5 research outputs found

    Bibliotherapeutic competencies in teaching literature

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    Ovaj je rad rezultat istraživačkoga projekta Biblioterapijske kompetencije u nastavi književnosti čiji je cilj utvrđivanje emocionalnoga doživljaja pri recepciji književnoga teksta kod učenika i nastavnika Hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti u osnovnim i srednjim školama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 914 učenika iz 4 osnovne i 6 srednjih škola Središnje Hrvatske te 31 nastavnica Hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti u ispitanim osnovnim i srednjim školama. U srednjim školama istraživanje je obuhvatilo gimnazije i strukovne škole hotelijersko-turističkoga usmjerenja. Za potrebe istraživanja, korišten je anketni upitnik tipa papir – olovka koji se sastojao od općega i stručnoga dijela. Općim su dijelom učenicima postavljena pitanja o godinama, spolu, razredu te najčešćoj ocjeni iz književnosti dok su nastavnicama postavljena pitanja o godinama rada u nastavi književnosti, o poznavanju pojma biblioterapije i njegova opisa te o učestalosti korištenja „prepoznavanja emocija“ u nastavi književnosti. Stručni je dio anketnoga upitnika bio jednak učenicima i nastavnicama, a sastojao se od četiriju polaznih književnih tekstova te po jednoga pitanja uz polazni tekst u kojem su sudionici mogli dati svoju procjenu glavne emocije u polaznom književnom tekstu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da u učeničkoj procjeni glavne emocije prevladava sličan trend, dok se nastavničke procjene razlikuju od učeničkih. Također, među učenicima stupanj slaganja ovisi o vrsti teksta. Veće je slaganja u procjeni glavne emocije na temelju lirskih tekstova, dok su manja slaganja na temelju ulomaka iz proznih djela. S druge strane, nastavničke se procjene u usporedbi s učeničkima razlikuju i ovisno o vrsti teksta. Stoga, možemo zaključiti kako postoje temelji te potreba za primjenom biblioterapije u nastavi književnosti u svrhu poboljšanja i s ciljem razumijevanja emocija te identifikacije svojih i tuđih emocija i problema putem interpretacije književnoga teksta.This work is the result of the research project “Bibliotherapeutic competencies in teaching literature“. The work attempts to determine the emotions perceived by students and teachers when reading works of literature in Croatian language and literature classes, in primary and secondary schools. Six secondary schools and four primary schools in central Croatia participated in the research. In primary schools the participants consisted of 7th and 8th grade students. Secondary schools students were selected from all four grades. The participant schools encompassed both gymnasiums and vocational schools. In total, 914 students as well as 31 teachers of Croatian language classes participated in the research. A questionnaire was used, which consisted of a general and specialized part. In the general part, students were asked questions about their age, gender, class and their most common grade in literature class, while the teachers were asked about their years of experience in teaching, their understanding of the term “bibliotherapy” and its description, as well as the frequency of using “emotion detection“ in class. The specialized part of the query was identical for both groups and consisted of four texts, with each text being accompanied by a question asking the participant to give their perception of the main emotion present in the text. The results have shown that there is no significant difference in the perception of the dominant emotion between primary and secondary school students. However, there were some differences in perception between students and teachers. The results also shown that between primary and secondary school students there are some difference in the perception of the dominant emotion depending on type of literature works. We can establish that there is a need for the use of bibliotherapy in literature class as a means to increase emotional understanding, and identifying one’s own emotions as well as those of others by interpreting literatur

    Bibliotherapeutic competencies in teaching literature

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    Ovaj je rad rezultat istraživačkoga projekta Biblioterapijske kompetencije u nastavi književnosti čiji je cilj utvrđivanje emocionalnoga doživljaja pri recepciji književnoga teksta kod učenika i nastavnika Hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti u osnovnim i srednjim školama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 914 učenika iz 4 osnovne i 6 srednjih škola Središnje Hrvatske te 31 nastavnica Hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti u ispitanim osnovnim i srednjim školama. U srednjim školama istraživanje je obuhvatilo gimnazije i strukovne škole hotelijersko-turističkoga usmjerenja. Za potrebe istraživanja, korišten je anketni upitnik tipa papir – olovka koji se sastojao od općega i stručnoga dijela. Općim su dijelom učenicima postavljena pitanja o godinama, spolu, razredu te najčešćoj ocjeni iz književnosti dok su nastavnicama postavljena pitanja o godinama rada u nastavi književnosti, o poznavanju pojma biblioterapije i njegova opisa te o učestalosti korištenja „prepoznavanja emocija“ u nastavi književnosti. Stručni je dio anketnoga upitnika bio jednak učenicima i nastavnicama, a sastojao se od četiriju polaznih književnih tekstova te po jednoga pitanja uz polazni tekst u kojem su sudionici mogli dati svoju procjenu glavne emocije u polaznom književnom tekstu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da u učeničkoj procjeni glavne emocije prevladava sličan trend, dok se nastavničke procjene razlikuju od učeničkih. Također, među učenicima stupanj slaganja ovisi o vrsti teksta. Veće je slaganja u procjeni glavne emocije na temelju lirskih tekstova, dok su manja slaganja na temelju ulomaka iz proznih djela. S druge strane, nastavničke se procjene u usporedbi s učeničkima razlikuju i ovisno o vrsti teksta. Stoga, možemo zaključiti kako postoje temelji te potreba za primjenom biblioterapije u nastavi književnosti u svrhu poboljšanja i s ciljem razumijevanja emocija te identifikacije svojih i tuđih emocija i problema putem interpretacije književnoga teksta.This work is the result of the research project “Bibliotherapeutic competencies in teaching literature“. The work attempts to determine the emotions perceived by students and teachers when reading works of literature in Croatian language and literature classes, in primary and secondary schools. Six secondary schools and four primary schools in central Croatia participated in the research. In primary schools the participants consisted of 7th and 8th grade students. Secondary schools students were selected from all four grades. The participant schools encompassed both gymnasiums and vocational schools. In total, 914 students as well as 31 teachers of Croatian language classes participated in the research. A questionnaire was used, which consisted of a general and specialized part. In the general part, students were asked questions about their age, gender, class and their most common grade in literature class, while the teachers were asked about their years of experience in teaching, their understanding of the term “bibliotherapy” and its description, as well as the frequency of using “emotion detection“ in class. The specialized part of the query was identical for both groups and consisted of four texts, with each text being accompanied by a question asking the participant to give their perception of the main emotion present in the text. The results have shown that there is no significant difference in the perception of the dominant emotion between primary and secondary school students. However, there were some differences in perception between students and teachers. The results also shown that between primary and secondary school students there are some difference in the perception of the dominant emotion depending on type of literature works. We can establish that there is a need for the use of bibliotherapy in literature class as a means to increase emotional understanding, and identifying one’s own emotions as well as those of others by interpreting literatur

    Radni status i drugi prediktori mentalnog zdravlja i kognitivnih funkcija starijih radnika u Hrvatskoj

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    The aim of this study was to examine mental health and cognitive functions in older Croatian workers (50–65 years) taking into account their employment status, self-assessed health, and a set of demographic characteristics. We analysed the data collected on 650 older workers (71 % employed) in the Wave 6 of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Unemployed workers reported symptoms of loneliness more often than the employed, while in rural areas unemployment was additionally associated with more pronounced symptoms of depression. Feeling of loneliness was also higher in those living without a partner in the household and in those with poorer health. In urban residents symptoms of depression were more severe in women, respondents with higher education, those living without a partner, and those who rated their health as poorer. As for cognitive functions, unemployment significantly predicted poorer subtraction in the rural subsample. Women in general showed less efficient numerical abilities. In the urban subsample poorer numerical abilities were also associated with lower education and living without a partner in the household. Better verbal recall was predicted by higher education and better self-rated memory. Higher scores in verbal fluency were predicted by urban residency and better self-rated health. Our results indicate that the protective factors for good mental health and cognitive functioning in older Croatian workers are being employed, having more education, living with a partner in the household, and being healthier. These findings stress the importance of implementing broader social policy strategies covering employment, education, and health.Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati mentalno zdravlje i kognitivne funkcije starijih radnika u Hrvatskoj (50–65 godina), uzimajući u obzir njihov radni status, samoprocjenu zdravlja i skupinu demografskih karakteristika. Analizirani su podaci o 650 starijih radnika (71 % zaposlenih) iz šestog vala Istraživanja o zdravlju, starenju i umirovljenju u Europi (SHARE). Nezaposleni stariji radnici značajno su češće navodili simptome usamljenosti nego zaposleni, a u sudionika iz ruralnih područja nezaposlenost je dodatno bila povezana s izraženijim simptomima depresivnosti. Osjećaj usamljenosti također je bio izraženiji u onih koji žive bez partnera u istom domaćinstvu i onih slabijeg zdravlja. Kad je riječ o sudionicima koji žive u gradu, simptomi depresivnosti bili su izraženiji u žena, u onih koji imaju više obrazovanje, u onih koji žive bez partnera i u onih koji svoje zdravlje procjenjuju lošijim. Što se tiče kognitivnih funkcija, nezaposlenost je bila značajni prediktor lošijeg rezultata na zadacima oduzimanja u ruralnom poduzorku. Žene su općenito pokazale slabije numeričke sposobnosti. U gradskom poduzorku slabije numeričke sposobnosti bile su također povezane s nižom razinom obrazovanja i životom bez partnera u domaćinstvu. Bolje verbalno dosjećanje bilo je povezano s boljim obrazovanjem i boljom samoprocjenom pamćenja. Prediktori boljih rezultata na testu verbalne fluentnosti bili su stanovanje u gradu i bolja samoprocjena zdravlja. Naši rezultati pokazuju da su zaposlenost, bolje obrazovanje, život s partnerom i bolje zdravstveno stanje protektivni faktori mentalnog zdravlja i kognitivnog funkcioniranja starijih radnika u Hrvatskoj

    Psychological Stress and Hand Eczema in Physicians and Dentists: A Comparison Based on Surgical Work

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    Background: This research looks at the connection between psychological stress and the prevalence of hand eczema (HE) among physicians and dentists (surgeons, non-surgeons). Methods: This cross-sectional field study involved 185 participants: physicians (surgeons, non-surgeons), dentists (surgeons, non-surgeons) and controls. Hand lesions were examined using the Osnabrueck Hand Eczema Severity Index (OHSI), and participants answered the Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire (NOSQ) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Patch tests were performed using commercial contact allergens. Results: The estimated prevalence of HE (self-reported) was 43.9% (physicians 44.6%; dentists 43.2%). HE was significantly more reported by surgeons than controls (p < 0.004; V = 0.288). Degrees of perceived stress (PSS) did not differ significantly between the groups, though physicians non-surgeons most exhibited high stress (50%), and physicians surgeons most exhibited low stress (22.5%). High stress was associated with 2.5 higher odds for self-reported HE (p = 0.008). Low stress was greater among physicians/dentists who did not report eczema (41.0% vs. 24.6%); moderate stress was more common among those who reported eczema (72.3% vs. 51.8%; p = 0.038; V = 0.210). Conclusions: Since high stress levels may negatively influence physicians’/dentists’ work and quality of life, measures to decrease stress could be introduced into the treatment of healthcare workers who are prone to it

    Which outcomes should be measured in hand eczema trials? Results from patient interviews and an expert survey

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    Background: Hand eczema (HE) is a common skin disease characterized by itch, pain and visible skin changes such as fissures, erythema and vesicles. It is not yet clear which outcome domains are most important for patients. The Hand Eczema Core Outcome Set (HECOS) initiative is developing a consented set of core domains and suitable measurement instruments for the future application in all HE trials. This includes an online Delphi survey about core domains, which requires a ‘Long List’ of all domains that might be important to measure. Objectives: To compile a ‘Long List’ of candidate outcome domains for therapeutic HE trials with suggestions from patients and experts. Methods: First, 60 patients with chronic HE were interviewed at seven study sites in Croatia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain. Patients were asked about domains that were important from their perspectives. Second, 185 HE experts were invited by email to complete an online survey. With an open question, they were asked to suggest up to six domains. Results: Suggestions were provided by 58 patients and 82 experts. Most patients and experts suggested to measure the domains ‘signs’, ‘symptoms’ and ‘HE-related quality of life’. Specifically, >25% of patients said that less itch, pain or fissures indicated a successful treatment. Among experts, >25% suggested ‘itch’ and ‘ability to work’ as core sub-domains. Further outcomes from the domains ‘HE control over time’, ‘patient-reported treatment experience’ and ‘skin barrier function’ were mentioned. Conclusion: ‘Itch’ was rated high among patients with HE and professional HE experts. While patients emphasized fissures as important, experts underlined the ability to work. This investigation allowed us to define a ‘Long List’ of 7 candidate outcome domains with 58 sub-domains. From this list, a panel of stakeholders will select core domains during an online Delphi survey