8 research outputs found

    Preventive programme for improving oral health in primary school children in Banjaluka

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    Introduction. Dental caries and periodontal disease are the most frequent oral diseases and therefore determine oral health condition. The aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of the preventive programme for improving oral health in primary school children from first to fourth grade in Banjaluka. Material and methods.. Triennial study started in 2005 and included 911 second grade and 1491 fourth grade pupils in primary schools in Banjaluka. The study was completed in 2008. In the school year of 2007/08, 885 fourth grade pupils (examined in 2005. as second grade pupils) who were comprised by prevention program were reexamined. Dental check-ups were conducted by dentists on daylight using dental mirror and dental probe. Caries prevalence was analyzed using the DMFT index while oral hygiene was assessed using oral hygiene index (OHI). Results. The structure of DMFT among the second grade pupils (in the school year 2005/06) showed that the dominant component of DMFT was for healthy teeth (81%), followed by decayed (14%) and filled teeth (5%). The average value of OHI was 1.47 for this group of pupils. The structure of DMFT in the fourth grade pupils (in the year 2005/06) showed that the dominant component of DMFT was also for healthy teeth (75%). The next were decayed (18%) and filled teeth (7%). The average value of OHI was 1.60. Data analyses in the school year 2007/08 from the fourth grade pupils (who were second grade pupils during the school year 2005/06) and were comprised by preventive programme, showed that DMFT had the dominant component of healthy teeth (81%) followed by 10% of decayed teeth and 8% of filled teeth. Extracted teeth were only 1%. OHI was 0.95. Conclusion. The preventive programme applied in primary schools in Banjaluka since 2005. decreased the number of oral diseases and improved oral hygiene among the children who participated in this program


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    Incidentalomi nadbubrežne žlijezde jesu tumori otkriveni tijekom dijagnostičke evaluacije nekoga drugog kliničkog stanja. Tehnološki napredak radioloških uređaja i njihova sve veća upotreba u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi doveli su do češćeg otkrivanja ovih tumora čineći njihovu dijagnostiku i liječenje jednim od najvažnijih izazova moderne endokrinologije. Radi racionalnog pristupa ovim bolesnicima radna skupina koju su činili vodeći hrvatski stručnjaci iz područja bolesti nadbubrežne žlijezde, na temelju relevantne znanstvene literature i postojećih smjernica europskih i svjetskih društava, donijela je preporuke za dijagnostiku i liječenje incidentaloma nadbubrežne žlijezde.Adrenal incidentalomas are tumours of adrenal glands discovered during diagnostic workup for other clinical condition unrelated to adrenal glands. Improvement in imaging techniques and their widespread use in everyday practice have increased detection of adrenal incidentalomas making their management one of the most important challenges of modern endocrinology. Based on the relevant medical literature and guidelines of other international societies a panel of Croatian leading experts in adrenal gland disorders provide practical recommendations for the diagnostics and treatment of adrenal incidentaloma

    Proizvodnja i percepcija govora

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    Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa

    Proizvodnja i percepcija govora

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    Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana. Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa

    Visual Archive Southeastern Europe - SIBA: A Visual Approach to Explore Everyday Life in Turkish and Yugoslav Cities, 1920s and 1930s

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    The main objective of the Visual Archive Southeastern Europe (VASE) is to assemble historical and contemporary visual materials from this region of Europe. VASE seeks to draw attention to the image as a primary source, to promote visual studies as a technique and method and thereby to enrich predominantly text-based historical-anthropological research. By providing access to different types of images - e.g. photographs and postcards - VASE aims to enhance reflection on (self-)images of Southeastern Europe, both within the academic community as well as in society in general. The database may not be used for commercial purposes. Sarajevo Istanbul Belgrade Ankara - all four cities shared a common past under the Ottoman Empire, and all underwent a period of accelerated modernization and urbanization in the decades before and after World War I when they were incorporated into the new Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia respectively. The SIBA project conducted by Prof. Nataša Mišković, Joël László, Milanka Matić and Yorick Tanner, and in collaboration with Prof. Mehmed Akšamija, Cengiz Kahraman, Dr. Ranka Gašić, Miloš Jurišić, Goran Knežević and Kristina Ilić, explores the social, cultural, political and urban development of these cities in the interwar period, focusing on the work of local press photographers