26 research outputs found
Seriality in Czech and Slovak Comics Narration. Genres -Models - Worlds
Disertační práce Serialita v české a slovenské komiksové naraci. Žánry - modely - světy se zabývá problematikou seriálové utvářenosti a organizace komiksových textů, ježto je ohledávána a zkoumána na materiálové základně československého obrázkového seriálu 20. století. Serialita je zde přitom paralelně nahlížena jako předmět i prostředek zkoumání, a práce tak ve svých ambicích aspiruje na historickou i teoretickou dosažnost. Na rovině historicko-interpretační je místní komiksová tradice sledována ("čtena") prizmatem dobově dominantní novinové či časopisecké "epizodické" prezentace: pozornost je věnována převažujícím publikačním formátům, periodicitou určovaným charakteristikám i žánrovým a kompozičním specifikům domácí komiksové tvorby. Dílčí sondy věnované jednotlivým vyčleněným okruhům (např. formátovým - strip, či žánrovým - příběhy o veselých zvířátkách) slouží přitom zároveň jako východiska k promýšlení analytických nástrojů a teoretických konceptů (sdílený seriálový svět a jeho konstitutivní vlastnosti), projektovaných se zacílením k jejich obecnější, např. jinomediální, aplikovatelnosti. Klíčová slova: Komiks, sekvencialita, serialita, sdílený svět, kontinuita, paratexty, žánr, transmedialitaThe PhD thesis Seriality in Czech and Slovak Comics Narration. Genres - Models - Worlds intends to deepen our understanding of the historically most prevalent serial form (as in "form of organization") of comics' texts, which phenomenon is here described and further studied building upon the material base of the Czechoslovak comics of the 20th century. At the same time, this seriality is considered here as both the topic of research and its main analytical tool, since the thesis aims to advance our knowledge of history of local comics, as well as to propose seriality-related theoretical tools and concepts. On the historical and interpretative level, the Czechoslovak tradition of comics is conceptualized through its dominant publication-presentation types (comics being presented in the periodicals context) of episodic segments with their strictly limited space/page allowance, with focus on formats and models of periodicity, as well as on genre and composition related topics. Further chapters are dedicated to specific sub-categories of comics narratives (either format-based - comic strip, or genre-oriented - funny animal comics). These not only give an appropriate historical overview of the individual topics, but also serve as the prerequisites for consideration of general, arguably even...Department of Czech and Comparative LiteratureÚstav české literatury a komparatistikyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art
O čem by měl komiks mlčet: Logikomiks a snaha o popularizaci moderní matematické logiky
Recenze: Apostolos Doxiadis - Christos H. Papadimitriou - Alecos Papadatos - Annie Di Donna, Logikomiks: Hledání absolutní pravdy. Praha: Dokořán 2012, 336 s. Z anglického originálu Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth přeložil Jaroslav Peregrin
Narrative aspects of comics
The thesis entit1ed "Narrative aspects of comics" intends to apply a theoretical background of the dassic narratology to the visual/verbal medium of comics, using the remarks of the so-called "transmedial narratology". Following a short overview of the most important studies focused on comics narration, the three levels of comics narrative are established, Le. levels of "segment", "story" and "world". These levels are thereafter dosely examined. In addition to the common narrative aspects (e.g. space/spatiality, time/temporality, narrative speech, narrator, focalization and narrative events - in this case "sequences"), the thesis a1so pays attention to the typology / genre theory of comics as well as to the medium-symptomatic phenomenon of seriality, proposing the term of "shared fictious world". There are also short excursions devoted to other narration-shaping features
Power and Dystopia: anti-utopic visions of contemporary Anglo-American fiction
The study describes the transformations of antiutopic genre formula in an Anglo-American fiction of 20th century with a particular interest being focused on the texts from the recent two decades (Mitchell, Atwood, Ishiguro)
About Čtyřlístek (Four-Leaf-Clover) with love. Prolegomena on the analysis of a serial
This study aims to offer an initial analytical inspection of the Třeskoprsky fictional universe, to propose a basic chronological framework for the 'four-leaf clover phenomenon' and to put forward questions for any subsequent 'cloverology' analysis
Banal as a speech bubble - the adjective "comics" as genre specification
The terminological confusion that is still present when considering the nature of comics (is it a genre, perhaps even literary a form or a medium?) is reflected in the usage of the adjective "komiksový" (comics, the adjectival form which in Czech refers specifically to comics) in texts of various media. This description is commonly used as a characterization that usually refers to specific formal, genre-based or subject-based similarities. However, in most cases this adjectival notation only revives genre stereotypes, or non-systematically marks the source medium of adapted material. Do "comics radio shows", "theatre comics" or "comics movies" exist? As the article argues, the most common reasons for labelling other-media texts as comics are: 1. formal proximity of the media involved, 2. the superhero genre, 3. animation or cartoon technique, 4. humour, dottiness, sometimes even the perceived qualitative inadequacy of the text under review
Narrative aspects of comics
The thesis entit1ed "Narrative aspects of comics" intends to apply a theoretical background of the dassic narratology to the visual/verbal medium of comics, using the remarks of the so-called "transmedial narratology". Following a short overview of the most important studies focused on comics narration, the three levels of comics narrative are established, Le. levels of "segment", "story" and "world". These levels are thereafter dosely examined. In addition to the common narrative aspects (e.g. space/spatiality, time/temporality, narrative speech, narrator, focalization and narrative events - in this case "sequences"), the thesis a1so pays attention to the typology / genre theory of comics as well as to the medium-symptomatic phenomenon of seriality, proposing the term of "shared fictious world". There are also short excursions devoted to other narration-shaping features
Seriality in Czech and Slovak Comics Narration. Genres -Models - Worlds
The PhD thesis Seriality in Czech and Slovak Comics Narration. Genres - Models - Worlds intends to deepen our understanding of the historically most prevalent serial form (as in "form of organization") of comics' texts, which phenomenon is here described and further studied building upon the material base of the Czechoslovak comics of the 20th century. At the same time, this seriality is considered here as both the topic of research and its main analytical tool, since the thesis aims to advance our knowledge of history of local comics, as well as to propose seriality-related theoretical tools and concepts. On the historical and interpretative level, the Czechoslovak tradition of comics is conceptualized through its dominant publication-presentation types (comics being presented in the periodicals context) of episodic segments with their strictly limited space/page allowance, with focus on formats and models of periodicity, as well as on genre and composition related topics. Further chapters are dedicated to specific sub-categories of comics narratives (either format-based - comic strip, or genre-oriented - funny animal comics). These not only give an appropriate historical overview of the individual topics, but also serve as the prerequisites for consideration of general, arguably even..
Evaluation of a marketing manager activities in a selected company
The aim of the diploma thesis is to define the marketing manager activities, their evaluation and subsequent suggestions drafting for improvement of the company Spojené kartáčovny. The company is mainly engaged in production of household cleaning supplies, dental hygiene products and painting tools and painting supplies