28 research outputs found
MgII Linear Polarization Measurements Using the MSFC Solar Ultraviolet Magnetograph Sounding Rocket
This paper will describe the Marshall Space Flight Center's Solar Ultraviolet Magnetograph Investigation (SUMI) sounding rocket program, with emphasis on the polarization characteristics of the VUV optics and their spectral, spatial and polarization resolution. SUMI's first flight (7/30/2010) met all of its mission success criteria and this paper will describe the data that was acquired with emphasis on the MgII linear polarization measurements
Factors relating to EFL writers' discourse level revision skills
This study investigated discourse level revising skills among three groups of Japanese EFL writers and the relationship between these skills and the two factors of English proficiency and writing experience. The three groups of university students (N = 53) differed in terms of their educational level and the amount of writing instruction they had received. Group 1, undergraduates with no writing instruction; Group 2, undergraduates with one year of English writing instruction; and Group 3, graduate students, were asked to revise English texts containing coherence problems at three discourse levels: intersentential, paragraph, and essay. The results showed that at the essay level, Group 2 outperformed Group 1, demonstrating revision skill close to that of Group 3, whereas Group 3 outperformed the other two groups overall, particularly at the intersentential level. While English proficiency and writing experience were both significantly related to revision performance, English proficiency was most strongly related to revision at the intersentential level. The results also imply that explicit instruction played an active role in students' essay level revisions and use of correction strategies
Photothermal Microscopy for High Sensitivity and High Resolution Absorption Contrast Imaging of Biological Tissues
Photothermal microscopy is useful to visualize the distribution of non-fluorescence chromoproteins in biological specimens. Here, we developed a high sensitivity and high resolution photothermal microscopy with low-cost and compact laser diodes as light sources. A new detection scheme for improving signal to noise ratio more than 4-fold is presented. It is demonstrated that spatial resolution in photothermal microscopy is up to nearly twice as high as that in the conventional widefield microscopy. Furthermore, we demonstrated the ability for distinguishing or identifying biological molecules with simultaneous muti-wavelength imaging. Simultaneous photothermal and fluorescence imaging of mouse brain tissue was conducted to visualize both neurons expressing yellow fluorescent protein and endogenous non-fluorescent chromophores
Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical study of the leptomeres in the mouse cardiac muscle fibre
The three-diiiiensional configuration and
cheiriicol composition of leptoniei-es in the inouse
\ e i i t r i c ~ i l a r cardiac inuscle fibre were electron
iiiicroscopically und iminuiiocytochemically in\-estigated
~ising seinithin sections and specific antibodies agairist
actin. the intei-mediate filament proteins desinin and
viiiientin. anci the aciin-binding proteins a-actiriin,
filainin and vinculin. The leptomeres appeared columnar
in shape arid periodically segmeiited by electron-dense
tiisc-like septa. The electrori-lucent areas betweeri these
septa uere composed of fiiie interlinked filainents
running obliquely to the major axis cif the Ieptomere.
Actiii was localized in the electron-dense lii-ies of the
leptoineres but not in the fine filaments. No reaction
was. however. detected for desinin. vinientin. \zi~iculin.
rilainin and a-actinin. The preserit results suggest.
therefore. that the leptomeres inay not have a contractile
Páginas de Na-K-ATPase activity in the guinea pig stria vascularis in experimentally-induced endolymphatic hydrops
The effect of endolymphatic hydrops on the
Na-K-ATPase activity in the guinea pig stria vascularis
was electron microscopically and enzyme cytochemically
investigated one year after experimental
induction. The morphological observations revealed
intercellular dropsy in the basal infoldings of the
marginal cells, and shrinkage and disappearance
of intermediate cells. Moreover, shrinkage of the
marginal cells, especially of the basal infoldings, was
occasionally observed. In spite of these morphological
alterations, the Na-K-ATPase activity was still detected
on the plasma membrane of the basal infoldings of most
marginal cells. No remarkable differences were found
among the cochlear turns of the specimens examined.
However, no reaction product was detected on the
basolateral plasma membrane of severely degenerated
marginal cells. The present results indicate that the Na-
K-ATPase of the plasma membrane of the basal
infoldings of the marginal cells plays an important role
in the maintenance of the unique ion concentration of the
endolymph even in the endolymphatic hydropic
condition, and that the Na-K-ATPase activity is
attenuated in severely atrophic cells
Alkaline phosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase and magnesium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase activities in the transitional epithelium of the rat urinary bladder
The cerium-based method was used to
demonstrate cytochemically the ultrastructural
localization of alkaline phosphatase (ALPase), 5'-
nucleotidase (5'-Nase) and magnesium-dependent
adenosine triphosphatase (Mg-ATPase) on the
transitional epithelium of the rat urinary bladder. The
reaction product for ALPase was found on the plasma
membrane of al1 epithelial cells, except the luminal
surface of superficial cells. The activity of 5'-Nase
appeared on the plasma membrane of al1 bladder
transitional epithelial cells, including the free surface of
superficial cells. The Mg-ATPase reaction product was
seen on the plasma membrane of superficial,
intermediate and basal cells, but never on the luminal
surface of superficial cells and it was only occasionally
seen on the basal surface. The possible functions of these
phosphatases have been discussed, and it was
emphasized that the 5'-Nase activity present on the
luminal surface of superficial cells may play a special role
in the membrane movement of these cells in the
transitional epithelium