219 research outputs found

    Language as Embodiment

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    The paper traces the particular quality of human existence as linguistic embodied existence. In asking whether language is like body, it spells out what linguistic experience entails and what kind of picture results from this analysis as grounding the “person” (following Gallagher & Zahavi’s definition) in space/time/body and language. Understanding linguistic existence as embodied existence also facilitates an argument against a representationalist view of language. Nietzsche’s concern is taken up and analyzed: Does the self-reflexivity resulting from linguistic experience threaten individuality? Against his pessimistic conclusion, the article suggests to see language as enabling the individual agent-self

    The "Sound of Power": Investigating Polyphone Actions and the Perception of Polyphony

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    Cet article aborde la polyphonie sous l’angle de la théorie de l’action et propose une comparaison entre deux domaines – la théorie de la musique et la théorie de l’action. La notion d’« action polyphone » se définit en tant que métaphore du phénomène de l’intentionnalité collective dans lequel elle décrit l’attitude des agents ainsi que leur action. Un modèle de « constructivisme pluriel » est suggéré comme conservant les prémisses de l’individualisme méthodique pour comprendre l’importance d’autrui dans la formation du soi. Il est aussi question ici de la normativité relative à la capacité à entendre la musique en général, et la polyphonie en particulier. La compréhension des structures polyphoniques reflète la capacité humaine à « faire ensemble » dans des cas proto-normatifs, mais également dans des cas déontologiques.This article considers polyphony from an action-theoretical angle. The notion of polyphony can be used for a comprehensive philosophical account of human agency, especially group agency. Actions can be described as polyphone either by describing the intentional stance of the agents, or the action itself which can only be executed by two or more agents. Understanding both aspects sheds light on the question what kind of normativity and knowledge thereof is required for agents of collective actions. A normative account of group agency is proposed that can take into account this understanding of normativity that the agents possess themselves while maintaining the premise of methodological individualism. Concerning the origins of polyphony as musical notion, understanding polyphone structures reflects the human capacity for acting in concert

    Language as embodiment

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    The paper traces the particular quality of human existence as linguistic embodied existence. In asking whether language is like body, it spells out what linguistic experience entails and what kind of picture results from this analysis as grounding the “person” (following Gallagher & Zahavi’s definition) in space/time/body and language. Understanding linguistic existence as embodied existence also facilitates an argument against a representationalist view of language. Nietzsche’s concern is taken up and analyzed: Does the self-reflexivity resulting from linguistic experience threaten individuality? Against his pessimistic conclusion, the article suggests to see language as enabling the individual agent-self

    Information literacy is not a one-man show

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    This article will discuss the issues at stake when cooperation between library and faculty on information literacy (IL) is initiated and explored by using an action research approach. Research on and experiences from cooperation between faculty libraries and faculties indicate that several teaching programmes have not integrated IL into the curriculum nor have they established a formalised cooperation between library and faculty on IL. Participants in the project were three librarians, six lecturers, one library manager, two directors of programme and two project managers from VIA University College, Denmark. The data for this study originates from focus group interviews, process protocols, records of reflective sessions and support meetings as well as from mail correspondences. Results indicate that formal cooperation between librarians and educators is necessary and provides the needed access to the other’s understanding of IL, the curriculum, pedagogical professionalism and mutual roles. A joint conceptual understanding of IL is important for making this teamwork work. Librarians need access to programme documents and knowledge on students’ level of learning and on course work. Co-teaching supports the librarian in developing pedagogical skills. Educators have diverging experiences with IL which can be a problem when challenging students on IL for their assignments. IL is everyone’s business and local dissemination of an agreed curriculum intervention throughout a programme is important. Leadership and re-sources are also significant if the integration of IL is to be possible

    Derfor er bibliotekaren uundværlig for en uddannelse

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    En ny model for samarbejde mellem bibliotek og uddannelse viser, hvor vigtig en partner bibliotekaren er for uddannelsen, når studerende skal udvikle og demonstrere informationskompetence

    Informationskompetence, en opgave for bibliotek og uddannelse i fællesskab

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    Erfaringer og undersøgelser om samarbejde mellem uddannelser og forskningsbiblioteker viser, at ikke alle har en curriculumintegreret indsats og et formaliseret samarbejde om undervisning og vejledning til støtte for udvikling af de studerendes informationskompetence. Et aktionsforskningsprojekt undersøgte, hvad der havde betydning i etablering af et formelt samarbejde mellem bibliotek og uddannelse. I projektet deltog tre bibliotekarer, seks undervisere og en biblioteksleder samt to uddannelsesledere og to projektledere fra VIA University College. Fokusgruppeinterviews, projektprotokoller, referater fra refleksions- og støttemøder samt mailkorrespondance udgjorde data, som blev kvalitativt analyseret. Resultaterne viste, at følgende områder er betydningsfulde: ledelsesstøtte, en anerkendende tilgang, oplevelse af nødvendighed og ejerskab til processen, fælles fokus og mål tilpasset den enkelte uddannelses behov, rammer og ressourcer, faglig støtte og erfaringsudveksling i processen. Research on and experiences from cooperation between faculty libraries and faculties indicate that not all programmes have integrated information literacy in curriculum or have a formalised cooperation between library and faculty on information literacy. Using action research we explored issues at stake when cooperation between library and faculty is initiated. Participants were 3 librarians, 6 educators, 1 library manager, 2 directors of programme and 2 project managers from VIA University College. Data derived from focus group interviews, process protocols, records of reflective sessions and support meetings and mail correspondence was qualitatively analysed. The results showed that the following areas seemed important: Support from the management, an appreciative approach, a need for change, ownership of the process, common focus and goals according to the need of the programme, a set frame work and resources, professional support and sharing of experiences in the process

    En pædagogisk udfordring

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    En række nyere undersøgelser peger på, at udvikling af studerendes informationskompetence bør ske i et tæt samarbejde mellem bibliotekarer og undervisere og integreres i curriculum. VIAs sygeplejerskeuddannelse i Silkeborg har set på bibliotekars og undervisers roller i de studerendes læreproces

    WONOEP appraisal: New genetic approaches to study epilepsy

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    New genetic investigation techniques, including next-generation sequencing, epigenetic profiling, cell lineage mapping, targeted genetic manipulation of specific neuronal cell types, stem cell reprogramming, and optogenetic manipulations within epileptic networks are progressively unraveling the mysteries of epileptogenesis and ictogenesis. These techniques have opened new avenues to discover the molecular basis of epileptogenesis and to study the physiologic effects of mutations in epilepsy associated genes on a multilayer level, from cells to circuits. This manuscript reviews recently published applications of these new genetic technologies in the study of epilepsy, as well as work presented by the authors at the genetic session of the XII Workshop on the Neurobiology of Epilepsy (WONOEP 2013) in Quebec, Canada. Next-generation sequencing is providing investigators with an unbiased means to assess the molecular causes of sporadic forms of epilepsy and has revealed the complexity and genetic heterogeneity of sporadic epilepsy disorders. To assess the functional impact of mutations in these newly identified genes on specific neuronal cell types during brain development, new modeling strategies in animals, including conditional genetics in mice and in utero knock-down approaches, are enabling functional validation with exquisite cell-type and temporal specificity. In addition, optogenetics, using cell-type–specific Cre recombinase driver lines, is enabling investigators to dissect networks involved in epilepsy. In addition, genetically encoded cell-type labeling is providing new means to assess the role of the nonneuronal components of epileptic networks such as glial cells. Furthermore, beyond its role in revealing coding variants involved in epileptogenesis, next-generation sequencing can be used to assess the epigenetic modifications that lead to sustained network hyperexcitability in epilepsy, including methylation changes in gene promoters and noncoding ribonucleic acid (RNA) involved in modifying gene expression following seizures. In addition, genetically based bioluminescent reporters are providing new opportunities to assess neuronal activity and neurotransmitter levels both in vitro and in vivo in the context of epilepsy. Finally, genetically rederived neurons generated from patient induced pluripotent stem cells and genetically modified zebrafish have become high-throughput means to investigate disease mechanisms and potential new therapies. Genetics has changed the field of epilepsy research considerably, and is paving the way for better diagnosis and therapies for patients with epilepsy