13 research outputs found

    Phase estimation without a priori knowledge in the presence of loss

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    We find the optimal scheme for quantum phase estimation in the presence of loss when no a priori knowledge on the estimated phase is available. We prove analytically an explicit lower bound on estimation uncertainty, which shows that, as a function of number of probes, quantum precision enhancement amounts at most to a constant factor improvement over classical strategiesComment: 8 pages, 2 figures, discussion on adaptive strategies adde

    Device-independent quantum key distribution with single-photon sources

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    Device-independent quantum key distribution protocols allow two honest users to establish a secret key with minimal levels of trust on the provider, as security is proven without any assumption on the inner working of the devices used for the distribution. Unfortunately, the implementation of these protocols is challenging, as it requires the observation of a large Bell-inequality violation between the two distant users. Here, we introduce novel photonic protocols for device-independent quantum key distribution exploiting single-photon sources and heralding-type architectures. The heralding process is designed so that transmission losses become irrelevant for security. We then show how the use of single-photon sources for entanglement distribution in these architectures, instead of standard entangled-pair generation schemes, provides significant improvements on the attainable key rates and distances over previous proposals. Given the current progress in single-photon sources, our work opens up a promising avenue for device-independent quantum key distribution implementations.Comment: 20 pages (9 + appendices and bibliography), 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Precision Limits in Quantum Metrology with Open Quantum Systems

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    The laws of quantum mechanics allow to perform measurements whose precision supersedes results predicted by classical parameter estimation theory. That is, the precision bound imposed by the central limit theorem in the estimation of a broad class of parameters, like atomic frequencies in spectroscopy or external magnetic field in magnetometry, can be overcome when using quantum probes. Environmental noise, however, generally alters the ultimate precision that can be achieved in the estimation of an unknown parameter. This tutorial reviews recent theoretical work aimed at obtaining general precision bounds in the presence of an environment. We adopt a complementary approach, where we first analyze the problem within the general framework of describing the quantum systems in terms of quantum dynamical maps and then relate this abstract formalism to a microscopic description of the system's dissipative time evolution. We will show that although some forms of noise do render quantum systems standard quantum limited, precision beyond classical bounds is still possible in the presence of different forms of local environmental fluctuations.Comment: slightly modified versio

    Exploiting non-linear effects in optomechanical sensors with continuous photon-counting

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    Optomechanical systems are rapidly becoming one of the most promising platforms for observing quantum behaviour, especially at the macroscopic level. Moreover, thanks to their state-of-the-art methods of fabrication, they may now enter regimes of non-linear interactions between their constituent mechanical and optical degrees of freedom. In this work, we show how this novel opportunity may serve to construct a new generation of optomechanical sensors. We consider the canonical optomechanical setup with the detection scheme being based on time-resolved counting of photons leaking from the cavity. By performing simulations and resorting to Bayesian inference, we demonstrate that the non-classical correlations of the detected photons may crucially enhance the sensor performance in real time. We believe that our work may stimulate a new direction in the design of such devices, while our methods apply also to other platforms exploiting non-linear light-matter interactions and photon detection.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, revised version with expanded analysi

    Quantum metrology with imperfect measurements

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    The impact of measurement imperfections on quantum metrology protocols has not been approached in a systematic manner so far. In this work, we tackle this issue by generalising firstly the notion of quantum Fisher information to account for noisy detection, and propose tractable methods allowing for its approximate evaluation. We then show that in canonical scenarios involving NN probes with local measurements undergoing readout noise, the optimal sensitivity depends crucially on the control operations allowed to counterbalance the measurement imperfections -- with global control operations, the ideal sensitivity (e.g.~the Heisenberg scaling) can always be recovered in the asymptotic NN limit, while with local control operations the quantum-enhancement of sensitivity is constrained to a constant factor. We illustrate our findings with an example of NV-centre magnetometry, as well as schemes involving spin-1/21/2 probes with bit-flip errors affecting their two-outcome measurements, for which we find the input states and control unitary operations sufficient to attain the ultimate asymptotic precision.Comment: v2. 33 pages, 14 figures. Comments are welcom

    Bayesian quantum thermometry based on thermodynamic length

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    In this work, we propose a theory of temperature estimation of quantum systems, which is applicable in the regime of non-negligible prior temperature uncertainty and limited measurement data. In this regime the problem of establishing a well-defined measure of estimation precision becomes non-trivial, and furthermore the construction of a suitable criterion for optimal measurement design must be re-examined to account for the prior uncertainty. We propose a fully Bayesian approach to temperature estimation based on the concept of thermodynamic length, which solves both these problems. As an illustration of this framework, we consider thermal spin-1/21/2 particles and investigate the fundamental difference between two cases; on the one hand, when the spins are probing the temperature of a heat reservoir and, on the other, when the spins themselves constitute the sample.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Fundamental Limits in Bayesian Thermometry and Attainability via Adaptive Strategies

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    We investigate the limits of thermometry using quantum probes at thermal equilibrium within the Bayesian approach. We consider the possibility of engineering interactions between the probes in order to enhance their sensitivity, as well as feedback during the measurement process, i.e., adaptive protocols. On the one hand, we obtain an ultimate bound on thermometry precision in the Bayesian setting, valid for arbitrary interactions and measurement schemes, which lower bounds the error with a quadratic (Heisenberg-like) scaling with the number of probes. We develop a simple adaptive strategy that can saturate this limit. On the other hand, we derive a no-go theorem for non-adaptive protocols that does not allow for better than linear (shot-noise-like) scaling even if one has unlimited control over the probes, namely access to arbitrary many-body interactions.Comment: 14 pages with appendice