61 research outputs found

    Preventive programme for improving oral health in primary school children in Banjaluka

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    Introduction. Dental caries and periodontal disease are the most frequent oral diseases and therefore determine oral health condition. The aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of the preventive programme for improving oral health in primary school children from first to fourth grade in Banjaluka. Material and methods.. Triennial study started in 2005 and included 911 second grade and 1491 fourth grade pupils in primary schools in Banjaluka. The study was completed in 2008. In the school year of 2007/08, 885 fourth grade pupils (examined in 2005. as second grade pupils) who were comprised by prevention program were reexamined. Dental check-ups were conducted by dentists on daylight using dental mirror and dental probe. Caries prevalence was analyzed using the DMFT index while oral hygiene was assessed using oral hygiene index (OHI). Results. The structure of DMFT among the second grade pupils (in the school year 2005/06) showed that the dominant component of DMFT was for healthy teeth (81%), followed by decayed (14%) and filled teeth (5%). The average value of OHI was 1.47 for this group of pupils. The structure of DMFT in the fourth grade pupils (in the year 2005/06) showed that the dominant component of DMFT was also for healthy teeth (75%). The next were decayed (18%) and filled teeth (7%). The average value of OHI was 1.60. Data analyses in the school year 2007/08 from the fourth grade pupils (who were second grade pupils during the school year 2005/06) and were comprised by preventive programme, showed that DMFT had the dominant component of healthy teeth (81%) followed by 10% of decayed teeth and 8% of filled teeth. Extracted teeth were only 1%. OHI was 0.95. Conclusion. The preventive programme applied in primary schools in Banjaluka since 2005. decreased the number of oral diseases and improved oral hygiene among the children who participated in this program

    Antigenotoxic effect of plant extracts

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    This report reviews our study of antigenotoxic compounds from medicinal and aromatic plants performed over several years. The studies of this type are aimed at understanding the protective mechanisms which may be relevant for the primary prevention of cancer and other mutation-related diseases. Antigenotoxic potential in this study is estimated with prokaryotic and eukaryotic tests measuring spontaneous and induced mutations, recombination, mutagenic repair, chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei. Our results indicate that monoterpenoids from sage act as modulators of DNA repair pathways, whereas sage antioxidants interfere with metabolic activation enzymes. The potential use of sage extracts in cancer prevention is discussed


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    Studies have shown that in everyday school activities the predominating forms of learning are characterized by individualism and competition. Such atmosphere of individualism and competition can hardly have a positive influence on the development and stimulation of studentsā€™ competence in teaching literature. The focus of interactive learning is not only on cognitive competences, which the traditional teaching insists on, but also on the emotional, social and working competences, which are developed in the process of reception and interpretation of literary and artistic texts. This paper presents the results of experimental research of the effects of interactive learning on the development of studentsā€™ reading skills in teaching literature. The effects of interactive learning are expressed through a higher degree of development of cognitive, emotional, social and working competences of students.Istraživanja su pokazala da u svakodnevnim Å”kolskim deÅ”avanjima dominiraju oblici učenja koje karakteriÅ”e individualizam i takmičenje. TeÅ”ko da atmosfera individualizma i takmičenja može uticati na razvijanje i podsticanje kompetencija učenika u nastavi književnosti. Fokus interaktivnog učenja nije samo na kognitivnim kompetencijama na čemu insistira uobičajena nastava nego i na emocionalnim, socijalnim i radno-akcionim kompetencijama. U radu su prezentovani rezultati eksperimentalnog istraživanja uticaja interaktivnog učenja na razvijenost kompetencija učenika u nastavi književnosti. Efekti interaktivnog učenja ispoljavaju se kroz veći stepen razvijenosti kognitivnih,emocionalnih, socijalnih i radno-akcionih kompetencija učenika

    The inscription on the fresco "St. Nicholas takes Basil from the house of emir" in the Church of St. Nicholas in Ramaea as a historical source

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    This paper explores the contents and historical context of the Cyrillic inscription written in old Serbian language with some Turkish words on the fresco "St. Nicholas takes Basil from the house of Emir" from the Church of St. Nicholas in Ramada. Based on an analysis of the historical circumstances and events that took place at the end of the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth century on the Balkan Peninsula and especially in the Lazarevic Principality, it is assumed that the presence of Turkish words in the mentioned inscription implies the influences of Islamic heterodox dervishes in the Christian milieu. The dating of the fresco painting from the Church in Ramada can be narrowed down to the time of the reign of Stefan Lazarevic

    The design of a full flow dilution tunnel with a critical flow Venturi for the measurement of diesel engine particulate emission

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    Na osnovu međunarodnih standarda, potreba korisnika i zahteva proizvođača realizovan je tunel za razređenje izduvnih gasova. Pri konstruisanju tunela uzet je u obzir niz ograničenja definisanih u standardima o kontroli emisije i izboru venturija. Potrebni podaci pri definisanju osnovnog koncepta tunela dobijeni su iz brojnih ispitivanja emisije obavljenih u Institutu IMR. U radu je takođe prikazan i kraći postupak proračuna dimenzija venturija kritičnog strujanja. Posebna pažnja je posvećena merenju emisije čestica koristeći metodu razređenja izduvnog gasa, Å”to ne dozvoljava koriŔćenje jednostavnih termodinamičkih i strujnih parametara. Usvojen je metod određivanja emisije čestica za dva krajnja slučaja koja se mogu pojaviti tokom ispitivanja. Koristeći rezulate proračuna konstruisan je i izrađen tunel za razblaženje punog protoka sa venturijem kritičnog strujanja koji je zatim ispitan u Institutu IMR.An appropriate type of dilution tunnel is chosen, based on the international standards, user's needs and the manufacturer's requirements. During the design process, a number of restrictions specified in the standards for emission and Venturis were taken into account. The data required to address basic concepts were obtained from numerous emission tests performed at the IMR Institute. A short algorithm of calculation of the critical flow Venturi (CFV) is also presented. Specific attention is paid to the problems of the measurement of particulate emissions using the dilution method, which does not allow us to use the unique thermodynamic and flow parameters. A method of evaluation of particulate emissions for two extreme cases which were expected during the tests was adopted. Using the results of calculations, a full flow dilution tunnel with CFV was manufactured and tested at the IMR Institute

    Laboratory diagnostics of chronic kidney disease in Croatia: state of the art

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    Introduction: Early identification and management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is highly cost-effective and can reduce the risk of kidney failure progression and cardiovascular disease. In 2014, the Joint Croatian Working Group (JCWG) for laboratory diagnostic of CKD on the behalf of Croatian society of medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine (CSMBLM) and Croatian chamber of medical biochemists (CCMB) conducted a survey across Croatian medical-biochemistry laboratories to assess the current practice in this area of laboratory medicine. The aim of this study was to present the data collected through the survey and to give insight about laboratory diagnostics of chronic kidney disease in Croatia. Materials and methods: An invitation to participate in the survey was sent to all Croatian medical-biochemistry laboratories (N = 196). The questionnaire was designed in a form of questions and statements, with possible multiple answers, comprising 24 questions. Results: The response rate was 80/196 (40.8%). 39 answers were from primary medical-biochemistry laboratories. 31/78 (0.40) laboratories measure creatinine with non-standardized method (uncompensated Jaffe method). 58/78 (0.74) of laboratories that measure creatinine do not report eGFR values. Similar number of laboratories (58/80, 0.73) do not measure urine albumin or protein. Conclusions: There is a large heterogeneity among Croatian laboratories regarding measuring methods, reporting units and reference intervals (cut-off values), both for creatinine and urine albumin or protein. The two key prerequisites for CKD screening, automatic reporting of eGFR and albuminuria or proteinuria assessment, are not implemented nationwide. There is a need for harmonization in laboratory diagnostics of CKD in Croati

    Ispitivanje antivirusne aktivnosti ekstrakata žalfije Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae)

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    In the present study, we examined cytotoxicity and extracellular and intracellular antiviral activity of fracĀ­tionated extracts of wild and cultivated sage Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) in vitro using the WISH-VSV model system. Extracts were obtained by fractionating depigmented ethanol extracts of sage plants with supercritical CO2 at different pressures. Cytotoxicity was determined by examining cellular morphology in situ with the aid of a colorimetric micromethod and by cell staining with trypan blue. The fraction of distilled cultivated sage obtained at CO2 pressure of 300 bars and temperature of 60Ā°C (149/3) was the most cytotoxic, with CTD10 44 Ī¼g/ml. That of non-distilled cultivated sage obtained at CO2 pressure of 500 bars and temperature of 100Ā°C (144/5) was the least toxic (CTD10 199 Ī¼g/ml). Moreover, 144/5 had an antiviral effect at the intracellular level: when added 5 hours before VSV infection, it caused 100% reduction of CPE at concentrations of 99.5 and 199.0 Ī¼g/ml; when added after virus penetration had occurred, the same concentrations caused 35 and 60% reduction, respectively. The obtained results indicate that antiviral activity of 144/5 involves inhibition of the early steps of the virus infective cycle without a direct virucidal effect. Abbreviations: WISH - human amnion epithelial cells, VSV - vesicular stomatitis virus, HSV - herpes simplex virus, CPE - cytopathic effect, IS - selectivity index, TCID50 - tissue culture infective dose, CTD10 - 10% cytotoxic concentrations.U radu je ispitivana antiviralna aktivnost različito frakcionisanih ekstrakata divlje i gajene žalfije Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) u in vitro uslovima koristeći WISH-VSV model sistem. Ekstrakti su dobijeni frakcionisanjem depigmentisanog etanolnog biljnog ekstrakta pod različitim pritiskom CO2. Citotoksičnost je određivana praćenjem ćelijske morfologije in situ, i bojenjem ćelija sa tripan plavim. Frakcija gajene žalfije dobijena na CO2 pritisku od 300 bara i temperaturi od 60Ā°C (149/3) je pokazala najveću citotoksičnost (CTD10 44 Ī¼g/ml). Frakcija nedestilisane gajene žalfije dobijena na CO2 pritisku od 500 bara i temperaturi od 100Ā°C (144/5) je pokazala najmanju toksičnost (CTD10 199 Ī¼g/ml). Takođe, frakcija 144/5 je pokazala i antiviralni efekat na intracelularnom nivou: kada se ćelije tretiraju 5 sati pre VSV infekcije, redukcija CPE je bila 100% na koncentraciji od 99.5 i 199.0 Ī¼g/ml; kada se ćelije tretiraju posle ulaska virusa u ćeliju na istim koncentarcijama redukcija CPE izĀ­nosi 35% odnosno 60%. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da frakcija 144/5 ima antiviralnu aktivnost koja se ostvaruje krozinhibiciju ranih stupnjeva viralne infekcije bezdirektnog virucidalnog efekta
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