1,018 research outputs found

    A Review of Some Laboratory and Field Data for Checking Models of Rivers with Inbank and Overbank Flows

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Economic Growth Requires Good Highways

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    A general analytical model for lateral velocity distributions in vegetated channels

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    River hydrodynamicsOverbank flows and vegetatio

    A Racial Impact Analysis of HB 869/SB 274

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    Virginia is growing. Between 1990 and 2000, Virginia’s population rose by over 14% - the largest population growth experienced by the state in a single decade (Pollard, 2007). And the state continues to grow. It has been estimated that by 2030, Virginia’s total population may exceed 9.8 million people (Pollard, 2007). Along with population growth, land development has increased which in turn affects transportation, housing and job placement across the Commonwealth. In fact, in many parts of the state, development has outpaced population growth. According to Pollard, “If current patterns continue, Virginia will develop more land in the next 40 years than in the previous 400 years (p.8).” In an effort to curb sprawling development and decrease transportation expenditure, the Virginia General Assembly passed House Bill 3202 in 2007. One major outcome of this multifaceted legislation was the introduction of mandatory Urban Development Areas (UDAs). The goal of UDAs was for localities to concentrate growth and development in order to reduce the cost of transportation and increase opportunities to build multi-use developments and expand affordable housing. In 2012, the General Assembly passed House Bill 869 and Senate Bill 274 which effectively make UDAs no longer mandatory but optional for all localities in the Commonwealth. In this paper, we analyze the racial impact and explore the political history of HB 869/SB 274 while addressing the larger issue of sprawl across the Commonwealth. Smart Growth policies are known to positively impact the environment but they also positively impact low-income and minority communities by increasing access to housing, transportation and ultimately jobs. The story behind Urban Development Areas in the Commonwealth is one of politics and regulation but issues as critical as housing, transportation and job access should be focused much more on the citizens of the Commonwealth. The friction created by the UDA policy between the localities and the state has the potential to spark a statewide conversation about land use and more importantly - the need for people-centered solutions to a growing problem

    A comparison of overbank flow conditions in skewed and converging/diverging channels

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    River hydrodynamicsOverbank flows and vegetatio

    Experimental Investigation of the Dip Effect in Rectangular Channel

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    Two different data sets (LDA, propeller) were used to observe the occurrence of the dip effectin rectangular open channel flow for aspect ratios 1.5  B/H  12. The measured andcalculated velocity distributions are compared and three different situations are detected,depending on the magnitude of the aspect ratio (B/H). When B/H  5 no dip effect wasobserved and the measured distributions along the cross section were in very good agreementalong whole depth with the distributions as calculated by the entropy equation. When B/H < 2the calculated distributions diverge from the measured ones for all vertical lines along thecross section due to the effects of free surface and sidewall. The dip effect for 2≤ B/H <5 overthe cross section is found only for verticals near the sidewall, where equation applicability isrestricted. Herein, empirical correction for the entropy velocity distribution is proposed toaccount for dip effect. For validation propeller measurements were used. Relative velocityerrors by adjusted equation were found to be only 32% of that by the original entropyequation for the near-surface (z/H  0.75) region

    Genetic Manipulation of Adipose Cells to Improve Fatty Acid Composition of Meat

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    The purpose of this study is to modify adipose cells genetically in culture to produce cells that contain less saturated fat. To accomplish this objective, a fatty acid desaturase gene from castor beans will be transferred into adipose cells. Using cultured liver cells as a test system, the gene was successfully transferred into 12 different cultures of liver cells. We are currently studying the production of the corresponding RNA from the incorporated gene and the fatty acid composition of the transformed cells. Our next goal is to conduct similar activities using cultured adipose cells. Saturated fatty acids make up 40 to 55% of the total fat associated with meat. It has been demonstrated in animal and human studies that dietary saturated fatty acids (excluding C18:0) are hypercholesterolemic when compared with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, nutritional scientists must seek with urgency nutritional, managerial, and genetic protocols for decreasing the fat content and the proportion of saturated fatty acids in animal-derived foods

    Solving open channel flow problems with a simple lateral distribution model

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    Keynote Lecture

    Contributors to Dining Satisfaction of Residence Hall Students

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    Early writings on university housing show a connection between dining services and university residence halls (Riker & Lopez, 1 96 1 ) Regardless of how housing and dining programs are organized within the institution, the two entities are inevitably connected; living and eating go together. A recent annual study (Educational Benchmarking, Inc. (EBI), 2002) comparing four years of data cited satisfaction with dining as being one of the foremost predictors of overall residence satisfaction. This prominent relationship provides incentive for housing administrators to be more aware of students\u27 dining satisfaction. The purpose of this research was to examine contributors to residence hall students\u27 dining satisfaction at a large Midwestern university
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