30 research outputs found

    The importance of timely ophthalmologic examination in preterm infants at risk of retinopathy occurrence

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    Background/Aim. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a multifactorial disease in premature infants. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of ROP in children treated at the Center of Neonatology, Pediatric Clinic, Clinical Center in Kragujevac, Serbia. Methods. The study covered all children with birth weight below 2,000 g and/or gestational age below the 37th week, who from June 2006 to December 2009 underwent ophthalmological examination for ROP. The results of fundoscopy were classified in accordance with the International Classification of ROP. The treatment of infants and those with ROP was conducted in accordance with the early treatment of ROP study recommendations. We analyzed gestational age, birth weight and postconceptional age in two groups: healthy infants and those with severe form of ROP. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 16. Results. A total of 478 children met the criteria of screening for ROP. Severe stage of ROP, which required laser treatment, had 102 (21.3%) children. Out of the infants with severe ROP 14 (13.7%) of the infants with APD had aggressive posterior disease, while two (0.4%) remained blind. The differences in the mean values of gestational age between the healthy and the children with severe form of the disease were statistically significant (p < 0.0005). The mean value of gestational age for the healthy children was 33.33 ± 2.28 weeks and for the seek infants 30.66 ± 2.79 weeks. The mean value of the weight in healthy children was 1.981 ± 407 g, and in sick children 1.535 ± 434 g which was statistically significant (p < 0.0005). Multivariate binary logistic regression showed that the occurrence of the disease depends on body weight and gestational age. Conclusion. The incidence of severe forms of ROP was 21.3%. Aggressive form of ROP was present in 13.7% of the children. The cut-off value for body weight was 1.740 g, and for gestationl age 32.5 weeks

    Ex-ante assessment of air quality in EUSALPS and EUSAIR macro-regions: Towards a coordinated science-based approach in support of policy development

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    The study focuses on the air quality issues of the EUSALP and EUSAIR macro-regions and discusses areas for improvement to be considered in the development of their future strategies. Key areas where action is expected to be most effective, considering the particular features of the macro-regions, are those of residential heating, traffic and shipping emissions. A strengthened collaboration at the macro-regional level, especially between EU and non-EU countries, has the potential to boost environmental policies by promoting collaboration and exchange of best practices among cities and regions that face similar challenges.JRC.C.5-Air and Climat

    The role of biochemical markers as early indicators of cardiac damage and prognostic parameters of perinatal asphyxia

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    Background/Aim. In recent years, the focus of interest of the scientific community is the application of heart markers as early indicators and prognostic parameters of perinatal asphyxia (PA). The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of clinical application of heart markers in term newborns with perinatal asphyxia. Methods. During a 3- year period we analyzed 91 full-term newborns (55 with and 36 without perinatal asphyxia). In all the subjects within the first 24-48 h after birth, we simultaneously determined serum concentrations of cardiac troponin I, brain natriuretic peptide, MB fraction of creatine kinase (CK-MB) and Creactive protein. Results. In the group of full-term neonates with PA significantly higher levels of cardiac troponinI (p = 0.000), CK-MB fraction (p = 0.000), brain natriuretic peptide (p = 0.003) and C-reactive protein (p = 0.017) were found, compared to the group of healthy full-term newborns. In merged group (n = 91) cardiac troponin I level correlated with the fifth minute Apgar score (r = - 0.637, p = 0.000) and the serum lactate concentration in the first 12h after birth (r = 0.529, p = 0.000). Early increase in cardiac troponin I > 0.135 μg/L predicted the risk of death with the sensitivity of 84.6% and specificity of 85.9%, while the increase in CK-MB fraction, brain natriuretic peptide and C-reactive protein did not have a predictive value with respect to a mortality outcome. Conclusion. Among the tested cardiac markers, cardiac troponin I is the most sensitive and the only reliable early predictor of mortality in fullterm neonates with perinatal asphyxia

    Potrebe ozime pšenice za vodom obračunate CROPWAT 8.0 modelom i metodom vodnog bilansa u uslovima južne Srbije

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    The experimental investigation through field trials has been carried out in the river valley of Južna Morava, municipality of Merošina, on the alluvium soil type, during the period 2009-2011. Water used on evapotranspiration of winter wheat (289.5-410.7 mm) was measured by water balance method. Considering average for both investigated years, the highest grain yield of winter wheat was observed at the variant with pre-irrigation soil moisture 70% of FWC (7110 kg ha-1 and 7480 kg ha-1), so measured values of ET at this variant from 381.1 to 393.1 mm represent potential evapotranspiration (ETP) of winter wheat in southern Serbia. Calculated demand for water of winter wheat (ETc) by CROPWAT model for the season 2009/10 was 409.9 mm, while in the season 2010/11 calculated water consumption amounted 432.6 mm of water.Eksperimentalna istraživanja poljskim ogledom u uslovima navodnjavanja obavljena su u dolini reke Južna Morava, na aluvijalnom zemljištu u periodu 2009- 2011. Metodom vodnog bilansa izmeren je utrošak vode ozime pšenice na evapotranspiraciju (289,5–410,7 mm). Za obe godine istraživanja najviši prinosi zrna ozime pšenice dobijeni su na varijanti sa predzalivnom vlažnošću 70% od PVK (7110 kg ha-1 i 7480 kg ha-1), zato izmerene vrednosti ET na ovoj varijanti od 381,1 do 393,1 mm predstavljaju potencijalnu evapotranspiraciju (ETP) pšenice za uslove u južnoj Srbiji. Obračunate potrebe pšenice za vodom (ETc) CROPWAT modelom za sezonu 2009/10 bile su 442,7 mm, dok je u sezoni 2010/11 obračunat utrošak od 461,4 mm vode

    Prinos i kvalitet sorti ječma

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    This paper studied the variability of tree height, grain yield and protein content in different varieties of spring barley. Analyzed characteristics are varied when the investigated barley varieties. Average values of tree height varied from 75.6 cm (itinerary) to 83.0 cm by a cultivar of barley novosadski 488. The highest average yield was achieved double-row spring barley Viktor (5482 kg ha-1) and the lowest average grain yield achieved double-row spring barley novosadski 488 (4890 kg ha-1). The average height of the trees was 79.4 cm. Average grain yield was 5130 kg ha-1. Average protein content in all tested varieties amounted to 13%.U ovom radu je izučavana varijabilnost visine stabla, prinosa zrna i sadržaja proteina kod različitih sorti jarog ječma. Analizirane osobine su varirale kod izučavanih sorti ječma. Prosečne vrednosti visine stabla su varirale od 75,6 cm (jadran) do 83,0 cm koju je ispoljila sorta ječma novosadski 488. Najveći prosečan prinos zrna je ostvario dvoredi jari ječam viktor (5482 kg ha-1) a najmanji prosečni prinos zrna je ostvario dvoredi jari ječam novosadski 488 (4890 kg ha-1). Prosečna visina stabla je iznosila 79,4 cm. Prosečan prinos zrna je iznosio 5130 kg ha-1. Prosečan sadržaj proteina u zrnu kod svih ispitivanih sorti je iznosio 13%

    Hemijski sastav kukuruza i soje kao združenih useva u postrnoj setvi

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    In this study, the chemical composition of mixed crops of corn and soybeans in double cropping was investigated. Mixtures have uniform chemical composition in relation to the pure corn and soybeancrops. Mixtures of corn and soybean have resulted in higher content of protein, fat, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium compared to the pure corncrop. The quantity of nutrients in corn and soybean mixturemakes it a good forage for nutritionof ruminants.U ovim istraživanjima ispitivan je hemijski sastav kukuruza i soje i njihovih smeša u postrnoj setvi. Smeše imaju ujednačeniji hemijski sastav u odnosu na čist usev kukuruza i soje. Smeše kukuruza i soje su imale veći sadržaj proteina, masti, fosfora, kalcijima i magnezijuma u odnosu na čist usev kukuruza. Količine hranljivih materija u smešama kukuruza i soje predstavljaju dobru voluminoznu hranu za ishranu preživara

    Efekat načina navodnjavanja na intenzitet pojave plamenjače paprike

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of irrigation methods on the intensity of downy mildew peppers in terms of natural infection. On variants drip irrigation index diseases peppers was the lowest (2.6%), while the irrigation furrows was the highest (8.6%). The water in the furrows was very efficient the transferor infection. The most convenient way of irrigation in order to integral protection peppers from attacks Phytophthora capsici dropwise.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj načina navodnjavanja na intenzitet pojave plamenjače paprike u uslovima prirodne infekcije. Na varijanti navodnjavanja kapanjem indeks oboljenja paprike bio je najmanji (2,6%), dok je kod navodnjavanja brazdama bio najveći (8,6%).Voda u brazdama bila je vrlo efikasan prenosnik zaraze. Najpovoljniji način navodnjavanja u cilju integralne zaštite paprike od napada Phytophthora capsici je kap po kap

    Uticaj folijarne primene tečnog organskog đubriva na prinos i komponente prinosa semena crvene deteline na kiselom zemljištu

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    The field experiment with varieties of red clover K-39 and Amos, was set up on alluvial soil type using a randomized block design with three replications and plot size 5x1m. The aim was to analyze the effect of foliar application of liquid organic fertilizer (Bioplant flora, Plant DOO, Russia) on seed yield and yield components of red clover in the conditions of dense planting. Regardless of foliar application of liquid fertilizer, cultivar K-39 had a significantly higher number of inflorescences per stem, number of inflorescences m-2, seed number per inflorescence, fertility of flowers and seed yield. Foliar application of liquid fertilizer resulted in a significant increase in the value of yield components, especially fertility and the number of flowers per inflorescence in cultivar K-39.Poljski ogled sa sortama crvene deteline K-39 i Amos, postavljen je na zemljištu tipa aluvijum po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja i veličinom elementarne parcele 5x1m. Cilj rada bio je da se analizira uticaj folijarne primene tečniog organskog đubriva (Bioplant flora, Plant DOO, Rusija) na komponente prinosa i prinos semena crvene deteline u uslovima guste setve. Nezavisno od folijarne primene tečnog organskog đubriva, sorta K-39 je imala značajno veći broj cvasti po izdanku, broj cvasti m-2, broj zrna po cvasti, značajno veću fertilnost cvetova i prinos semena u odnosu na sortu Amos. Folijarna primena tečnog organskog đubriva uticala je na značajno povećanje vrednosti komponenti prinosa, a pre svega fertilnosti cvetova i broja zrna po cvasti kod sorte K-39

    Uticaj navodnjavanja na intenzitet pojave Venturia Inaequalis kod jabuke

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    The highest intensity of V. Inaequalis attack on apple leaf was noted in the control variant without application of fungicide. In the variant with pre-irrigation soil moisture, 80% of PVK was 26% and gradually decreased to control irrigation without irrigation (20%). The lowest infestation intensity was on the control variant without irrigation (0.6%), where treatment with the fungicide Score was performed. The largest percentage of the intensity of attack by V. Inaequalis on apple fruit was on the variant without chemical protection (6.2%), where pre-irrigation soil moisture was maintained at 80% of PVK. In all variants with chemical protection in irrigation conditions there was a low intensity of attack by V. Inaequalis (0.1-0.5%).Najveći intenzitet napada V. Inaequalis na lišću jabuke zabeležen je na kontrolnoj varijanti bez primene fungicida. Na kontrolnoj varijanti sa predzalivnom vlažnošću zemljišta 80% od PVK procenat zaraze bio je 26% i postepeno opadao ka kontrolnoj varijanti bez navodnjavanja (20%). Najmanji intenzitet zaraze je bio na kontrolnoj varijanti bez navodnjavanja (0,6%), gde je obavljen tretman sa fungicidom Score. Najveći procenat intenziteta napada V. Inaequalis na plodu jabuke bio je na varijanti bez hemijske zaštite (6,2%), gde je održavana predzalivna vlažnost zemljišta 80% od PVK. Na svim varijantama sa hemijskom zaštitom u uslovima navodnjavanja ostvaren je nizak intenzitet napada V. Inaequalis (0,1-0,5%)

    Prinos i evapotranspiracija ozime pšenice u rejonu Niša

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    The aim of this study was to determine the evapotranspiration of wheat, and the methods for calculating potential evapotranspiration and water needs of wheat for the area of Nis. On the experimental field produced wheat yield of 4.25 t ha-1. The total measured water consumption evapotranspiration was 319 mm. Calculated the coefficient of utilization of water (WUE) of wheat of 13.3 kg ha-1 mm-1. Linear regression analysis between measured ET and calculated ETPo determined highly significant correlations.Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi evapotranspiracija pšenice, a metodama za obračun potencijalne evapotranspiracije i potrebe za vodom pšenice za rejon Niša. Na oglednom polju dobijen je prinos zrna pšenice od 4,25 t ha-1. Ukupan izmeren utrošak vode na evapotranspiraciju bio je 319 mm. Obračunat je koeficijent iskorišćenosti vode (WUE) pšenice od 13,3 kg ha-1 mm-1. Analizom linearne regresije između izmerene ET i obračunate ETPo utvrđena je visoko signifikantna korelacija