5 research outputs found


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    Comprehending conflicting science-related texts: graphs as plausibility cues

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    When reading conflicting science-related texts, readers may attend to cues which allow them to assess plausibility. One such plausibility cue is the use of graphs in the texts, which are regarded as typical of ‘hard science’. The goal of our study was to investigate the effects of the presence of graphs on the perceived plausibility and situation model strength for conflicting science-related texts, while including the influence of readers’ domain knowledge and their knowledge about scientific visualization conventions as potential moderators of these effects. In an experiment mimicking web-based informal learning, 77 university students read texts on controversial scientific issues which were presented with either graphs or tables. Perceived plausibility and situation model strength for each text were assessed immediately after reading; reader variables were assessed several weeks prior to the experiment proper. The results suggest that graphs can indeed serve as plausibility cues and thus boost situation model strength for texts which contain them. This effect was mediated by the perceived plausibility of the information in the texts with graphs. However, whether readers use graphs as plausibility cues in texts with conflicting information seems to depend also on their amount of experience with scientific texts and graphs

    The reliability and predictive validity of a sixth-semester OSPE in conservative dentistry regarding performance on the state examination

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to ascertain whether the testing format of an OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination) in conservative dentistry (sixth semester) predicts the scores on the practical section of the state examination (11 semester) in the same subject. Taking general student profiles into consideration (score on the school-leaving exam [Abitur], score on the preliminary exam in dental medicine [Physikum], length of university study, cohorts, and sex), we also investigated if any correlations or differences exist in regard to the total and partial scores on the OSPE and the corresponding state examination.Methods: Within the scope of this longitudinal retrospective study, exam-specific data spanning 11 semesters for dental students (N=223) in Frankfurt am Main were collected and analyzed. Statistical analysis was carried out by calculating Spearman rank correlations, partial correlations, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and multiple regressions (SPSS Statistics 21, IBM Corporation, New York).Results: The results show that the OSPE (Cronbach’s α=.87) correlates with level of success on the practical section of the state exam in conservative dentistry (=.01, =.17). Length of university study also emerged to correlate significantly with the state exam score (=.001, =.23). Together, these two variables contribute significantly to predicting the state exam score (=.001, =.076). This was seen extensively among female students. It was also discovered that these female students had higher school-leaving exam scores than male students (=6.09, =.01, =.027), and that a significant correlation between scores on the Physikum (preliminary exam in dental medicine) and OSPE scores existed only for male students (=.17, =.01).Conclusion: This study was able to demonstrate the predictive effect of a clinical OSPE regarding scores achieved on the state exam. Taking the limitations of this study into account, we are able to recommend using the OSPE testing format in the sixth semester during the clinical phase of dental study

    ReliabilitÀt und prÀdiktive ValiditÀt einer OSPE im 6. Semester im Fach Zahnerhaltungskunde im Hinblick auf die Staatsexamensnote

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    Einleitung: Ziel dieser Studie war es zu evaluieren, ob das PrĂŒfungsformat einer OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination) durchgefĂŒhrt im Fach Zahnerhaltungskunde (6. Fachsemester) den Studienerfolg im praktischen Teil des Staatsexamens (11. Fachsemester) im selben Fach prĂ€diziert. Ferner sollte unter BerĂŒcksichtigung allgemeiner Angaben der StudienteilnehmerInnen (Abitursnote, Physikumsnote, Studiendauer, Kohorte und Geschlecht) analysiert werden, ob bezĂŒglich der Gesamt- sowie Teilnoten der OSPE und der adĂ€quaten StaatsexamensprĂŒfung ZusammenhĂ€nge oder Unterschiede bestehen. Methoden: Im Rahmen dieser longitudinalen, retrospektiven Studie wurden fĂŒr einen Zeitraum von 11 Semestern prĂŒfungsbezogene Daten von Studierenden (N=223) des Fachbereichs Zahnmedizin in Frankfurt am Main erhoben und untersucht. FĂŒr die statistische Auswertung der Daten wurden Spearman Rangkorrelationen, Partialkorrelationen, Korrelationskoeffizienten nach Pearson, und Multiple Regressionen (SPSS Statistics 21, IBM Corporation, New York) berechnet. Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass OSPE (Cronbachs α=.87) mit dem Erfolg im praktischen Teil des Staatsexamens im Fach Zahnerhaltungskunde korreliert (p=.01, r=.17). Als eine weitere signifikante Korrelation mit der Examensleistung erwies sich die Dauer des Studiums (p=.001, r=.23). Gemeinsam leisten diese beiden Variablen einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Vorhersage der Examensnote (p=.001, R2=.076). Das zeigte sich im grĂ¶ĂŸeren Umfang bei weiblichen Studierenden. Zudem wurde festgestellt, dass diese bessere Abiturnoten als mĂ€nnliche Studierende aufweisen (F=6.09, p=.01, η2=.027) und dass es lediglich bei mĂ€nnlichen Studierenden eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen der Physikumsnote (ZahnĂ€rztliche VorprĂŒfung) und der OSPE-Benotung gab (r=.17, p=.01). Schlussfolgerung: In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte der prĂ€diktive Effekt einer klinischen OSPE auf die PrĂŒfungsleistung im Staatsexamen gezeigt werden. Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Limitation der Studie empfiehlt sich aus unserer Sicht die DurchfĂŒhrung eines solchen PrĂŒfungsformats im Rahmen des klinischen Studienabschnitts im 6. Semester im Fach Zahnmedizin