s društvenim načinom razmišljanja.‏ Zaključujemo da je Generacija Z nova grupa u potrošačkom društvu koja se razlikuje po svojim jedinstvenim‏ obilježjima.

    Prieštaringo fenomeno apmąstymas. Teoriniu ir praktiniu požiūriu vertinga studija

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    The review analyses the monograph “Prostitucijos fenomenas. Gatvės prostitucija Lietuvoje: raiška, sklaida ir kontrolė” [The Phenomenon of Prostitution in Lithuania. Street Prostitution in Lithuania: Its Manifestation, Spread and Control] by V. Pruskus. The monograph is considered to be nearly the first solid work focussing on the phenomenon of prostitution. It adopts a sociological approach to investigate the peculiarities of functioning of modern prostitution as well as the lifestyle features and value attitudes of one marginal type – street prostitutes – as a social group. The review discusses undisputed recency and relevance of the study, which has been primarily determined by insufficient research of the problem in Lithuania and foreign countries. Street prostitution is one of the types of prostitution; it is often depicted in films and literature, talked about at home, yet its manifestation and spread have not been fully researched in scientific terms. The book covers a wide range of street prostitution as a social phenomenon: from the concept of prostitution and its interpretations in various theories to the issues of its legalisation in Lithuania and other countries of the world. One of the strengths of the study is that the phenomenon of prostitution is investigated from several different aspects: besides the prevailing sociological insights, the historical, philosophical and legal contexts are discussed. The monograph consists of 12 logically interrelated chapters that analyse the phenomenon of street prostitution in detail. The phenomenon is considered from four main theoretical perspectives (functional, conflict theory, “labelling” and feminism), thus the reasons of its appearance and existence and features are interpreted differently

    Benamių vaikų socializacija visuomenėje: adaptacijos problema mokykloje

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    Upon starting to attend school, a homeless child frequently faces the problem of stigmatization, lacks a wish for learning, as well as fails to learn and establish relationships with school community. Therefore, a child feels the situation of homelessness even more acutely. Homeless children that have difficulties in adapting at school, acquire no knowledge and skills, which would help them to overcome poverty and homelessness

    The value portrait of generation Z – a reflection of consumer society?

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    Šiame straipsnyje dėmesys skiriamas Z kartos jaunuoliams ir jų vertybinių orientacijų ypatumams. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje analizuojama vartotojiškos visuomenės esmė, akcentuojant tokias jos sudedamąsias dalis kaip vertybės ir vertybinės orientacijos, vartotojiškumas, asmens tapatumas. Antroje straipsnio dalyje pristatomi 2016 m. atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Šiandien esame vartotojai vartotojiškoje visuomenėje. Ypatingas vaidmuo vartotojiškoje kultūroje tenka Z kartai (gimusiems po 1995 metų). Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad šiems jaunuoliams šiandien būdinga dezorientacija, apatiškumas, blaškymasis tarp priimtinų ir kitų jiems primestų vertybių, o vartojimas tampa vienu iš svarbiausių individualaus gyvenimo stiliaus pagrindų. Pasak britų sociologo A. Giddenso, vartotojiškos visuomenės nariai vertina individualizmą, bet jie taip pat vertina priklausymą tam tikrai grupei – siekia būti panašūs į kitus. Vartotojiška visuomenė turi savitą kultūrą, kuri teikia naujų potyrių ir malonumų. Mūsų tyrimas atskleidė, kad nors Z kartai būdingi vartotojiškos visuomenės bruožai, ji yra nevienalytė. Jaunimo gyvenimiškai pozicijai daugiausia įtakos turi vertybiniai prioritetai, sukauptų kapitalų bagažas. Ne visi, pasak lenkų sociologo Z. Baumano, turi išteklių, kad būtų tie, kurie renkasi, t. y. ne visi gali būti vartotojai.The current article focuses on Z generation youth and the peculiarities of their values. The first part of the article addresses the essence of consumer society emphasizing such constituents as values and provisions, consumerist behaviour and personal identity. The second part presents the research results of 2016. In present times, we are consumers living in consumer society. A particular role is ascribed to Generation Z in consumer society (persons born after 1995). The accomplished research demonstrates that these youths are characterised by disorientation, apathy, flouncing between the acceptable and imposed values, whereas consumption becomes one of the key bases for individual lifestyle. According to the British sociologist A. Giddens, members of consumer society value individualism, yet they also appreciate group dependence, i.e. they seek to be like others. Consumer society has a unique culture that provides new experiences and pleasure. Our research reveals that although Generation Z displays features of consumer society, it is not homogeneous. Its provisions related to consumption are affected by values, capitals etc. The Polish sociologist Z. Baumann claims that not all people have everything to make their choices, i.e. not all people can become consumers

    Benamystė kaip socialinis reiškinys

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    The article mainly focuses on the theoretical conception of homelessness as a social phenomenon. One of the key methodological problems of the study of homelessness in Lithuania is the definition of the concept of homelessness and its scope. The notion of homelessness remains ambiguous in a post-communist society. Homelessness is the outcome of interplay between various types of causes. The article analyses the classification of the different types of causes, which depends on the criteria (social economic, legal administrative, family, personal, random) used in determining the causes of losing home. The multidimensionality of homelessness allows discussing its various forms, which may be distinguished and classified according to certain criteria: manifestation, extent, period, space, etc. Homelessness is not a static condition of life but a long and complex process, which has several phases of development in terms of the timeframe and the quality of life. Homelessness is one of the forms of social exclusion, whereby people find themselves outside the boundaries of the civil society. Research indicates that the number of homeless people is growing in all countries. In order to devise effective social policy measures and in search of ways of reintegrating these people into the society, reducing their number or improving their life, the phenomenon must be studied with regard to the forms and the causes of homelessness in a particular country