111 research outputs found

    The effect of structure liming depending on application time, incorporation depth and liming rates

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    Structural liming is something that will positively affect the hard clay soil in theory. This work should demonstrate that it is also so in practice. The purpose of this work was to study the effect on soil struc-ture after spreading structure lime at different time, different incorporation depths and different rates. In this examination work there has been two different field trials from Local Water Conservation Pro-ject (LOVA), that are spread out in SkĂ„ne, Sweden. LOVA 15 attempt is based on comparing what meaning different incorporation depths and different spreading times has on the structure effect of the lime. LOVA 14 compares different liming rates to see if there is any difference correlated to the different amounts. This may be interesting, for example, from an economical perspective for the farmer. LOVA 14 also has a “zero box” (a box in the trial without liming) to really see that the lime is useful. The results are varied, but overall, one can say that the structure lime has the effect that was suspected when the trials started, meaning that the higher rate of structure lime in LOVA 14 resulted in lower turbidity and higher electric conductivity. In LOVA 15, there was no result in the trials for different depths, but in the time trials it was lower turbidity and higher electric conductivity for the early treat-ment. However, the probability values for the various trials for turbidity, electric conductivity, anal-yses and seedbed survey vary and are often not significant. Perhaps more significant results had been obtained if the experiment was made on a larger scale.Strukturkalkning Ă€r nĂ„got som kan pĂ„verka strukturen pĂ„ lerjordar positivt. Syftet med examensarbetet var att studera effekten pĂ„ markstrukturen efter spridning av strukturkalk vid olika tidpunkt, inbland-ning av kalken till olika djup och olika givor av strukturkalk.. I examensarbetet har fĂ€ltförsök frĂ„n tvĂ„ olika Lokala vattenvĂ„rdsprojekt (LOVA), som Ă€r utspridda i SkĂ„ne i Sverige studerats. LOVA 15 gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att jĂ€mföra vilken betydelse olika nedbrukningsdjup och olika spridningstidpunkter har pĂ„ kalkens struktureffekt. LOVA 14 gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att jĂ€mföra olika kalkgivor för att se om det blir nĂ„gon skillnad pĂ„ markstrukturen korrelerad till de olika mĂ€ngderna. Detta kan vara intressant ur t.ex. ett ekonomiskt perspektiv för lantbrukaren. LOVA 14 har ocksĂ„ en nollruta för att verkligen kunna se att kalken gör nytta. Resultaten Ă€r varierande, men överlag kan man sĂ€ga att strukturkalken har den effekten man hoppades pĂ„ nĂ€r man lade försöken, alltsĂ„ att en högre giva strukturkalk i LOVA 14 resulterade i lĂ€gre turbiditet och högre elektrisk konduktivitet. I LOVA 15 blev det inget resultat för de olika djupen, men i tid-punktsförsöken var det lĂ€gre turbiditet och högre elektrisk konduktivitet i den tidiga behandlingen. SannolikhetsvĂ€rdena för de olika försöken gĂ€llande turbiditet, elektrisk konduktivitet, analyser och sĂ„bĂ€ddsundersökning varierar och Ă€r ofta inte signifikanta. Kanske hade mer signifikanta resultat er-hĂ„llits om försöket gjordes om pĂ„ större skala

    How different catch crops effect clubroot disease

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    I rapsodling (Brassica napus) Àr klumprotsjuka orsakad av svampen Plas-modiophora brassicae den vÀrsta sjukdomen ekonomiskt sett. För att und-vika att fÄ in denna sjukdom i vÄra jordar Àr det lÀttaste att undvika att odla raps eller andra arter inom den korsblommiga vÀxtfamiljen. DÄ raps Àr en vÀldigt bra förfrukt och Àven bra ekonomiskt, Àr detta inte möjligt, utan man mÄste istÀllet anvÀnda sig av andra tekniker. Den största anledningen till att man etablerar fÄnggrödor Àr att man vill ta vara pÄ eventuellt kvÀve som annars kan lakas ut frÄn markerna. Genom att undvika utlakning bidrar man till en produktion som tar hÀnsyn till miljön och gör vÀxtodlingen mer hÄllbar. Eftersom det finns fÄnggrödor i mÄnga olika slÀkten, bl.a. i senapsslÀktet (Sinapis), Àr chansen stor att dem eventu-ellt kommer pÄverka klumprotsjuka pÄ nÄgot sÀtt. MÄlet med denna litteraturstudie var att ta reda pÄ hur olika fÄnggrödor pÄ-verkar klumprotsjuka. Med den informationen kan man lÀttare vÀlja en fÄnggröda som inte uppförökar P. brassicae eller en fÄnggröda som har en sanerande effekt pÄ svampen. Denna litteraturstudie visade att vissa fÄnggrödor, som t.ex. rÀttika (Rap-hanus sativus var. oleifera) och vitsenap (Sinapis alba) uppförökade P. brassicae. I svenska experiment har man inte kunnat identifiera nÄgon sane-rande gröda mot klumprotsjuka, men förhoppningsvis kommer man i fram-tiden förÀdla fram en vÀxt enbart för att sanera marker med avseende pÄ P. brassicae.The disease with largest economic impact in oil seed rape (Brassica napus) cultivation is the clubroot disease caused by the fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae. To avoid this disease the only thing to do is to not grow oil seed rape or other species in the Brassicaceae family. However, since oil seed rape is a good preceding crop, and has economic significance for the farmer it is preferable to use other technics to avoid the disease. The main reason to grow catch crops is to capture the nitrogen that other-wise would leach from the soil. Avoiding leaching contributes to a produc-tion with consideration of the environment and makes crop production more sustainable. Since there are many different catch crops in different genera, there is risk that they may act as hosts for the clubroot disease. The goal with this literature study was to clarify if and how different catch crops effect the clubroot disease. The study will provide information on how to choose a catch crop that will not multiply P. brassicae, or a catch crop that has a sanitizing effect on P. brassicae. The study reveals that some of the Brassicaceae catch crops, like radish (Raphanus sativus var. oleifera) and white mustard (Sinapis alba) multiply P. brassicae. In Swedish experiments, no crop has yet been found with a sanitizing effect, but hopefully such crops will be developed in the future

    Marknadsundersökning av Claas Lexion tröskor

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    LEXION is the name of the largest series of combines made by the CLAAS factory in Germany. LEXION was introduced on the Swedish market 1996 and was for sale in Sweden from 1997. LMB have sold over 400 LEXION-combines in Sweden. In cooperation with the Swedish general agency we decided to make a market research on the Swedish LEXION-market. The questionnaire was supposed to give answers about capacity and technical equipment. Before I made the questionnaire I studied manuals and combines. I got 81 answers of about 325 questionnaires. That makes 25 % reply frequency. I had estimated a larger number of answers. Because of the low reply frequency the results are not significant in all questions. The grades are totally quite high and the average of all grades and LEXION-models are 4, 14 out of five.LEXION Àr namnet pÄ den största serien av skördetröskor som tillverkas av tyska CLAAS. I Sverige lanserades LEXION-serien 1996 och började sÀljas 1997. Totalt har mer Àn 400 LEXION-tröskor sÄlts i Sverige sedan 1997. I samarbete med generalagenten LantmÀnnens Maskinimport AB, LMB, konstaterades att det vore intressant att genomföra en enkÀt som skickades ut till samtliga LEXION-Àgare i Sverige. EnkÀten skulle ge svar pÄ vilken kapacitet man har pÄ de nio olika modellerna i serien. En stor del av enkÀten bestod av frÄgor angÄende teknisk utrustning och tillbehör till tröskorna. Innan arbetet med enkÀten startade studerade jag instruktionsböcker, produktkataloger och tröskor grundligt för att jag skulle vara vÀl insatt i produkterna och dÀrmed lÀttare kunna stÀlla relevanta frÄgor. Jag fick 81 svar av 325 utskickade enkÀter, vilket motsvarar en svarsfrekvens pÄ ca 25 %. Svarsfrekvensen var lÄg och innebar att tillförlitligheten i resultatet kan ifrÄgasÀttas i vissa fall. Den del av enkÀten som innebar betygssÀttning av teknisk utrustning gav ett överlag högt medelbetyg. För alla modeller och alla frÄgor som betygsatts blev medelbetyget 4,14 pÄ en femgradig skala dÀr 1 Àr lÀgsta och 5 Àr högsta betyg. Tack vare de svar jag fick in kunde en databas byggas upp och med hjÀlp av denna kan man lÀsa ut skillnader mellan olika modeller, Ärsmodeller, landskap o s v. Med dessa data som grund kan LMB och tröskförsÀljare lÀttare ge rekommendationer dÄ en kund befinner sig i situationen att vÀlja mellan olika LEXION-modeller

    (68)Ga-labeled superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) for multi-modality PET/MR/Cherenkov luminescence imaging of sentinel lymph nodes.

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    The aim of this study was to develop (68)Ga-SPIONs for use as a single contrast agent for dynamic, quantitative and high resolution PET/MR imaging of Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN). In addition (68)Ga enables Cherenkov light emission which can be used for optical guidance during resection of SLN. SPIONs were labeled with (68)Ga in ammonium acetate buffer, pH 5.5. The labeling yield and stability in human serum were determined using instant thin layer chromatography. An amount of 0.07-0.1 mL (~5-10 MBq, 0.13 mg Fe) of (68)Ga-SPIONs was subcutaneously injected in the hind paw of rats. The animals were imaged at 0-3 h and 25 h post injection with PET/CT, 9.4 T MR and CCDbased Cherenkov optical systems. A biodistribution study was performed by dissecting and measuring the radioactivity in lymph nodes, kidneys, spleen, liver and the injection site. The labeling yield was 97.3 ± 0.05% after 15 min and the (68)Ga-SPIONs were stable in human serum. PET, MR and Cherenkov luminescence imaging clearly visualized the SLN. Biodistribution confirmed a high uptake of the (68)Ga-SPIONs within the SLN. We conclude that generator produced (68)Ga can be labeled to SPIONs. Subcutaneously injected (68)Ga-SPIONs can enhance the identification of the SLNs by combining sensitive PET and high resolution MR imaging. Clinically, hybrid PET/MR cameras are already in use and (68)Ga-SPIONs have a great potential as a single-dose, tri-modality agent for diagnostic imaging and potential Cherenkov luminescent guided resection of SLN

    4-aminobutyrate aminotrasferase (ABAT): genetic and pharmacological evidence for an involvement in gastro esophageal reflux disease

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    Extent: 9p.Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is partly caused by genetic factors. The underlying susceptibility genes are currently unknown, with the exception of COL3A1. We used three independent GERD patient cohorts to identify GERD susceptibility genes. Thirty-six families, demonstrating dominant transmission of GERD were subjected to whole genome microsatellite genotyping and linkage analysis. Five linked regions were identified. Two families shared a linked region (LOD 3.9 and 2.0) on chromosome 16. We used two additional independent GERD patient cohorts, one consisting of 219 trios (affected child with parents) and the other an adult GERD case control cohort consisting of 256 cases and 485 controls, to validate individual genes in the linked region through association analysis. Sixty six single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers distributed over the nine genes present in the linked region were genotyped in the independent GERD trio cohort. Transmission disequilibrium test analysis followed by multiple testing adjustments revealed a significant genetic association for one SNP located in an intron of the gene 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase (ABAT) (Padj = 0.027). This association did not replicate in the adult case-control cohort, possibly due to the differences in ethnicity between the cohorts. Finally, using the selective ABAT inhibitor vigabatrin (c-vinyl GABA) in a dog study, we were able to show a reduction of transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLESRs) by 57.3611.4 % (p = 0.007) and the reflux events from 3.160.4 to 0.860.4 (p = 0.007). Our results demonstrate the direct involvement of ABAT in pathways affecting lower esophageal sphincter (LES) control and identifies ABAT as a genetic risk factor for GERD.Johan Jirholt, Bengt Åsling, Paul Hammond, Geoffrey Davidson, Mikael Knutsson, Anna Walentinsson, Jörgen M. Jensen, Anders Lehmann, Lars Agreus and Maria Lagerström-Ferme

    Konst och natur i teori och praktik

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