406 research outputs found

    Open educational resources in CIS: preliminary study of the state-of-the-art and prospects for development

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been increasingly utilized by higher education institutions worldwide in open and distance learning, for developing course material, delivering and sharing content, communication between learners and teachers, creation and delivery of presentations and lectures, academic research. Open education is closely linked with other open initiatives: Open Source Software, Open Access Initiative, Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Course Ware (OCW), Open Standards, Open Licenses, etc


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    Article «Anagram in the structure of poem «До-потоп-Ноя Ев-АнгелИЕ» of Konstantin Kedrov is devoted to study the role of anagrams in creating the imagery of this work. Anagram – a particular case of inversion in the space of the text – the most important principle of generation and penetration into the essence of the world. This principle is the main for Konstantin Kedrov, ideologist school of metametaphora, which existed in the 1980s, later the founder of ДООС (Voluntary society for protection of dragonflies), which exists until now. Anagram – the ancient technique of forming words and, according to Kedrov, means of their «resurrection» in our days. Moreover, the poet is trying to get back to the primitive, «anagram thinking» and promoting the creating of mythological picture of the world. In the poem Kedrov wanted to the names of Egyptian gods (Osiris, Seth, Isis etc.) gradually transformed in the name of Christ. Christ appearing in the history of forever repeating the day of creation and death as a future in the past, as the sun among the Gentiles, «inverse» the God of time Chronos. Time goes on and flowing backwards, so the «Sons die in the fathers».Статья «Анаграмма в структуре поэмы «До-потоп-Ноя Ев-АнгелИЕ» Константина Кедрова» посвящена изучению роли анаграммы в создании образного строя этого произведения. Анаграмма – частный случай выворачивания в пространстве текста – важнейший принцип порождения и проникновения в сущность мира. Этот принцип является основным для Константина Кедрова, идеолога метаметафорической школы, существовавшей в 1980-е, впоследствии основателя ДООСа (Добровольного общества охраны стрекоз), которое существует до сих пор. Анаграмма – древнейший прием образования слов и, согласно Кедрову, средство их «воскрешения» в наши дни. Более того, поэт пытается вернуться к первобытному, «анаграмматическому мышлению» и воссоздает мифологическую картину мира. В поэме Кедров хотел, чтобы имена египетских богов (Осириса, Сета, Изиды и др.) постепенно преобразовались в имя Христа. Христос, появляющийся в истории вечного повторения дня рождения мира и его же смерти как будущее в прошлом, как солнце в языческом мировосприятии, «выворачивается» в Хроноса, бога времени. Время движется вперед и течет вспять, поэтому «Сыновья умирают в отцах»

    Stresses in the material with multilayered coating under impulse thermal loading

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    The two-dimensional model of mechanical behavior of the specimen with multi layered coating is formulated. The parametric analysis was carried out for various types of boundary conditions. Stress intensity depending on time was studied. The influence of impulse parameters on the temperature and stresses was investigated. It was revealed that radiation heat losses reduces the action of external loading

    Model of creation and management of the process of technological projects development

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    The purpose of the article is to determine and describe main principles and model of development of regional business accelerator on the basis of technical university for development of innovational startups. The research included the work on identification of the problems of the process of commercialization of technological developments, which business accelerator should solve. One of the basic purposes of creation of business accelerator is increase of the flow of prepared projects for consideration by investment committees of funds of early stages. Accelerator can be a full-scale unified mechanism of formation of deals flow from diversified mass of completed R&D. As a result of the research, the authors come to a conclusion that the process of creation of value and movement from prototype to entering a market supposes long chain with formation of various risks at each stage – scientific, financial, administrative, etc. Minimization of such risks requires from partners, involved with the work of business accelerator, solving emerging problems together. Such motivation could be formed by development of business accelerator by the principles of partnership and creation of equal access and rights for basic members.peer-reviewe

    Formation of the system of management of supporting university on the basis of strengthening of communication component

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    The article deals with changes in the system of management of educational establishments of higher education caused by creation of supporting universities. The program of creation of such universities supposes formation of universities-leaders in regions, which can consolidate educational and scientific basis for training of personnel in Russian subjects. During creation of supporting regional universities, the emphasis is made on the fact that they are to become the centers of innovational development, being a part of economy and region’s infrastructure at the same time. At that, creation of new engineering and implemental centers and R&D laboratories requires complex realization of projects for creation of high-tech production and necessary conditions for development of interface of regional supporting universities and enterprises. The article views functions and organizational structure of management of technical university; establishes dependence of intensity of organizational transformations on various factors. The authors show a process of formation of matrix organizational structure of technical supporting university with the use of mobile informational and communicational structures, which is formed by placement of horizontal connections on existing linear and functional structure.peer-reviewe

    Effect of organically bound iodine in cattle feed on health indicators

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    Currently, the problem of iodine deficiency is actual in the world, which may cause a large number of diseases and disorders. The problem of iodine deficiency for humans may be partly solved by enriching agricultural products with iodine, i.e. by providing animals with an increased intake of iodine during their growth. Theoretically, the most effective way to use iodine is the form bound to tyrosine, since diiodotyrosine has been proven to be a thyroxine precursor. Taking it into account, a supplement was developed containing iodine organically bound to tyrosine and histidine. In this work, we studied the effect of this supplement introduced into the diets of cattle on biochemical parameters of animal blood. In the test group, which received the supplement with organically bound iodine, an improvement in nitrogen metabolism was noted compared to the control group. This was most clearly demonstrated by the content of urea, since in the test group, its content decreased by ≈15 percentage points, and by the content of creatinine, since its increase in the test group was more than 20 percentage points. Differences in the parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism between treatments were also noted, as in the blood of animals from the test group, the content of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, glucose and malondialdehyde was lower than in the control group. In mineral metabolism and morphological parameters, there was no significant difference between treatments. Among the indicators of pigment and hormone metabolism, it is important to note the reduced content of cortisol in the blood of animals from the test group. Its level was lower by ≈17.23 percentage points compared to the control group. A decrease in cortisol levels indicated a lower stress load in the test group. In general, studies have shown that the use of a feed supplement containing organically bound iodine has a positive effect on the metabolism of animals.Currently, the problem of iodine deficiency is actual in the world, which may cause a large number of diseases and disorders. The problem of iodine deficiency for humans may be partly solved by enriching agricultural products with iodine, i.e. by providing animals with an increased intake of iodine during their growth. Theoretically, the most effective way to use iodine is the form bound to tyrosine, since diiodotyrosine has been proven to be a thyroxine precursor. Taking it into account, a supplement was developed containing iodine organically bound to tyrosine and histidine. In this work, we studied the effect of this supplement introduced into the diets of cattle on biochemical parameters of animal blood. In the test group, which received the supplement with organically bound iodine, an improvement in nitrogen metabolism was noted compared to the control group. This was most clearly demonstrated by the content of urea, since in the test group, its content decreased by ≈15 percentage points, and by the content of creatinine, since its increase in the test group was more than 20 percentage points. Differences in the parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism between treatments were also noted, as in the blood of animals from the test group, the content of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, glucose and malondialdehyde was lower than in the control group. In mineral metabolism and morphological parameters, there was no significant difference between treatments. Among the indicators of pigment and hormone metabolism, it is important to note the reduced content of cortisol in the blood of animals from the test group. Its level was lower by ≈17.23 percentage points compared to the control group. A decrease in cortisol levels indicated a lower stress load in the test group. In general, studies have shown that the use of a feed supplement containing organically bound iodine has a positive effect on the metabolism of animals


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    The results of research of occurrence of polymorphism of pro-inflammatory cytokines genotypes IL-1b (T-31C), IL-2(T330G), IL-6(C-174G), TNF(G-308A), IL-17A(G-197A), IL-17F (His-166Arg) in 195 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia are presented. The increase of frequency of a carriage of genotypes of IL-1β-31CC, IL-6-174GG, IL17A-197AA, IL17F-166ArgArg, alleles of IL-1β-31C, IL17F-166Arg is established (p < 0,05) in a clinical group

    Special Economic Zones in USSR and Russian Federation (1980-2018)

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    The question of the creation and functioning of special economic zones as territories with special legal status in the USSR and the Russian Federation in the period from the 1980s to the present time is considered. The authors pay attention to the history of development of special economic zones in different time intervals: from 1980 to 1990, from 1990 to 2000, from 2000 to 2005, from 2005 to 2016. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that the attraction of foreign investment is a priority issue for the leadership of any state, in particular, for the Russian Federation in different periods of history. It is noted that the importance of creating special economic zones is due to the need to attract foreign investment in the economy of the regions of the Russian Federation as one of the options for cooperation of the subjects of the Federation with foreign financial groups, since such economic interaction allows to solve many socially significant issues. The difficulties of creating free economic zones after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the conditions of political and economic instability are analyzed. It is shown that in the last few years the country’s leadership is taking measures for the effective development of these zones as a special tool for the successful development of the Russian economy