3 research outputs found

    Tourist\u27s Perception of Safety in the Republic of Croatia in 2019

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    This research has examined the attitudes and perceptions of tourists that visited the Republic of Croatia (RH) during the summer of 2019 about the perception of safety in RH, especially on general security, as well as food safety, personal safety, epidemic safety, and natural disasters. Also, we have examined the confidence in Croatian services, such as the police, rescue services, medical emergency, etc. Almost all the safety components were above 4, which indicates that the tourists in Croatia feel safe and trust the services. This research could be a significant tool for improving the policies for attracting the tourists during and after the pandemic

    The effect of primer cap material on firing pin impression marks

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    Cilj: Ispitati utjecaj različitih materijala izrade inicijalnih kapsula na izgled i dimenzije tragova udarne igle. Metode: U istraživanju je analizirano sveukupno 75 čahura koje su podijeljene u četiri skupine po proizvođačima, tri skupine po 19 te jedna skupina s 18 komada čahura. Na svakoj čahuri izmjereno je osam mjera traga udarne igle na inicijalnoj kapsuli. Ispitana je ponovljivost mjerenja za sve mjere te razlike u koriÅ”tenim mjerama u odnosu na vrste strjeljiva. Rezultati: Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika među strjeljivom čija je inicijalna kapsula izrađena od niklovanog mesinga u usporedbi sa strjeljivom čija je inicijalna kapsula napravljena od običnog mesinga. Također, statistički značajne razlike pronađene su i među vrstama strjeljiva čija je inicijalna kapsula izrađena od istog materijala (mjedi). Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da materijali izrade inicijalne kapsule imaju utjecaj na izgled traga udarne igle.Aim: To examine the effect of the primer cap material on the dimensions of the firing pin impressions. Methods: This research used 75 samples of cartridges divided in four groups by ammunition manufacturer, three groups of 19 samples and one group with 18 samples. 8 measures of firing pin impression were made on each sample. The repeatability of the measurements for all measures and the differences in the measures used in relation to the types of ammunition were examined. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between ammunition whose primer cap is made of nickel plated brass when compared with ammunition made of brass. Also, significant differences were found between three other groupswhose primer cap were made of the same material (brass). Conclusion: This research has shown that the type of material of the primer cap has significant impact on the dimensions of the firing pin impression

    The effect of primer cap material on firing pin impression marks

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    Cilj: Ispitati utjecaj različitih materijala izrade inicijalnih kapsula na izgled i dimenzije tragova udarne igle. Metode: U istraživanju je analizirano sveukupno 75 čahura koje su podijeljene u četiri skupine po proizvođačima, tri skupine po 19 te jedna skupina s 18 komada čahura. Na svakoj čahuri izmjereno je osam mjera traga udarne igle na inicijalnoj kapsuli. Ispitana je ponovljivost mjerenja za sve mjere te razlike u koriÅ”tenim mjerama u odnosu na vrste strjeljiva. Rezultati: Pronađena je statistički značajna razlika među strjeljivom čija je inicijalna kapsula izrađena od niklovanog mesinga u usporedbi sa strjeljivom čija je inicijalna kapsula napravljena od običnog mesinga. Također, statistički značajne razlike pronađene su i među vrstama strjeljiva čija je inicijalna kapsula izrađena od istog materijala (mjedi). Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da materijali izrade inicijalne kapsule imaju utjecaj na izgled traga udarne igle.Aim: To examine the effect of the primer cap material on the dimensions of the firing pin impressions. Methods: This research used 75 samples of cartridges divided in four groups by ammunition manufacturer, three groups of 19 samples and one group with 18 samples. 8 measures of firing pin impression were made on each sample. The repeatability of the measurements for all measures and the differences in the measures used in relation to the types of ammunition were examined. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between ammunition whose primer cap is made of nickel plated brass when compared with ammunition made of brass. Also, significant differences were found between three other groupswhose primer cap were made of the same material (brass). Conclusion: This research has shown that the type of material of the primer cap has significant impact on the dimensions of the firing pin impression