27 research outputs found

    Prévalence des germes impliqués dans les infections vaginales chez les femmes camerounaises et facteurs de risque

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    Les infections du tractus génital femelle représentent un problème de santé publique. Au Cameroun, les données concernant leur épidémiologie sont de plus en plus disponibles mais néanmoins restent obsolètes particulièrement dans la ville de Douala. Une étude transversale a été conduite dans trois hôpitaux de la ville de Douala dans le but de déterminer la prévalence des infections génitales et les facteurs de risque associés. Ainsi, 300 femmes ont été incluses dans l’étude. Une fiche d’enquête a été utilisée pour collecter les informations des participantes. Des prélèvements vaginaux ont été collectés, caractérisés et mis en culture. Les anticorps anti- VIH ont été recherchés dans le sérum des patientes. La prévalence des infections génitales et de l’infection à VIH était 28% et 25,7% respectivement. Les germes rencontrés étaient les bactéries Gram+ (17,7%), Candida spp. (11,0%), coccobacilles (0,7%) et les bactéries Gram- (0,7%). L’infection à VIH, le statut matrimonial, la contraception orale et l’utilisation de produit lors de la toilette vaginale étaient des facteurs de risque. Le risque élevé de vaginoses trouvé dans cette étude souligne le besoin de l’implémentation de programmes communautaires de détection précoce des infections génitales et d’information-éducation communication.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Femme, infection du tractus génital, prévalence, facteurs de risque, DoualaEnglish Title: Prevalence of germs associated with vaginal infections in Cameroonian women and risk factorsEnglish AbstractFemale genital tract infections constitute a public health concern. In Cameroon, epidemiological data about are increasingly available. However, there is still a paucity of data in the town of Douala. A hospital  based cross-sectional study was carried out in the town of Douala with the aim to determine the prevalence of vaginal infections and identify the risk factors. In total, 300 women were included in the study. Baseline data were documented via investigation form. Vaginal swabs were collected, processed and used for isolation of germs. Screening of HIV infection was also performed. The prevalence of vaginal infection and HIV infection was 28% and 25.7% respectively. Gram (+) bacteria (17.7%), Candida spp. (11.0%), coccobacilli (0.7%) and Gram (-) bacteria (0.7%) were founded associated with vaginal infection cases. Four risk factors were underscored in this study: HIV infection, marital status, oral contraceptive and the absence of utilization of sanitary product for vaginal douching. This study revealed high risk of vaginal infection in Cameroonian women living in Douala. This outlines the need for the implementation of community-based intervention based on early detection of genital infection and their sensitization.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Women, Genital tract infection, prevalence, risk factors, Doual

    Antibacterial and Antioxidant Properties of the Methanolic Extract of the Stem Bark of Pteleopsis hylodendron (Combretaceae)

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    Pteleopsis hylodendron (Combretaceae) is used in Cameroon and West Africa folk medicine for the treatment of various microbial infections (measles, chickenpox, and sexually transmitted diseases). The antibacterial properties of the methanolic extract and fractions from stem bark of Pteleopsis hylodendron were tested against three Gram-positive bacteria and eight Gram-negative bacteria using Agar-well diffusion and Broth microdilution methods. Antioxidant activities of the crude extract and fractions were investigated by DPPH radical scavenging activity and β-carotene-linoleic acid assays. The methanolic extract and some fractions exhibited antibacterial activities that varied between the bacterial species (ID = 0.00–25.00 mm; MIC = 781–12500 μg/mL and 0.24–1000 μg/mL). The activity of the crude extract is, however, very weak compared to the reference antibiotics (MIC = 0.125–128 μg/mL). Two fractions (FE and FF) showed significant activity (MIC = 0.97 μg/mL) while S. aureus ATCC 25922 was almost resistant to all the tested fractions. In addition, the crude extract and some fractions showed good antioxidant potential with inhibition values ranging from 17.53 to 98.79%. These results provide promising baseline information for the potential use of this plant as well as some of the fractions in the treatment of infectious diseases and oxidative stress

    Patogenesi dell'infezione da SIV in Macaca fascicularis: insorgenza di linfomi in scimmie sperimentalmente infettate con SIV

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    Dottorato di ricerca in microbiologia ed epidemiologia. 9. ciclo. Coordinatore R. Perez- BercoffConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Exploring demographical, clinical, and dietary determinants of vitamin D deficiency among adults in Douala, Cameroon during the COVID-19 era

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    Background and aim: Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is a global public health problem in African populations. This study aimed at determining the prevalence, characteristics, and determinants of VDD in the era of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. This study was conducted from January to September 2022 in seven health facilities in Douala, Cameroon. Methods: A structured, pre-tested questionnaire was administered to each participant to collect participants’ information. Molecular detection of the SARS-CoV-2 genome was done. A serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D < 20 ng/mL was used to diagnose VDD. Results: A total of 420 participants were included in the study. A Serum levels of 25(OH) vitamin D were reduced in SARS-CoV-2 (+) patients as compared to SARS-CoV-2 (-) patients (21.69 ± 5.64 ng/mL vs 42.09 ± 20.03 ng/mL, p < 0.0001). The overall prevalence of VDD was 10.2 %. SARS-CoV-2 (+) individuals had nearly two times more risk of being VDD compared to SARS-CoV-2 (-) individuals (aRR = 1.81, p < 0.0001). The risk of VDD was reduced by 46 % and 71 % in those consuming cocoa bean or powder regularly (aRR = 0.54, p = 0.03) and rarely (aRR = 0.29, p = 0.02) as compared to those never consuming it. Likewise, the risk of VDD was reduced by 59 % and 78 % in those consuming sardine fish regularly (aRR = 0.47, p = 0.002) and rarely (aRR = 0.22, p = 0.03). Overall, the association between VDD and SARS-CoV-2 infection was consistent, i.e., reduced risk of VDD in SARS-CoV-2 (-) individuals, after stratification for confounding variables. Conclusion: This study outlined a high burden of VDD, a strong link between VDD and SARS–CoV–2, and suggests the possible utility of vitamin D supplementation for COVID-19 patients in Cameroon

    Serological surveillance reveals a high exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and altered immune response among COVID-19 unvaccinated Cameroonian individuals.

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    Surveillance of COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 dynamics is crucial to understanding natural history and providing insights into the population's exposure risk and specific susceptibilities. This study investigated the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, its predictors, and immunological status among unvaccinated patients in Cameroon. A multicentre cross-sectional study was conducted between January and September 2022 in the town of Douala. Patients were consecutively recruited, and data of interest were collected using a questionnaire. Blood samples were collected to determine Immunoglobin titres (IgM and IgG), interferon gamma (IFN- γ) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) by ELISA, and CD4+ cells by flow cytometry. A total of 342 patients aged 41.5 ± 13.9 years were included. Most participants (75.8%) were asymptomatic. The overall crude prevalence of IgM and IgG was 49.1% and 88.9%, respectively. After adjustment, the seroprevalence values were 51% for IgM and 93% for IgM. Ageusia and anosmia have displayed the highest positive predictive values (90.9% and 82.4%) and specificity (98.9% and 98.3%). The predictors of IgM seropositivity were being diabetic (aOR = 0.23, p = 0.01), frequently seeking healthcare (aOR = 1.97, p = 0.03), and diagnosed with ageusia (aOR = 20.63, p = 0.005), whereas those of IgG seropositivity included health facility (aOR = 0.15, p = 0.01), age of 40-50 years (aOR = 8.78, p = 0.01), married (aOR = 0.21, p = 0.02), fever (aOR = 0.08, p = 0.01), and ageusia (aOR = 0.08, p = 0.01). CD4+, IFN-γ, and IL-6 were impaired in seropositive individuals, with a confounding role of socio-demographic factors or comorbidities. Although the WHO declared the end of COVID-19 as a public health emergency, the findings of this study indicate the need for continuous surveillance to adequately control the disease in Cameroon

    Role of genetic factors and ethnicity on the multiplicity of Plasmodium falciparum infection in children with asymptomatic malaria in Yaoundé, Cameroon

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    In this cross-sectional study, we investigated host genetic factors and ethnic variation in circulating Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 (msp-2) clones among children with asymptomatic malaria.Isolates from seventy two asymptomatic malaria children were used for genotyping block 3 of msp-2 gene by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Sickle cell trait and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency were analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism of DNA products from PCR targeting codons 6 and 68 of the beta-globin (HBB) and G6PD genes respectively. ABO blood group was typed by agglutination method.A total of forty two msp-2 genotypes (20 for 3D7 and 22 for FC27) were detected for an average (standard error of mean) multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 2.45 (0.16). The MOI was statistically the same among the five identified ethnic groups (P = 0.83). The overall prevalence of sickle cell trait and G6PD deficiency were 12.50 % and 22.22 % respectively. MOI was similar between children with Hb AA and Hb AS genotypes (P = 0.42). MOI was significantly high among children with a mutant G6PD genotype (P = 0.017). MOI was significantly higher in blood group O than group A (P = 0.03).Our findings show that although ethnicity and sickle cell trait have no association with MOI, the association was observed with G6PD genotype and ABO group. The results suggest the need for extension and expansion of the current study in order to investigate the mechanisms involved

    Fig 2 -

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    Proportion of unvaccinated patients (A), and serum levels of IgM (B) and IgG (C) by COVID-19 vaccination status. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s post-hoc tests were used to make pairwise comparisons between groups. In Fig 2B and 2C, only statistically significant comparisons were showed on the graphs. *Statistically significant at p-value < 0.05.</p