35 research outputs found

    Agent-Based System for Mobile Service Adaptation Using Online Machine Learning and Mobile Cloud Computing Paradigm

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    An important aspect of modern computer systems is their ability to adapt. This is particularly important in the context of the use of mobile devices, which have limited resources and are able to work longer and more efficiently through adaptation. One possibility for the adaptation of mobile service execution is the use of the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) paradigm, which allows such services to run in computational clouds and only return the result to the mobile device. At the same time, the importance of machine learning used to optimize various computer systems is increasing. The novel concept proposed by the authors extends the MCC paradigm to add the ability to run services on a PC (e.g. at home). The solution proposed utilizes agent-based concepts in order to create a system that operates in a heterogeneous environment. Machine learning algorithms are used to optimize the performance of mobile services online on mobile devices. This guarantees scalability and privacy. As a result, the solution makes it possible to reduce service execution time and power consumption by mobile devices. In order to evaluate the proposed concept, an agent-based system for mobile service adaptation was implemented and experiments were performed. The solution developed demonstrates that extending the MCC paradigm with the simultaneous use of machine learning and agent-based concepts allows for the effective adaptation and optimization of mobile services

    Cerebral arteriovenous malformations : usability of Spetzler-Martin and Spetzler-Ponce scales in qualification to endovascular embolisation and neurosurgical procedure

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    Purpose: Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are connected with cerebral haemorrhage, seizures, increased intracranial pressure, headaches, mass effect, and ischaemia symptoms. Selection of the best treatment method or even deciding if intervention is required can be difficult. Material and methods: The study included 50 patients who were diagnosed with cerebral AVMs and treated in our Centre between 2008 and 2014. A total of 111 procedures were performed, including 94 endovascular embolisations and 17 neurosurgical procedures. Medical records and imaging data were reviewed for all patients. All AVMs were measured and assessed, allowing classification in Spetzler-Martin and Spetzler-Ponce scales. Results: Complete or partial treatment was observed in 88.24% of neurosurgical procedures and in 84.00% of embolisations. Early complication rate was 21.28% for embolisation and 17.65% for neurosurgical procedures, while Glasgow Outcome Scale was 4.89 (σ = 0.38) and 5.0 (σ = 0.00), respectively. According to the Spetzler-Martin scale, cerebral haemorrhages occurred more frequently in grade 1, but no statistical significance was observed. In Spetzler- Ponce class B lower grades in Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) were noticed (p = 0.02). Lower GCS scores were also correlated with deep location of AVM and with eloquence of adjacent brain. Patients with Spetzler-Martin grade 1 were more frequently qualified for neurosurgical procedures than other patients. Conclusions: Treating AVMs requires coordination of a multidisciplinary team. Both endovascular embolisation and neurosurgical procedure should be considered as a part of multimodal, frequently multistage treatment. Spetzler-Martin and Spetzler-Ponce scales have an influence on haemorrhage frequency and patients’ clinical condition and should be taken into consideration in selecting the treatment method

    Cervical cancer - is there anything to worry about? Research on knowledge and awareness of cervical cancer among Poles

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    Cervical cancer poses a global health challenge, being one of the most common cancers of the reproductive organs and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The disease, resulting from infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), tends to develop in advanced stages, significantly complicating effective treatment. Despite advancements in medicine, diagnostics, and therapy, cervical cancer remains a serious public health threat. Periodic surveillance through screening has significantly reduced the incidence of cervical cancer; however, in Poland, there is a notable gap between potentially available preventive measures and their actual utilization by the population. It has been observed that only around 20% of Polish women participate in screening programs, contributing to Poland having one of the highest rates of incidence and mortality from this type of cancer in Europe. This leads to the conclusion that cervical cancer constitutes an unresolved oncological and epidemiological problem in Poland. In the context of these challenges, a crucial aspect is understanding the level of public knowledge about cervical cancer, its risk factors, and available preventive measures. This study focuses on evaluating the societal knowledge regarding the risk factors of cervical cancer, identifying existing gaps, and suggesting potential areas for educational interventions

    First white beam on a von Hámos spectrometer at the PolyX beamline of SOLARIS

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    Synchrotrons are brilliant sources of X-ray radiation used in a variety of methods to study the structure of matter and dynamics of processes on the atomic scale. X-ray spectroscopy methods at synchrotrons are typically combined with the beam monochromatization which guarantees better energy resolution but also reduces orders of magnitude the photon flux incident on the sample and thus wastes the vast majority of the photons produced. Here we report on the commissioning of an X-ray spectrometer at the PolyX beamline of SOLARIS specialized in application of white, broadband and monochromatic X-ray beam in multimodal microimaging, microtomography and microscpectroscopic studies. The spectrometer was used to acquire good quality Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectrum over about 120 eV-range within seconds. In this work we present the first X-ray absorption spectrum measured using a synchrotron white beam in combination with a von Hámos geometry-based spectrometer

    Bouveret's Syndrome: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Therapeutic Strategies - A Comprehensive Educational Approach for Healthcare Professionals

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    Bouveret's syndrome, a rare complication of gallstone disease, poses a significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, particularly in elderly individuals with multiple comorbidities. The mortality rate ranges from 12-30%, emphasizing the importance of prompt and accurate diagnosis. Nonspecific symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, contribute to delayed diagnosis. Healthcare professionals, especially those involved in gastroenterology and surgery, require comprehensive education on Bouveret's syndrome. Training should emphasize the diverse diagnostic modalities, including the use of imaging techniques such as X-rays, ultrasound, and MRI. Awareness of the syndrome's rarity and collaboration among specialists from various fields are crucial for effective management. Additionally, educational programs should underscore the need for individualized treatment plans, considering patient parameters such as age, comorbidities, and the inflammatory state of surrounding tissues. While endoscopic procedures exhibit lower success rates, they are often preferred due to the high risk associated with open surgical procedures in elderly patients. Continuous medical education should also highlight the potential link between diabetes and Bouveret's syndrome, emphasizing the importance of recognizing risk factors and ensuring timely medical intervention. In conclusion, enhancing the knowledge base of healthcare professionals through targeted education is essential for improving the diagnosis and management of Bouveret's syndrome, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes

    Determinants of suicidal behaviours in children and adolescents

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    Podejmowanie prób samobójczych u dzieci i młodzieży stanowi obecnie istotny problem w społeczeństwie. Zachowania suicydalne nie są uzależnione od jednego bezpośredniego powodu, lecz od wielu złożonych czynników na poziomie indywidualnym, rodzinnym, społecznym, a także sytuacji życiowej oraz własnych mechanizmów obronnych. Podczas gdy podejmowanie prób samobójczych u dzieci jest stosunkowo rzadkie, to statystyki wśród młodzieży, przez cały okres dojrzewania, mają tendencję wzrostową. W Polsce w 2018 roku grupa osób podejmujących zachowania suicydalne w wieku 7-18 lat to 6,9%, w tym 1,9% zakończonych zgonem. Trafna identyfikacja uwarunkowań samobójstw wśród osób w wieku rozwojowym to kluczowy czynnik decydujący o prowadzeniu ukierunkowanych i skutecznych działań profilaktycznych, a także ulepszeniu wczesnej diagnostyki i wdrożeniu odpowiednich działań terapeutycznych.Suicide attempts in children and adolescents constitute an important problem in society today. Suicidal behaviour does not depend on one direct cause, but on many complex factors at individual, family, social, life situation and self-defence levels. While suicide attempts in children are relatively rare, statistics among young people tend to increase throughout adolescence. In 2018, the group of persons undertaking suicidal behaviors at the age of 7-18 in Poland reached 6.9%, including 1.9% resulting in death. Accurate identifi cation of suicide determinants among people at developmental age is a key factor determining the conduct of targeted and effective preventive measures, as well as the improvement of early diagnosis and implementation of appropriate therapeutic measures

    Cervical cancer - is there anything to worry about? Research on knowledge and awareness of cervical cancer among Poles

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    Cervical cancer poses a global health challenge, being one of the most common cancers of the reproductive organs and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The disease, resulting from infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), tends to develop in advanced stages, significantly complicating effective treatment. Despite advancements in medicine, diagnostics, and therapy, cervical cancer remains a serious public health threat. Periodic surveillance through screening has significantly reduced the incidence of cervical cancer; however, in Poland, there is a notable gap between potentially available preventive measures and their actual utilization by the population. It has been observed that only around 20% of Polish women participate in screening programs, contributing to Poland having one of the highest rates of incidence and mortality from this type of cancer in Europe. This leads to the conclusion that cervical cancer constitutes an unresolved oncological and epidemiological problem in Poland. In the context of these challenges, a crucial aspect is understanding the level of public knowledge about cervical cancer, its risk factors, and available preventive measures. This study focuses on evaluating the societal knowledge regarding the risk factors of cervical cancer, identifying existing gaps, and suggesting potential areas for educational interventions

    Bouveret's Syndrome: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Therapeutic Strategies - A Comprehensive Educational Approach for Healthcare Professionals

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    Bouveret's syndrome, a rare complication of gallstone disease, poses a significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, particularly in elderly individuals with multiple comorbidities. The mortality rate ranges from 12-30%, emphasizing the importance of prompt and accurate diagnosis. Nonspecific symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, contribute to delayed diagnosis. Healthcare professionals, especially those involved in gastroenterology and surgery, require comprehensive education on Bouveret's syndrome. Training should emphasize the diverse diagnostic modalities, including the use of imaging techniques such as X-rays, ultrasound, and MRI. Awareness of the syndrome's rarity and collaboration among specialists from various fields are crucial for effective management. Additionally, educational programs should underscore the need for individualized treatment plans, considering patient parameters such as age, comorbidities, and the inflammatory state of surrounding tissues. While endoscopic procedures exhibit lower success rates, they are often preferred due to the high risk associated with open surgical procedures in elderly patients. Continuous medical education should also highlight the potential link between diabetes and Bouveret's syndrome, emphasizing the importance of recognizing risk factors and ensuring timely medical intervention. In conclusion, enhancing the knowledge base of healthcare professionals through targeted education is essential for improving the diagnosis and management of Bouveret's syndrome, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes

    Hypoglycemia impact on psychiatric symptoms and brain changes in anorexia nervosa

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    This study examines the potential impact of hypoglycemia on mental comorbidity in anorexia, comparing it to similar changes in diabetes. Anorexia, characterized by low body weight, is linked to hypoglycemia, possibly affecting mental health. Recurrent hypoglycemia in diabetes leads to mood changes and cognitive impairment. Anorexic individuals may experience deficits in cognitive functioning and psychiatric comorbidities, including affective disorders and anxiety. Imaging studies show structural changes in the brains of both anorexia and diabetes patients, but the direct link between hypoglycemia and psychoorganic changes in anorexia remains inconclusive, warranting further investigation

    I'm sick? I don't train!" – Relation between training during upper respiratory infection and myocarditis

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    Introcudtion Myocarditis is one of the leading causes of sudden cardiac deaths among athletes. One of the factors increasing the risk of this disease is engaging in sports training during an infection. Many athletes, regardless of their level of advancement, are not aware of the risks associated with training during an infection, and those who are aware often ignore them and continue training. Purpose Assessment of behaviors and awareness among runners in Poland regarding the risk of developing myocarditis as a result of training during respiratory tract infections. Material and method In December 2023, a voluntary and anonymous online survey was conducted among a group of 399 adult runners from Poland. The survey included 13 questions, consisting of 11 single-choice questions and 2 multiple-choice questions. Results The percentage of individuals who do not associate training during an infection with an increased risk of myocarditis amounts to as much as 44.4% (n=177), while a staggering 86.7% (n=346) of respondents declare that they undertake training during respiratory infections. Conslusion After analyzing the survey, it's evident that while the Polish running community recognizes the risks of training during infections, many still exercise despite symptoms. Although most understand that intense training and early return to sports can harm health, awareness of myocarditis risks from exertion during infection is lacking. Despite protocols for post-illness return to sports, there's a need for campaigns to educate the running community on infection-related training risks.