32 research outputs found

    A sero-epidemiological approach to explore transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans

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    The debilitating skin disease Buruli ulcer (BU) is caused by infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans. While various hypotheses on potential reservoirs and vectors of M. ulcerans exist, the mode of transmission has remained unclear. Epidemiological studies have indicated that children below the age of four are less exposed to the pathogen and at lower risk of developing BU than older children. In the present study we compared the age at which children begin to develop antibody responses against M. ulcerans with the age pattern of responses to other pathogens transmitted by various mechanisms. A total of 1,352 sera from individuals living in the BU endemic Offin river valley of Ghana were included in the study. While first serological responses to the mosquito transmitted malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and to soil transmitted Strongyloides helminths emerged around the age of one and two years, sero-conversion for M. ulcerans and for the water transmitted trematode Schistosoma mansoni occurred at around four and five years, respectively. Our data suggest that exposure to M. ulcerans intensifies strongly at the age when children start to have more intense contact with the environment, outside the small movement range of young children. Further results from our serological investigations in the Offin river valley also indicate ongoing transmission of Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of yaws

    Spatiotemporal co-existence of two Mycobacterium ulcerans clonal complexes in the Offin River Valley of Ghana

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    In recent years, comparative genome sequence analysis of African Mycobacterium ulcerans strains isolated from Buruli ulcer (BU) lesion specimen has revealed a very limited genetic diversity of closely related isolates and a striking association between genotype and geographical origin of the patients. Here, we compared whole genome sequences of five M. ulcerans strains isolated in 2004 or 2013 from BU lesions of four residents of the Offin river valley with 48 strains isolated between 2002 and 2005 from BU lesions of individuals residing in the Densu river valley of Ghana. While all M. ulcerans isolates from the Densu river valley belonged to the same clonal complex, members of two distinct clonal complexes were found in the Offin river valley over space and time. The Offin strains were closely related to genotypes from either the Densu region or from the Asante Akim North district of Ghana. These results point towards an occasional involvement of a mobile reservoir in the transmission of M. ulcerans, enabling the spread of bacteria across different regions

    Burden and historical trend of Buruli Ulcer prevalence in selected communities along the Offin River of Ghana

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    Buruli ulcer (BU) is a neglected tropical skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans with more than two thirds of the global cases reported in West Africa. A nationwide active BU case search conducted in 1999 identified two health districts along the Offin River as two of the three most endemic districts in Ghana. Based on recent anecdotal accounts that transmission is unstable along the Offin River, we conducted from March to June 2013 an exhaustive household survey and active case search in 13 selected communities within a five-kilometer radius along the Offin River. The overall prevalence of BU was 2.3% among the surveyed population of 20,390 inhabitants and 477 of the total 480 cases detected (99.4%) were historical (healed) cases. By estimating the year of occurrence for each case per community and taking into account available passive surveillance records of health facilities and the District Health Directorate, we observed a general trend of continuous emergence of cases in communities located midstream the Offin River whereas downstream communities showed more sporadic patterns. We monitored the incidence of cases after the survey and recorded a cumulative incidence rate of 0.04% for the 13 communities over a 17-month active surveillance period from August 2013 to December 2014. Our data reveal an overall decline in BU incidence along the Offin River similar to the general decline in BU incidence in recent years reported by the World Health Organization for West Africa

    Optimization of TSP SNP typing assays.

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    <p>TSP endpoint detection by analysis of PCR product sizes on ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels for haplotypes 1–10 (lanes 1–10) at TSP assay locus 6. TSPs were performed using: <b>A</b> a four-primer system including both NAS and LS forward and reverse primers as well as a three-primer system with only one NAS primer and different NAS∶LS primer ratios of <b>B</b> 2.5∶1, <b>C</b> 5∶1, <b>D</b> 7.5∶1 and <b>E</b> 10∶1.</p

    Selection of TSP SNP typing assays.

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    <p><b>A</b> Linearized phylogenetic tree of the ten <i>M. ulcerans</i> haplotypes (HT1–10) detected in the Densu River Valley of Ghana (MEGA software version 4.1 (beta), scale: number of differences at the 89 SNP loci tested). <b>B</b> Schematic overview of reference (0) and SNP (1) alleles present in the sequence of the ten <i>M. ulcerans</i> haplotypes, which can be identified by TSP assays 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17 and 18.</p

    Schematic illustration of TSP assay performance.

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    <p>NAS and LS primer locations relative to the <i>M. ulcerans</i> DNA sequence surrounding a SNP locus are shown for the different PCR reaction phases. <b>A</b> Initial PCR conditions enable an amplification of the larger LS PCR product by applying an annealing temperature (Ta) of 58°C. <b>B</b> Reduction of Ta to 45°C facilitates a possible incorporation of the NAS primer into the enriched LS PCR product. <b>C</b> Competitive amplification of the larger LS and the smaller NAS PCR products are ensured by an increase of Ta to 53°C.</p

    Seasonal pattern of Mycobacterium ulcerans, the causative agent of Buruli ulcer, in the environment in Ghana

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    This study aimed to contribute to the understanding of Mycobacterium ulcerans (MU) ecology by analysing both clinical and environmental samples collected from ten communities along two major river basins (Offin and Densu) associated with Buruli ulcer (BU) at different seasons. We collected clinical samples from presumptive BU cases and environmental samples from ten communities. Following DNA extraction, clinical samples were confirmed by IS2404 PCR and environmental samples were confirmed by targeting MU-specific genes, IS2404, IS2606 and the ketoreductase (KR) using real-time PCR. Environmental samples were first analysed for IS2404; after which, IS2404-positive samples were multiplexed for the IS2606 and KR gene. Our findings indicate an overall decline in BU incidence along both river basins, although incidence at Densu outweighs that of Offin. Overall, 1600 environmental samples were screened along Densu (434, 27 %) and Offin (1166, 73 %) and MU was detected in 139 (9 %) of the combined samples. The positivity of MU along the Densu River basin was 89/434 (20.5 %), whilst that of the Offin River basin was 50/1166 (4.3 %). The DNA was detected mainly in snails (5/6, 83 %), moss (8/40, 20 %), soil (55/586, 9 %) and vegetation (55/675, 8 %). The proportion of MU positive samples recorded was higher during the months with higher rainfall levels (126/1175, 11 %) than during the dry season months (13/425, 3 %). This study indicates for the first time that there is a seasonal pattern in the presence of MU in the environment, which may be related to recent rainfall or water in the soil

    Summary of <i>M. ulcerans</i> genotyping in Ghana.

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    1<p>genotyping after comparison of 3 <i>M. ulcerans</i> genomes.</p>2<p>genotyping after comparison of 7 <i>M. ulcerans</i> genomes.</p

    Application of TSP assay 16 in two different research laboratories.

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    <p>Comparison of TSP endpoint detection by analysis of PCR product sizes on ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels in two different laboratories in Basel, Switzerland and Accra, Ghana. PCR products are shown for haplotypes 1–10 (lanes 1–10).</p

    Isolation of nontuberculous Mycobacteria from the environment of Buruli ulcer endemic communities in Ghana

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    This study aimed to isolate nontuberculous mycobacterial species from environmental samples obtained from some selected communities in Ghana. To optimize decontamination, spiked environmental samples were used to evaluate four decontamination solutions and supplemented media, after which the best decontamination solution and media were used for the actual analysis. The isolates obtained were identified on the basis of specific genetic sequences, including heat shock protein 65, IS2404, IS2606, rpoB, and the ketoreductase gene, as needed. Among the methods evaluated, decontamination with 1 M NaOH followed by 5% oxalic acid gave the highest rate of recovery of mycobacteria (50.0%) and the lowest rate of contamination (15.6%). The cultivation medium that supported the highest rate of recovery of mycobacteria was polymyxin B-amphotericin B-nalidixic acid-trimethoprim-azlocillin-supplemented medium (34.4%), followed by isoniazid-supplemented medium (28.1%). Among the 139 samples cultivated in the main analysis, 58 (41.7%) yielded mycobacterial growth, 70 (50.4%) had no growth, and 11 (7.9%) had all inoculated tubes contaminated. A total of 25 different mycobacterial species were identified. Fifteen species (60%) were slowly growing (e.g., Mycobacterium ulcerans, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium mantenii, and Mycobacterium malmoense), and 10 (40%) were rapidly growing (e.g., Mycobacterium chelonae, Mycobacterium fortuitum, and Mycobacterium abscessus). The occurrence of mycobacterial species in the various environmental samples analyzed was as follows: soil, 16 species (43.2%); vegetation, 14 species (38.0%); water, 3 species (8.0%); moss, 2 species (5.4%); snail, 1 species (2.7%); fungi, 1 species (2.7%). This study is the first to report on the isolation of M. ulcerans and other medically relevant nontuberculous mycobacteria from different environmental sources in Ghana.; Diseases caused by mycobacterial species other than those that cause tuberculosis and leprosy are increasing. Control is difficult because the current understanding of how the organisms are spread and where they live in the environment is limited, although this information is needed to design preventive measures. Growing these organisms from the environment is also difficult, because the culture medium becomes overgrown with other bacteria that also live in the environment, such as in soil and water. We aimed to improve the methods for growing these organisms from environmental sources, such as soil and water samples, for better understanding of important mycobacterial ecology