448 research outputs found

    Réalisation d'un spectromètre de coïncidences à sept compteurs NaI

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    Un multicompteur comprenant sept détecteurs NaI(T1) 3" x 3" a été construit. Il permet de mesurer simultanément les valeurs correspondant à 16 angles de la fonction de corrélation angulaire W(θ1, θ 2, ϕ) ou les sept géométries définies par Litherland et Ferguson. Cet ensemble a été expérimenté avec succès dans le cas de corrélations angulaires bien connues aussi bien en désintégrations radioactives qu'en réactions nucléaires

    Renal impairment after liver transplantation - a pilot trial of calcineurin inhibitor-free vs. calcineurin inhibitor sparing immunosuppression in patients with mildly impaired renal function after liver transplantation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>Chronic kidney disease is frequent in patients after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) and has impact on survival. Patients receiving calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) are at increased risk to develop impaired renal function. Early CNI reduction and concomitant use of mycophenolat mofetil (MMF) has been shown to improve renal function.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The aim of this trial was to compare dose-reduced CNI/MMF versus CNI-free MMF/prednisone-based treatment in stable patients after OLT with respect to glomerular filtration rate (GFR). 21 patients [GFR 44.9 ± 9.9 mL/min/1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>measured by 99m-Tc-DTPA-clearance, serum creatinine (SCr) 1.5 ± 0.42 mg/dL] were randomized either to exchange CNI for 10 mg prednisone (group 1; n = 8) or to receive CNI at 25% of the initial dose (group 2; n = 13) each in combination with 1000 mg MMF b.i.d.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At month 12 mean SCr (-0.3 ± 0.4 mg/dL, p = 0.031) and GFR improved (8.6 ± 13.1 mL/min/1.73 m<sup>2</sup>, p = 0.015) in group 2 but remained unchanged in group 1. Main side effects were gastroinstestinal symptoms (14.3%) and infections (4.8%). Two biopsy proven, steroid-responsive rejections occurred. In group 1 mean diastolic blood pressure (BP) increased by 11 ± 22 mmHg (p = 0.03).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Reduced dose CNI in combination with MMF but not CNI-free-immunosuppression leads to improvement of GFR in patients with moderately elevated SCr levels after OLT. Addition of steroids resulted in increased diastolic blood pressure presumably counterbalancing the benefits of CNI withdrawal on renal function.</p

    Meson-exchange enhancement in first-forbidden β\beta -transitions: the case of 50^{50}K and 38^{38}Ca

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    The β\beta- decay of 50^{50}K and 38^{38}Ca have been investigated with the main motive of determining more accurately the first-forbidden β\beta- branches, in particular the rank-zero, Δ\DeltaJ = 0, β\,\beta -transitions. 50^{50}K and 38^{38}Ca have been produced by fragmentation of U and Ti targets respectively, with a 1 GeV proton beam and subsequent on-line mass separation. For 50^{50}K, γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy, as well as delayed neutron spectroscopy by time of flight, were carried out to obtain a detailed decay scheme to 20 (bound and unbound) levels in 50^{50}Ca. The level structur e of 50^{50}Ca can be compared to recent calculations which incorporate 1p1h excitations from the f7/2_{7/2} shell. The first-forbidden β\beta^- transition 50^{50} K(0^-)50\,\to{}^{50}Ca(0+^+) g.s. has been evaluated for the first time by a direct measurement of β\beta- and γ\gamma- activities. Its importance (61.0 ±\pm 7.4%\%) is interpreted as an effect of the meson-exchange current (MEC) l eading to an enhancement factor of 62(5)%\% in comparison with the value predicted by shell-model calculations using the impulse approximation. For the 38^{38} Ca38\,\to{}^{38}K decay, chemical selec tive production was obtained through separation of the molecular ion CaF+^+ without contamination by isobars. In these conditions, the measurement of very weak β\beta-branches, at a level of 103%^{-3}\% decays, could be made and a limit, at the 2σ\sigma-confidence level, has been obtained for the 0+^+\to 0^- branch to the level at Ex_x = 2993 keV (Iβ_\beta < 0.0046%\%). Imp lications of these results on the general trend of meson-exchange enhancements of first-forbidden transitions within the framework of the spherical shell model are discussed

    Spectroscopy of 34,35Si^{34,35}Si by β\beta decay: sd-fp shell gap and single-particle states

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    The 34,35Alβ^{34,35}Al\beta decays were studied at the CERN on-line mass separator ISOLDE by βγ,βγγ\beta-\gamma, \beta-\gamma-\gamma and βnγ\beta-n-\gamma measurements, in order to corroborate thelow-level description of 34Si^{34}Si and to obtain the first information on the level structure of the N=21 isotope 35Si^{35}Si. Earlier observed γ\gamma lines in 34Al^{34} Al decay were confirmed and new gamma transitions following both beta decay and β\beta-delayed neutron emission were established. The first level scheme in 35Si^{35}Si, including three excited states at 910, 974 and 2168 keV, is consistent with Jπ=3/2J^{\pi} =3/2^{-} and 3/2+3/2^{+} for the first two states respectively. Beta-decay half-life of T1/2=38.6(4)T_{1/2} = 38.6 (4) ms and beta-delayed neutron branching PnP_{n} value (Pn=41(13)(P_{n} =41(13) %) were measured unambiguously. The significance of the single-particle energy determination at N=21, Z=14, for assessing the effective interaction in sd-fp shell-model calculations, is discussed and illustrated by predictions for different n-rich isotopes

    Proton instability of 73^{73}Rb

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    The steps of territorial intelligence are based on the emergence of new fashions of exchange within the territory . It acts thus on the territorial visibility and hustles the places of strategic reflexion; by doing this, it takes part within the country, to make move the bond sociétal. This paper subjects a posture of collection and mutualisation of information within the territory

    Sharpening ECOSTRESS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Using Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel Surface Reflectances

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    Land surface temperature (LST) is a key diagnostic indicator of agricultural water use and crop stress. LST data retrieved from thermal infrared (TIR) band imagery, however, tend to have a coarser spatial resolution (e.g., 100 m for Landsat 8) than surface reflectance (SR) data collected from shortwave bands on the same instrument (e.g., 30 m for Landsat). Spatial sharpening of LST data using the higher resolution multi-band SR data provides an important path for improved agricultural monitoring at sub-field scales. A previously developed Data Mining Sharpener (DMS) approach has shown great potential in the sharpening of Landsat LST using Landsat SR data co-collected over various landscapes. This work evaluates DMS performance for sharpening ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) LST (~70 m native resolution) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) LST (375 m) data using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) SR data, providing the basis for generating 30-m LST data at a higher temporal frequency than afforded by Landsat alone. To account for the misalignment between ECOSTRESS/VIIRS and Landsat/HLS caused by errors in registration and orthorectification, we propose a modified version of the DMS approach that employs a relaxed box size for energy conservation (EC). Sharpening experiments were conducted over three study sites in California, and results were evaluated visually and quantitatively against LST data from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) flights and from Landsat 8. Over the three sites, the modified DMS technique showed improved sharpening accuracy over the standard DMS for both ECOSTRESS and VIIRS, suggesting the effectiveness of relaxing EC box in relieving misalignment-induced errors. To achieve reasonable accuracy while minimizing loss of spatial detail due to the EC box size increase, an optimal EC box size of 180–270 m was identified for ECOSTRESS and about 780 m for VIIRS data based on experiments from the three sites. Results from this work will facilitate the development of a prototype system that generates high spatiotemporal resolution LST products for improved agricultural water use monitoring by synthesizing multi-source remote sensing data

    β\beta-decay half-life of 70^{70}Kr: a bridge nuclide for the rp-process beyond A = 70

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    The β\beta-decay half-life of 70^{70}Kr has been measured for the first time at the ISOLDE PSB Facility at CERN. Mass separated 70^{70}Kr ions were produced by 1 GeV proton induced spallation reactions in a Nb foil. The measured half-life is 57(21) ms. This value is consistent with the half-life calculated assuming a pure Fermi decay, but is clearly lower than the value used in a recent rp-process reaction flow calculation. The result shows that the reaction flow via two-proton-capture of 68^{68}Se is 2.5 times faster than previously calculated assuming an astrophysical temperature of 1.5 GK and a density of 106^{6}g/cm3^{3}

    β\beta- decay of the proton-rich Tz=1/2_{z} = -1/2 nucleus, 71^{71}Kr

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    β\beta- decay of the Tz_{z} = - 1/2 nuclide 71^{71}Kr has been studied at the ISOLDE PSB Facility at CERN. 71^{71}Kr ions were produced in spallation reactions in a Nb foil using the 1 GeV proton beam and studied by means of β\beta-delayed proton, β\beta- and γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy. The half-life and the β\beta-decay energy of 71^{71}Kr were determined using the decay of protons and positrons. These results: T1/2_{1/2} = 100 ± 3 ms and QECQ_\textrm{EC} = 1014^{14} ± 0.32 MeV and the first observation of the b-branch to the 207 keV level in 71^{71}Br makes the extension of the systematics of Gamow-Teller matrix elements of mirror nuclei up to A = 71 possible. Gamow-Teller strength of the same magnitude as that of the fpfp-shell mirror nuclei is observed for the ground state transition