201 research outputs found

    Biodiversity and decomposition in experimental grassland ecosystems

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    We examined the impact of biodiversity on litter decomposition in an experiment that manipulated plant species richness. Using biomass originating from the experimental species richness gradient and from a species used as a common substrate, we measured rates of decomposition in litterbags in two locations: in situ in the experiment plots and in an adjacent common garden. This allowed us to separate the effects of litter quality and decomposition location on decomposition. We found that plant species richness had a significant, but minor negative effect on the quality (nitrogen concentration) of the biomass. Neither litter type nor location had a consistent effect on the rate of carbon and nitrogen loss over a 1-year period. Thus, the increased productivity and corresponding lower soil available nitrogen levels observed in high diversity plots do not lead to faster litter decomposition or faster nitrogen turnover. This supports the hypothesis that increased productivity corresponding with higher species richness results in increased litter production, higher standing litter pools and a negative feedback on productivity, because of an increased standing nitrogen pool in the litter

    The Role of Litter Quality Feedbacks in Terrestrial Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling

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    Many studies in ecosystem ecology argue for strong control of litter quality over nitrogen (N) cycling. We developed a model for temperate grasslands to test the importance of litter quality in decomposition for N and phosphorus (P) cycling based on the following premises. First, terrestrial N and P cycling differ fundamentally because N is a structural component of the soil organic matter (SOM), whereas P is not. Secondly, SOM has a much lower C:N ratio than litter inputs. Thirdly, litter decomposition follows an exponential decay with 20% of the original litter mass turning into SOM. Fourth, litter N concentration shows an exponential increase during decomposition, whereas P does not change and is released proportionally to the litter mass. Based on these premises we constructed a model which shows that 0.75% N is a critical initial litter concentration at which concentration all N is immobilized and no N is released from the litter. Thus at 0.75% N of the litter all net N mineralization is through SOM decomposition and not through litter decomposition. Phosphorus, in contrast, is primarily released in the early stages of litter decomposition. Empirical tests of these model predictions support the applicability of the model to temperate grassland ecosystems. This model predicts that N mineralization from SOM is much more important than mineralization from litter and that plant litter quality differences alone cannot explain ecosystem N cycling patterns. Phosphorus, in contrast, does cycle largely through litter decomposition, and plant litter quality differences are the dominant factor in determining ecosystem P cycling feedbacks

    Negative correlation does not imply a tradeoff between growth and reproduction in California oaks

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    A tradeoff between growth and reproduction, often inferred from an inverse correlation between these two variables, is a fundamental paradigm of life-history evolution. Oak species provide a unique test of this relationship because different species mature acorns either in the year of pollination or in the year after pollination. This difference allows for an interspecific comparison testing whether the apparent tradeoff is causal or the result of confounding factors influencing growth and reproduction independently. Based on 13 years of data on five California oak species, we found significant negative correlations between radial growth and seed production in the three species that produce acorns the same year in which pollination occurs, but not in two species that mature acorns the year after pollination. Rainfall, which correlates positively with radial growth and correlates negatively with acorn production (based on the year of pollination), appears to be driving this pattern. We conclude that the observed negative correlations are not causal, but rather a consequence of growth and reproduction being dependent, in opposite ways, on environmental conditions. Thus, contrary to the current consensus, growth and reproduction in these species are apparently largely independent of each other. In contrast, tradeoffs between current and future reproduction appear to be much more important in the life-history evolution of these long-lived plants. We also conclude that a negative correlation does not necessarily imply a causal mechanism and should not be used as the only evidence supporting a tradeoff

    Plant establishment and invasions : an increase in a seed disperser combined with land abandonment causes an invasion of the non-native walnut in Europe

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    Successful invasive species often are established for a long time period before increasing exponentially in abundance. This lag phase is one of the least understood phenomena of biological invasions. Plant invasions depend on three factors: a seed source, suitable habitat and a seed disperser. The non-native walnut, Juglans regia, has been planted for centuries in Central Europe but, until recently, has not spread beyond planted areas. However, in the past 20 years, we have observed a rapid increase in walnut abundance, specifically in abandoned agricultural fields. The dominant walnut disperser is the rook, Corvus frugilegus. During the past 50 years, rooks have increased in abundance and now commonly inhabit human settlements, where walnut trees are planted. Central Europe has, in the past few decades, experienced large-scale land abandonment. Walnut seeds dispersed into ploughed fields do not survive, but when cached into ploughed and then abandoned fields, they successfully establish. Rooks preferentially cache seeds in ploughed fields. Thus, land-use change combined with disperser changes can cause rapid increase of a non-native species, allowing it to become invasive. This may have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem. Thus, species that are non-native and not invasive can become invasive as habitats and dispersers change

    Insufficient nitrogen supply from symbiotic fixation reduces seasonal crop growth and nitrogen mobilization to seed in highly productive soybean crops

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    Nitrogen (N) supply can limit the yields of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in highly productive environments. To explore the physiological mechanisms underlying this limitation, seasonal changes in N dynamics, aboveground dry matter (ADM) accumulation, leaf area index (LAI) and fraction of absorbed radiation (fAPAR) were compared in crops relying only on biological N2 fixation and available soil N (zero-N treatment) versus crops receiving N fertilizer (full-N treatment). Experiments were conducted in seven high-yield environments without water limitation, where crops received optimal management. In the zero-N treatment, biological N2 fixation was not sufficient to meet the N demand of the growing crop from early in the season up to beginning of seed filling. As a result, crop LAI, growth, N accumulation, radiation-use efficiency and fAPAR were consistently higher in the full-N than in the zero-N treatment, leading to improved seed set and yield. Similarly, plants in the full-N treatment had heavier seeds with higher N concentration because of greater N mobilization from vegetative organs to seeds. Future yield gains in high-yield soybean production systems will require an increase in biological N2 fixation, greater supply of N from soil or fertilizer, or alleviation of the trade-off between these two sources of N in order to meet the plant demand.Fil: Cafaro la Menza, Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Nebraska - Lincoln; Estados UnidosFil: Monzon, Juan Pablo. Universidad de Nebraska - Lincoln; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Lindquist, John L.. Universidad de Nebraska - Lincoln; Estados UnidosFil: Arkebauer, Timothy J.. Universidad de Nebraska - Lincoln; Estados UnidosFil: Knops, Johannes M. H.. Universidad de Nebraska - Lincoln; Estados UnidosFil: Unkovich, Murray. University of Adelaide; AustraliaFil: Specht, James E.. Universidad de Nebraska - Lincoln; Estados UnidosFil: Grassini, Patricio. Universidad de Nebraska - Lincoln; Estados Unido

    Nutrient addition increases grassland sensitivity to droughts

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    Grasslands worldwide are expected to experience an increase in extreme events such asdrought, along with simultaneous increases in mineral nutrient inputs as a result of human industrialactivities. These changes are likely to interact because elevated nutrient inputs may alter plantdiversity and increase the sensitivity to droughts. Dividing a system?s sensitivity to drought intoresistance to change during the drought and rate of recovery after the drought generates insights intodifferent dimensions of the system?s resilience in the face of drought. Here, we examine the effects ofexperimental nutrient fertilization and the resulting diversity loss on the resistance to and recoveryfrom severe regional droughts. We do this at 13 North American sites spanning gradients of aridity, 5annual grasslands in California and 8 perennial grasslands in the Great Plains. We measured rate ofresistance as the change in annual aboveground biomass (ANPP) per unit change in growing seasonprecipitation as conditions declined from normal to drought. We measured recovery as the change inANPP during the post drought period and the return to normal precipitation. Resistance and recoverydid not vary across the 400 mm range of mean growing season precipitation spanned by our sites inthe Great Plains. However, chronic nutrient fertilization in the Great Plains reduced drought resistanceand increased drought recovery. In the California annual grasslands, arid sites had a greater recoverypost-drought than mesic sites, and nutrient addition had no consistent effects on resistance orrecovery. Across all study sites, we found that pre-drought species richness in natural grasslands wasnot consistently associated with rates of resistance to or recovery from the drought, in contrast toearlier findings from experimentally assembled grassland communities. Taken together, these resultssuggest that human-induced eutrophication may destabilize grassland primary production, but theeffects of this may vary across regions and flora, especially between perennial and annual-dominatedgrasslands.Fil: Bharath, Siddharth. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Borer, Elizabeth. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Biederman, Lori A.. owa State University; Estados UnidosFil: Blumenthal, Dana M.. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Fay, Philip A.. United States Department of Agriculture; Estados UnidosFil: Gherardi, Laureano. Arizona State University; Estados UnidosFil: Knops, Johannes M. H.. United States Department of Agriculture; Estados UnidosFil: Leakey, Andrew D. B.. State University of Colorado - Fort Collins; Estados UnidosFil: Yahdjian, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Seabloom, Eric. University of Minnesota; Estados Unido