123 research outputs found

    Composite quarks and leptons in higher space-time dimensions

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    A new approach towards the composite structure of quarks and leptons in the context of the higher dimensional unified theories is proposed. Owing to the certain strong dynamics, much like an ordinary QCD, every possible vectorlike multiplets of composites appear in higher dimensional bulk space-time, however, through a proper Sherk-Schwarz compactification only chiral set of composite quarks and leptons survive as the massless states in four dimensions. In this scenario restrictions related with the 't Hooft's anomaly matching condition are turned out to be avoided and, as a result, the composite models look rather simple and economic. We demonstrate our approach by an explicit construction of model of preons and their composites unified in the supersymmetric SU(5) GUT in five space-time dimensions. The model predicts exactly three families of the composite quarks and leptons being the triplets of the chiral horizontal symmetry SU(3)_h which automatically appears in the composite spectrum when going to ordinary four dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, tcilatex, no figures, v2 - misprints correcte

    Symmetry breaking, conformal geometry and gauge invariance

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    When the electroweak action is rewritten in terms of SU(2) gauge invariant variables, the Higgs can be interpreted as a conformal metric factor. We show that asymptotic flatness of the metric is required to avoid a Gribov problem: without it, the new variables fail to be nonperturbatively gauge invariant. We also clarify the relations between this approach and unitary gauge fixing, and the existence of similar transformations in other gauge theories.Comment: 11 pages. Version 2: typos corrected, discussion of Elitzur's theorem added. Version to appear in J.Phys.

    Emergent Gravity from Noncommutative Gauge Theory

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    We show that the matrix-model action for noncommutative U(n) gauge theory actually describes SU(n) gauge theory coupled to gravity. This is elaborated in the 4-dimensional case. The SU(n) gauge fields as well as additional scalar fields couple to an effective metric G_{ab}, which is determined by a dynamical Poisson structure. The emergent gravity is intimately related to noncommutativity, encoding those degrees of freedom which are usually interpreted as U(1) gauge fields. This leads to a class of metrics which contains the physical degrees of freedom of gravitational waves, and allows to recover e.g. the Newtonian limit with arbitrary mass distribution. It also suggests a consistent picture of UV/IR mixing in terms of an induced gravity action. This should provide a suitable framework for quantizing gravity.Comment: 28 pages + 11 pages appendix. V2: references and discussion added. V3: minor correctio

    Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking on a Brane in Reduced QED

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    Reduced gauge theories are theories in which while gauge fields propagate in a bulk, fermion fields are localized on a brane. We study dynamical chiral symmetry breaking on a 2-brane and a 1-brane in reduced QED_{3+1}, and on a 1-brane in reduced QED_{2+1}. Since, unlike higher dimensional gauge theories, QED_{3+1} and QED_{2+1} are well defined, their reduced versions can serve as a laboratory for studying dynamics in a higher dimensional brane world. The analysis of the Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equations in these theories reveals rich and quite nontrivial dynamics in which the conformal symmetry and its breakdown play a crucial role. Explicit solutions of the SD equations in the near-critical regime are obtained and the character of the corresponding phase transition is described.Comment: PRD versio

    Modified F(R) Horava-Lifshitz gravity: a way to accelerating FRW cosmology

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    We propose a general approach for the construction of modified gravity which is invariant under foliation-preserving diffeomorphisms. Special attention is paid to the formulation of modified F(R)F(R) Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity (FRHL), whose Hamiltonian structure is studied. It is demonstrated that the spatially-flat FRW equations of FRHL are consistent with the constraint equations. The analysis of de Sitter solutions for several versions of FRHL indicates that the unification of the early-time inflation with the late-time acceleration is possible. It is shown that a special choice of parameters for FRHL leads to the same spatially-flat FRW equations as in the case of traditional F(R)F(R)-gravity. Finally, an essentially most general modified Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity is proposed, motivated by its fully diffeomorphism-invariant counterpart, with the restriction that the action does not contain derivatives higher than the second order with respect to the time coordinate.Comment: LaTeX 11 pages. v4: Some errors have been correcte

    Generalized Froggatt-Nielsen Mechanism

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    In this paper, we propose a Generalized Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism in which non-renormalizable operators involving a GUT group and U(1)HU(1)_H non-singlet Higgs field are introduced. Thus the GUT gauge symmetry breaking and the generation of hierarchical flavor hierarchy have a common origin in this mechanism. In this Generalized Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism, we propose universality conditions for coefficients corresponding to different contractions in the group productions. We find that the predictions in Generalized Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism for SU(5) GUT is different to that of ordinary Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism. Such Generalized Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism can be used in GUT models when ordinary Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism is no longer available. We study the application of Generalized Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism in SO(10) model. We find that realistic standard model mass hierarchy and mixings can be obtained both in SU(5) and SO(10) GUT models with such Generalized Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Neutrino Democracy, Fermion Mass Hierarchies And Proton Decay From 5D SU(5)

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    The explanation of various observed phenomena such as large angle neutrino oscillations, hierarchies of charged fermion masses and CKM mixings, and apparent baryon number conservation may have a common origin. We show how this could occur in 5D SUSY SU(5) supplemented by a U(1){\cal U}(1) flavor symmetry and additional matter supermultiplets called 'copies'. In addition, the proton decays into pKνp\to K\nu , with an estimated lifetime of order 1033103610^{33}-10^{36} yrs. Other decay channels include KeKe and KμK\mu with comparable rates. We also expect that BR(μeγ)(\mu \to e\gamma)\sim BR(τμγ)(\tau \to \mu \gamma)

    Standard Model Higgs from Higher Dimensional Gauge Fields

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    We consider the possibility that the standard model Higgs fields may originate from extra components of higher dimensional gauge fields. Theories of this type considered before have had problems accommodating the standard model fermion content and Yukawa couplings different from the gauge coupling. Considering orbifolds based on abelian discrete groups we are lead to a 6 dimensional G_2 gauge theory compactified on T^2/Z_4. This theory can naturally produce the SM Higgs fields with the right quantum numbers while predicting the value of the weak mixing angle sin^2 theta_W = 0.25 at the tree-level, close to the experimentally observed one. The quartic scalar coupling for the Higgs is generated by the higher dimensional gauge interaction and predicts the existence of a light Higgs. We point out that one can write a quadratically divergent counter term for Higgs mass localized to the orbifold fixed point. However, we calculate these operators and show that higher dimensional gauge interactions do not generate them at least at one loop. Fermions are introduced at orbifold fixed points, making it easy to accommodate the standard model fermion content. Yukawa interactions are generated by Wilson lines. They may be generated by the exchange of massive bulk fermions, and the fermion mass hierarchy can be obtained. Around a TeV, the first KK modes would appear as well as additional fermion modes localized at the fixed point needed to cancel the quadratic divergences from the Yukawa interactions. The cutoff scale of the theory could be a few times 10 TeV.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX. v2: Section on the absence of tadpole at all order removed. Typos corrected. Refs. added. Final version appeared in PR

    SU(7) Unification of SU(3)_C*SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L}

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    We propose the SUSY SU(7) unification of the SU(3)_C* SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L} model. Such unification scenario has rich symmetry breaking chains in a five-dimensional orbifold. We study in detail the SUSY SU(7) symmetry breaking into SU(3)_C* SU(4)_W* U(1)_{B-L} by boundary conditions in a Randall-Sundrum background and its AdS/CFT interpretation. We find that successful gauge coupling unification can be achieved in our scenario. Gauge unification favors low left-right and unification scales with tree-level \sin^2\theta_W=0.15. We use the AdS/CFT dual of the conformal supersymmetry breaking scenario to break the remaining N=1 supersymmetry. We employ AdS/CFT to reproduce the NSVZ formula and obtain the structure of the Seiberg duality in the strong coupling region for 3/2N_c<N_F<3N_C. We show that supersymmetry is indeed broken in the conformal supersymmetry breaking scenario with a vanishing singlet vacuum expectation value.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure