9 research outputs found

    Perceptions of politics: a South African case

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    A maior parte das teorias sobre o polĂ­tico em África baseia-se, de uma maneira ou de outra, sobre o pressuposto de uma distinção fundamental entre uma forma de dominação ocidental, burocrĂĄtica e formal, e uma dominação africana muito mais personalizada. Este artigo propĂ”e-se contribuir para o debate, examinando em detalhe concreto, num projecto de desenvolvimento urbano em Durban/África do Sul, a interacção destes dois modos de compreender o polĂ­tico. A existĂȘncia das duas lĂłgicas Ă© identificada no caso, senda o forma legal representada pela organização encarregada de promover o desenvolvimento, e a forma personalizada pelas organizaçÔes comunitĂĄrias. Verifica-se, porĂ©m, que as duas concepçÔes do polĂ­tico sĂŁo menos dicotĂłmicas do que parece Ă  primeira vista. Com efeito, a introdução de relaçÔes patrimoniais foi condicionada pelo quadro legal, e os recursos utilizados para estabelecer o podes dos lĂ­deres comunitĂĄrios foram postos Ă  sua disposição pelo quadro legal.Most theories of politics in Africa rest in some way on the assumption of a fundamental distinction between a western bureaucratic, legal form of domination, and an African domi nation that is much more personalised. This article sets out to contribute to the debate by examining in concrete detail the interaction of these two understandings of politics in an urban development project at Durban/South Africa. Both logics are identified in the case, where the development organisation represents the legal form and community organisations the personalised form. It appears however that the two conceptions of politics are less dichotomical than it first would seem. In fact, the patrimonial relations that were introduced were conditioned by the legal framework, and the resources that went into establishing power as community leaders were made available because of the legal framework.La plupart des thĂ©ories de la politique en Afrique se fondent d'une maniĂšre ou de l'autre sur l'hypothĂšse d'une distinction fondamentale entre une forme de domination occidentale, bureaucratique et formelle, et une domination africaine beaucoup plus personnalisĂ©e. Cet arti cle se prose de contribuer au dĂ©bat en examinant en dĂ©tail concret, dans un projet de dĂ©veloppement urbain Ă  Durban/Afrique du Sud, l'interaction de ces deux façons de comprendre le politique. Les deux logiques y sont identifiĂ©es, la forme lĂ©gale Ă©tant reprĂ©sentĂ©e par l'organisa tion chargĂ©e de promouvoir le dĂ©veloppement et la forme personnalisĂ©e par les organisations communautaires. Il apparaĂźt cependant que les deux conceptions du politique sont moins dichotomiques qu'il ne semble Ă  premiĂšre vue. En fait, l'introduction de rapports patrimoniaux a Ă©tĂ© conditionnĂ© par le cadre lĂ©gal, et les ressources utilisĂ©es pour Ă©tablir le pouvoir des leaders communautaires ont Ă©tĂ© mises Ă  leur disposition par le cadre lĂ©gal

    Perceptions of politics: a South African case

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    Most theories of politics in Africa rest in some way on the assumption of a fundamental distinction between a western bureaucratic, legal form of domination, and an African domi nation that is much more personalised. This article sets out to contribute to the debate by examining in concrete detail the interaction of these two understandings of politics in an urban development project at Durban/South Africa. Both logics are identified in the case, where the development organisation represents the legal form and community organisations the personalised form. It appears however that the two conceptions of politics are less dichotomical than it first would seem. In fact, the patrimonial relations that were introduced were conditioned by the legal framework, and the resources that went into establishing power as community leaders were made available because of the legal framework

    'Fluid Dispossessions' : Contested Waters in Capitalist Natures

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    This special issue on ‘“Fluid Dispossessions’: Contested Waters in Capitalist Natures” examines the multiple and mutable relationships between water, dispossession and property. We use ‘fluid dispossessions’ as an analytical prompt to examine the different ways in which water’s biophysical properties, its material fluidity and movements (and the more-than-human species that move with it), shape processes of capitalist extraction, accumulation and dispossession. Fluid dispossessions go beyond the power politics of controlling water as a resource to include indirect and more-than-economic forms of dispossession. By analysing emic understandings of dispossession, we draw on ‘fluid dispossessions’ to reject binary categorisations of liquid:solid in order to reveal the diversity of ways capitalist extractive activities may disrupt existing affective, ecological, or spiritual relations with water. This can cause more-than-economic forms of dispossession such as the loss of social reproduction, emotional distress, loss of health, the rupturing of multispecies relations and local care practices of waterscapes

    RecomposiçÔes políticas na África contemporùnea

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    De 25 a 27 de Setembro de 2002, o Centro de Estudos Africanos organizou no ISCTE, em nome do AEGIS - a rede europeia de estudos africanos - a primeira conferĂȘncia temĂĄtica desta rede: Changing Patterns of Politics in Africa. O programa da conferĂȘncia, que teve no total cerca de 200 participantes oriundos de 18 paĂ­ses europeus e africanos, dividiu-se nos blocos temĂĄticos «Political Structures», «Social Actors in Politics»,«Social Thinking on Politics» e «Politics and the Economy». O seu propĂłsito foi o de promover um debate sobre as recomposiçÔes contemporĂąneas dos espaços polĂ­ticos em África, num quadro propĂ­cio ao diĂĄlogo entre o «olhar de dentro» de cientistas sociais africanos e de africanistas nĂŁo africanos, entre abordagens de vĂĄria Ă­ndole e sobre tudo um leque amplo de aspectos. Os artigos reunidos neste nĂșmero da revista Cadernos de Estudos Africanos retomam a parte do debate que maior destaque teve na conferĂȘncia. trata-se de versĂ”es revistas - em função do prĂłprio debate - da comunicação de enquadramento e de contribuiçÔes apresentadas nas partes sobre estruturas polĂ­ticas e sobre o pensamento social sobre o polĂ­tico. Partindo, no essencial, de perspectivas ancoradas nas disciplinas da antropologia social e cultural, da ciĂȘncia polĂ­tica e da sociologia, o conjunto dos artigos reflecte bem o «estado a arte» na sua ĂĄrea de incidĂȘncia