65 research outputs found

    DYW-type PPR proteins in a heterolobosean protist: Plant RNA editing factors involved in an ancient horizontal gene transfer?

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    AbstractA particular type of pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins with variable length of the 35 aa PPR motifs and conserved carboxyterminal extensions, named the PLS proteins, was so far exclusively identified in land plants. Several PLS proteins with such domain extensions (E, E+, DYW) were shown to be involved in plant organellar RNA editing but their evolutionary origin had remained enigmatic. We here report the first case of DYW-type PLS proteins outside of the plant kingdom in the protist Naegleria gruberi and hypothesize on horizontal gene transfer in very early land plant evolution

    Beyond a PPR-RNA recognition code: Many aspects matter for the multi-targeting properties of RNA editing factor PPR56.

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    The mitochondrial C-to-U RNA editing factor PPR56 of the moss Physcomitrium patens is an RNA-binding pentatricopeptide repeat protein equipped with a terminal DYW-type cytidine deaminase domain. Transferred into Escherichia coli, PPR56 works faithfully on its two native RNA editing targets, nad3eU230SL and nad4eU272SL, and also converts cytidines into uridines at over 100 off-targets in the bacterial transcriptome. Accordingly, PPR56 is attractive for detailed mechanistic studies in the heterologous bacterial setup, allowing for scoring differential RNA editing activities of many target and protein variants in reasonable time. Here, we report (i) on the effects of numerous individual and combined PPR56 protein and target modifications, (ii) on the spectrum of off-target C-to-U editing in the bacterial background transcriptome for PPR56 and two variants engineered for target re-direction and (iii) on combinations of targets in tandem or separately at the 5'- and 3'-ends of large mRNAs. The latter experimentation finds enhancement of RNA editing at weak targets in many cases, including cox3eU290SF as a new candidate mitogenome target. We conclude that C-to-U RNA editing can be much enhanced by transcript features also outside the region ultimately targeted by PPRs of a plant editing factor, possibly facilitated by its enrichment or scanning along transcripts

    A unique transcriptome: 1782 positions of RNA editing alter 1406 codon identities in mitochondrial mRNAs of the lycophyte Isoetes engelmannii

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    The analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of Isoetes engelmannii as a first representative of the lycophytes recently revealed very small introns and indications for extremely frequent RNA editing. To analyze functionality of intron splicing and the extent of RNA editing in I. engelmannii, we performed a comprehensive analysis of its mitochondrial transcriptome. All 30 groups I and II introns were found to be correctly removed, showing that intron size reduction does not impede splicing. We find that mRNA editing affects 1782 sites, which lead to a total of 1406 changes in codon meanings. This includes the removal of stop codons from 23 of the 25 mitochondrial protein encoding genes. Comprehensive sequence analysis of multiple cDNAs per locus allowed classification of partially edited sites as either inefficiently edited but relevant or as non-specifically edited at mostly low frequencies. Abundant RNA editing was also found to affect tRNAs in hitherto unseen frequency, taking place at 41 positions in tRNA-precursors, including the first identification of U-to-C exchanges in two tRNA species. We finally investigated the four group II introns of the nad7 gene and could identify 27 sites of editing, most of which improve base pairing for proper secondary structure formation

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    PREPACT 2.0: Predicting C-to-U and U-to-C RNA Editing in Organelle Genome Sequences with Multiple References and Curated RNA Editing Annotation

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    RNA editing is vast in some genetic systems, with up to thousands of targeted C-to-U and U-to-C substitutions in mitochondria and chloroplasts of certain plants. Efficient prognoses of RNA editing in organelle genomes will help to reveal overlooked cases of editing. We present PREPACT 2.0 ( http://www.prepact.de ) with numerous enhancements of our previously developed Plant RNA Editing Prediction & Analysis Computer Tool. Reference organelle transcriptomes for editing prediction have been extended and reorganized to include 19 curated mitochondrial and 13 chloroplast genomes, now allowing to distinguish RNA editing sites from “pre-edited” sites. Queries may be run against multiple references and a new “commons” function identifies and highlights orthologous candidate editing sites congruently predicted by multiple references. Enhancements to the BLASTX mode in PREPACT 2.0 allow querying of complete novel organelle genomes within a few minutes, identifying protein genes and candidate RNA editing sites simultaneously without prior user analyses

    Expected and unexpected evolution of plant RNA editing factors CLB19, CRR28 and RARE1: retention of CLB19 despite a phylogenetically deep loss of its two known editing targets in Poaceae

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    Abstract Background C-to-U RNA editing in mitochondria and chloroplasts and the nuclear-encoded, RNA-binding PPR proteins acting as editing factors present a wide field of co-evolution between the different genetic systems in a plant cell. Recent studies on chloroplast editing factors RARE1 and CRR28 addressing one or two chloroplast editing sites, respectively, found them strictly conserved among 65 flowering plants as long as one of their RNA editing targets remained present. Results Extending the earlier sampling to 117 angiosperms with high-quality genome or transcriptome data, we find more evidence confirming previous conclusions but now also identify cases for expected evolutionary transition states such as retention of RARE1 despite loss of its editing target or the degeneration of CRR28 truncating its carboxyterminal DYW domain. The extended angiosperm set was now used to explore CLB19, an “E+”-type PPR editing factor targeting two chloroplast editing sites, rpoAeU200SF and clpPeU559HY, in Arabidopsis thaliana. We found CLB19 consistently conserved if one of the two targets was retained and three independent losses of CLB19 after elimination of both targets. The Ericales show independent regains of the ancestrally lost clpPeU559HY editing, further explaining why multiple-target editing factors are lost much more rarely than single target factors like RARE1. The retention of CLB19 despite loss of both editing targets in some Ericaceae, Apocynaceae and in Camptotheca (Nyssaceae) likely represents evolutionary transitions. However, the retention of CLB19 after a phylogenetic deep loss in the Poaceae rather suggests a yet unrecognized further editing target, for which we suggest editing event ndhAeU473SL. Conclusion Extending the scope of studies on plant organelle RNA editing to further taxa and additional nuclear cofactors reveals expected evolutionary transitions, strikingly different evolutionary dynamics for multiple-target editing factors like CLB19 and CRR28 and suggests additional functions for editing factor CLB19 among the Poaceae

    Evidence for a group II intron in Escherichia coli

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    Plant organelle RNA editing and its specificity factors: enhancements of analyses and new database features in PREPACT 3.0

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    Abstract Background Gene expression in plant chloroplasts and mitochondria is affected by RNA editing. Numerous C-to-U conversions, accompanied by reverse U-to-C exchanges in some plant clades, alter the genetic information encoded in the organelle genomes. Predicting and analyzing RNA editing, which ranges from only few sites in some species to thousands in other taxa, is bioinformatically demanding. Results Here, we present major enhancements and extensions of PREPACT, a WWW-based service for analysing, predicting and cataloguing plant-type RNA editing. New features in PREPACT’s core include direct GenBank accession query input and options to restrict searches to candidate U-to-C editing or to sites where editing has been documented previously in the references. The reference database has been extended by 20 new organelle editomes. PREPACT 3.0 features new modules “EdiFacts” and “TargetScan”. EdiFacts integrates information on pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins characterized as site-specific RNA editing factors. PREPACT’s editome references connect into EdiFacts, linking editing events to specific co-factors where known. TargetScan allows position-weighted querying for sequence motifs in the organelle references, optionally restricted to coding regions or sequences around editing sites, or in queries uploaded by the user. TargetScan is mainly intended to evaluate and further refine the proposed PPR-RNA recognition code but may be handy for other tasks as well. We present an analysis for the immediate sequence environment of more than 15,000 documented editing sites finding strong and different bias in the editome data sets. Conclusions We exemplarily present the novel features of PREPACT 3.0 aimed to enhance the analyses of plant-type RNA editing, including its new modules EdiFacts integrating information on characterized editing factors and TargetScan aimed to analyse RNA editing site recognition specificities